>MYTH: 4chanSavior is retarded
TRUTH: 4chanSavior is actually a highly intelligent, sensitive young man. 4chanSavior scored a 2220 on his SAT (out of 2400) and many people have told him how smart he is. 4chanSavior knows he is probably smarter than the people calling him stupid and he pities them for being so dumb and helpless.

>MYTH: 4chanSavior is gay
TRUTH: 4chanSavior is bisexual and just so you know he has had sex with girls too, so this is just not true at all.

>MYTH: 4chanSavior is a tranny
TRUTH: No I'm not shut up

>MYTH: 4chanSavior should kill himself
TRUTH: 4chanSavior's mom really loves him and he is a valued employee, it would be a waste if he killed himself. This is also a very mean thing to say because 4chanSavior has had some suicide attempts in the past and it's very insensitive to try to make him kill himself like that.

>MYTH: 4chanSavior is schizophrenic
TRUTH: 4chanSavior was diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder, but really he probably isn't, it's probably just that his social working was a FUCKING BITCH.

>MYTH: 4chanSavior is autistic
TRUTH: 4chanSavior is not autistic, and if he really is schizotypal then that's like the opposite of autism anyhow (see

>MYTH: 4chanSavior is ugly
TRUTH: 4chanSavior is at least a 5/10 and he has been told he is very handsome.

>MYTH: You should filter 4chanSavior
TRUTH: 4chanSavior makes very high quality posts and it would be a complete waste to filter him, you would only be missing out on his creative and interesting posts.

Let me know if you have any more questions or concerns about 4chanSavior, I'm an expert on him.

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Other urls found in this thread:

have sex with a meat grinder

Who are you? And why are you talking about yourself in a third person? And why should I know who you are?

Attached: Candytails.gif (390x293, 456.85K)

>he talks about himself in the third person

Attached: feelsbadman.jpg (250x243, 6.96K)

>Who are you?
Why 4chanSavior of course.

>And why are you talking about yourself in a third person?
To make people laugh.

>And why should I know who you are?
I've been posting intermittently for the last year and a half or so with this tripcode.

I'm here from /twg/ to tell you you're a nigger

Attached: 1583500652754.png (854x619, 153.8K)

Fair enough. Proceed.


Attached: 1499216070953.jpg (600x500, 37.32K)

Stupid fucking gay thread.

>MYTH: this thread is fucking stupid and gay
TRUTH: This thread is very funny and informative, and everybody should bump it so that more people see it

Attached: 1584889425454.jpg (744x1052, 190.42K)

how many apples can u fit in ur mouth technically if u made a smoothie of 100 apples and then fit the whole thing in ur mouth u ate 9000 apples

anyone who has to avatar/trip fag has nothing of value to offer. There is a reason why you need to identify yourself out of the masses and it isn't because of some skill that makes you better. You just want the attention. That is all. Stop trying to act special you are nothing. So how about you gtfo and leave this please we don't want you here.

You made a typo
*social worker

Okay buddy. What in the Sam Hill am I looking at here?

>not understanding him
Hes debunking the myths people have said about him
People enjoy powertripping and rewriting history so I think its meaningless but a very well meaning endeavor

literally who is this faggoterino? a tranny perhaps

Why don't you just explain who this guy is to start off. I have know clue who this "Yas Forums saviour" is

idk niggas Im startin to believe he might be a tranner mmm

Never took SAT but clinical psychologist graded me at 131 overall IQ and and a 128 linguistic skill. Let's be honest none of these stats mean shit unless you are in an academic setting. Hell people who are naturally intelligent really know how little they actually know. The fact you are trying to humble brag like this tells me you do not have a very high intelligence. I mean trying to defend yourself and justify shit on a anime forum really only backs that conjecture up. Get some humility shut the fuck up and gtfo. You couldn't save yourself from a paper bag what do you actually believe you can do here besides being autistic?

I think is a tranner anone

Thanks bro I missed that.

Bad opinion. I used to moderate an altchan, and I could look through people's post history. One of the most commonly requested rule additions was "remove the name field", and all of the people begging for it tended to be dumb, hostile jackasses, the kind of mean, stupid people who plague image boards generally.

I don't think intelligent people care if you use a trip. Intelligent people, if anything, WANT you to use a trip so they can filter you if you post garbage. I think most people who vehemently hate tripfags are either memespouting parrots or they're envious faggots who hate when other people get attention. Tripfags are flat out giving you the means to ignore them, if they really are such shitty people you should be grateful for that.

I post with a trip because it means there is a small chance I can get something out of this. I could make an internet friend here, I can find my posts easier if I'm curious about one later, I can receive feedback on what sort of person I am. Those are all minor things, but without them this is even more of a complete waste of my time.

Most people here would be better off if they were posting with trips and building relationships with one another. Posting would be more intimidating, but people would get more out of it. The posts themselves aren't valuable (in fact most are pretty awful), the people are.

In the time I've been on Yas Forums almost all the tripfags have disappeared, but things have not gotten any better. I honestly, sincerely, 100% would prefer if more people started tripfagging again.

>you just want attention
Everybody does user. Even (You).

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Wtf are you even on. This is supposed to be an anonymous image board. Hell for a long time people would be little trips why tripfag exists. You clearly know very little about 4chins history. Maybe go back to where you came from. A (you) to me means absolutely nothing. Only the response. I hope they remove the name field like they did in the early days and I hope more people start hating on trips more. You people are a bane to this place. You people have always been shit.

Take a look at this guy. Altchan janny

It was around five years ago.

>This is supposed to be an anonymous image board
Yas Forums is made to host communities, it's not intended to embody anything. The mere existence of the name field suggests that this website wasn't founded on the basis of militant anonymity.

you are fucking retarded faggot namefagging goes against the principles of the ib culture this is not a social network you normie scum

originami response goes here

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What culture? Yas Forums no longer has a community or identity; greentext and feel threads have become rare and there is almost no original content outside of Wojak edits. We are left with a vacuum, a high school Yas Forums equivalent, and we must choose what to become. I have a proposal: Yas Forums will be a tripfag board. Everybody who posts here should use a trip. If somebody doesn't use a trip, shame them.

The effects should be rapid and dramatic. Soon, people will have identities attached to their posts. Posters will no longer be able to go into fembot feel threads every day and bitch about how women cannot be robots, as if anybody is unfamiliar with that sentiment, and get away with it. People who post in bad bait threads, spew garbage, and act like retards can be identified, mocked, and filtered.

Additionally, Yas Forums will rapidly become the most reviled board on Yas Forums. Anybody from Yas Forums or Yas Forums will come here and think it is the most circle jerking, cancerous pile of shit they've ever seen. And they'll leave, which is a very good thing.

It will be more difficult to be an overly abrasive retard without people being mean to you in turn. The board will generally, in my estimation, be considerably better and more constructive for anybody who posts here regularly or puts in effort.

>go back to red.dit
It is ruined by a moronic upvote system. I'm only giving you the opportunity to filter people you hate instead of having to put up with them. Feel free to filter me, if you like, and you won't ever have to read anything I write again.

To post with a tripcode, enter User-Id##Password into the name field of your posts. You may as well try it out for a day to see what it's like.

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Oh this is an interesting opinion maybe i even agree with this guy
Nevermind. You thread is gay and so is your stretched anus

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You clearly know no history of this board. Why it was created or for what purpose. Anonymity was always at the for front here from the start. One of the reasons moot created this. There was actually no name fields at the start. I don't recall why it was put back in but using it has always been dissuaded from use unless throwing away being anonymous was really that important to the thread. Anons would chase away trip fags always. It wasn't until you people started using this place as a social media website did this shit go down hill and creativity die. Take your bullshit back to alt chan. You are not the culture we want here.

Perfidious revisionist LIAR. Why must you fucking LIE to everybody like that??

lol 2012 how long have you been on Yas Forums? I was on here when there was no name fields at all. Jesus Christ. This is the exact reason why a bunch of zoomers are going to grow up not knowing what the fuck 9/11 even is.

God Moot was such a cutie, I miss him before he got pozzed by feminist pussy.

I wasn't here in early 2004 so I don't know for sure, but that's a video of Moot talking about the earliest days of Yas Forums.

Also I KNOW you're a lying BITCH because Futaba also has a name field and Moot stole code from Futaba, so that just goes to show that you're fucking LYING.

Attached: 2chan-name-field.png (738x537, 57.56K)