What do I do if seeing how slutty modern women are it makes me want to fucking murder and rape them...

What do I do if seeing how slutty modern women are it makes me want to fucking murder and rape them? I just scream in my head all day about how I hate women.

Before 2014 I was fine and then it’s like everything changed and women became a mindless brain dead slut organism that just follows a hive mind like a slut bee or something.

Tehe I’m a slut. lil peep and drugs. I’m a slut. I’m trash. Oh no I ruined a relationship being a slut. Tehe I’m gonna go be a slut again. Tehe it was the past. OMG I GOT RAPED BEING A SLUT! tehe I’m gonna walk around a festival naked. Daddy bdsm stuffies trash. ITS MY BODY. Instagram banned me for posting nudes again. Tehe I’m a slut

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You couldn't murder a women even if you tried.

Oh I could roast

Because it's in their nature. It isn't fair to hate them for it.

Female penguins will literally whore themselves out to other males aside from the male they had young with for protection, food etc. Same with primates, the females will mate with the male they perceive as the strongest, them leave him if a new stronger male comes along. Female rats and dolphins fuck multiple males for fun.
It's the same for women hating men for being pigs. It's biologically ingrained within us to fuck as many women as as we can. The natural behaviour of both men and women is what has ensured the survival of our species. Your mom was a whore, my mom was a whore. Your dad was a pig, my dad was a pig. Even if you're a religious, pure sort who has only been with one person in marriage you're still a sexual being that has desires, feelings, fantasies etc.

I know how you feel. It sometimes makes me depressed that I will literally never find a pure, virgin girl. That I will never get to experience losing my virginity to a girl who's also a virgin. Experiencing things together for the first time.

Do it. Go to a nightclub or university campus and ERadicate them. Get Chads too.

Its the fact they mock guys and egg them off. I just looked at a girl Instagram profile randomly and she was showing off her tits and talking about how she wants to be a slut and then posted some lonely guy DMing her and laughing at him and then posted a meme saying “girls will be hoes and then listen to all girls are the same by juice world and post the song” and shes like teheheheh thats me XD!

Plus penguins can take that bitch behind a fucking polar ice cape and rape her so bad that she has 3 generations worth of kids

Dude i was happy pre 2014 that i could date girls who at least only had sex in relationships now its just nothing but fucking hookup sluts and raped whores

At least you've had sex. I am the definition of an incel and there is no hope for me.

I’m an incel too dude i have been since 2014. The entire world flipped upside down and became a living hell.

I've never so much as been on a date with a girl. Girls look at me with disgust. What hurts me the most is there are girls out there, who are my type, who are virgins too. But guess what? Some douchebag comes along and gets to fuck them, take their virginity while i'm left jerking off to disgusting porn like a loser.