What do I do if seeing how slutty modern women are it makes me want to fucking murder and rape them...

What do I do if seeing how slutty modern women are it makes me want to fucking murder and rape them? I just scream in my head all day about how I hate women.

Before 2014 I was fine and then it’s like everything changed and women became a mindless brain dead slut organism that just follows a hive mind like a slut bee or something.

Tehe I’m a slut. lil peep and drugs. I’m a slut. I’m trash. Oh no I ruined a relationship being a slut. Tehe I’m gonna go be a slut again. Tehe it was the past. OMG I GOT RAPED BEING A SLUT! tehe I’m gonna walk around a festival naked. Daddy bdsm stuffies trash. ITS MY BODY. Instagram banned me for posting nudes again. Tehe I’m a slut

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You couldn't murder a women even if you tried.

Oh I could roast

Because it's in their nature. It isn't fair to hate them for it.

Female penguins will literally whore themselves out to other males aside from the male they had young with for protection, food etc. Same with primates, the females will mate with the male they perceive as the strongest, them leave him if a new stronger male comes along. Female rats and dolphins fuck multiple males for fun.
It's the same for women hating men for being pigs. It's biologically ingrained within us to fuck as many women as as we can. The natural behaviour of both men and women is what has ensured the survival of our species. Your mom was a whore, my mom was a whore. Your dad was a pig, my dad was a pig. Even if you're a religious, pure sort who has only been with one person in marriage you're still a sexual being that has desires, feelings, fantasies etc.

I know how you feel. It sometimes makes me depressed that I will literally never find a pure, virgin girl. That I will never get to experience losing my virginity to a girl who's also a virgin. Experiencing things together for the first time.

Do it. Go to a nightclub or university campus and ERadicate them. Get Chads too.

Its the fact they mock guys and egg them off. I just looked at a girl Instagram profile randomly and she was showing off her tits and talking about how she wants to be a slut and then posted some lonely guy DMing her and laughing at him and then posted a meme saying “girls will be hoes and then listen to all girls are the same by juice world and post the song” and shes like teheheheh thats me XD!

Plus penguins can take that bitch behind a fucking polar ice cape and rape her so bad that she has 3 generations worth of kids

Dude i was happy pre 2014 that i could date girls who at least only had sex in relationships now its just nothing but fucking hookup sluts and raped whores

At least you've had sex. I am the definition of an incel and there is no hope for me.

I’m an incel too dude i have been since 2014. The entire world flipped upside down and became a living hell.

I've never so much as been on a date with a girl. Girls look at me with disgust. What hurts me the most is there are girls out there, who are my type, who are virgins too. But guess what? Some douchebag comes along and gets to fuck them, take their virginity while i'm left jerking off to disgusting porn like a loser.

Same here. All i can do is talk to girls for 2-3 days and they ghost and cuck me and run off being a slut

Wanna talk on discord

I'm a bit paranoid about revealing any of my personal info, what's your id?

What a horrible human being you are. There is evil in the world and you are its representative OP

Can you post the discord ID in a pastebin link and post the link here or do a throwaway email?

Sounds like you don't respect all women because a few women are attention whores

I'm Male but you seem like one of those passive aggressive guys who just keep everything bottled up

Its more than that. OP is a true sociopath. I just long for the day law enforcement will preemptively take these guys off the street.

I created a alt one, here inkwell99#7012

He wants to get rid of people he doesn't like too, maybe you could be friends.

Dude its 95% and 100% of the ones i talk to

Do you know why you have these thoughts? It's because you are a pussy. You're never gonna get to have sex or a girlfriend, if you dont get some confidence and ask women out. You can't find a god girl, mostly because all the "good girls" are dating someone who actually had the balls to approach them and ask then out. sitting in your basement, whining about not getting laid, is no one's fault but your own. Grow some nuts, start asking women out, its the only way. Online profiles are a joke for men, no woman is going to hit you up, and even mildly attractive women get 100's of DM's a day.

Get out of your comfort zone, go to a bar or party and approach a woman. Introduce yourself, ask to buy her a drink. Ask her questions, have a couple of jokes ready to go. The say"it was really nice meeting you, I would like to take you out sometime, can I have your phone number.

Wait 3 days..Call do not text..when she answers tell her "I found this really cool place for dinner and drinks, what works better for you, Friday or Saturday. Make plans then tell her you're really busy and got to go. Awkward conversation on the telephone only hurts your case.

Take her out, be yourself. the awkward conversation will fade after a couple drinks.

I swear they need to start teaching this stuff in high school.

I get to do what others don't, because I'm willing to do what others wont.

By realizing they are human beings just like you. Yes women do stupid shit but so do you. Dating a woman isn't about finding that picture-perfect lady. It's about finding a woman who's flaws are manageable enough to you so you can maintain a healthy relationship that makes you happier than being single. I don't expect my girlfriend to be perfect just like she shouldn't expect me to be perfect.

You're thrashing women because they make bad decisions in their lives, but i bet you're no different. Have you ever actually taken a long hard look in the mirror? I bet there are plenty of things you've done in the past that make you look like an absolute moron.

>Its the fact they mock guys and egg them off. I just looked at a girl Instagram profile randomly and she was showing off her tits and talking about how she wants to be a slut and then posted some lonely guy DMing her and laughing at him and then posted a meme saying “girls will be hoes and then listen to all girls are the same by juice world and post the song” and shes like teheheheh thats me XD!

So? Women can be cunts to men and tease them. Men can treat women like shit too. It is what it is and just what people do.
It's fine to be frustrated by it, but don't wallow in it. You eventually need to understand this is human nature at it's core and not unfairly judge people for being like this deep down. We all are; what's important is that you find the strength to respect yourself and be open enough to give people a chance despite their flaws.


>You can't find a god girl, mostly because all the "good girls"
The ''good girl'' is a meme in and of itself. Some women are better than others but incels fool themselves by thinking there is a slice of women out there who are just as perfect as their favorite female anime character.

It's bullshit. Every woman i've ever dated had her fair share good qualities and bad qualities. And while some are better than others, in the end of the day they're all just chicks. Once you've dated a bunch of them you start to realize most women are surprisingly similar. They all have the good qualities of being caring, loving and giving you access to pussy, and they all have the bad qualities of being energy vampires and being whiny and irrational.

Exactly. Based post.
There's literally nothing wrong with women, it's just how they are. Same with men thinking with their dicks and wanting to deep down rape every hot girl they see.

People are too uncomfortable to accept that this is how the human race is. What important is looking beyond this for the things you appreciate about others.

Nobody is perfect.

I live in the fucking woods and my mind is too fucked for that

Not all women are like this. It is stupid of you to think that. There are some wonderful women out there, you just have to find them :]

pic related, this entire thread. i reccomend killing yourself or you act on your urges and then get put away / shot / executed. the modern society is a global weimar republic, learn to keep your head above the water of filth or drown idiot

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>modern women
Here we go again. It is a fact that modern women are less degenerate than previous generations. Your entire premise is based on a falsehood.

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>Your mom was a whore, my mom was a whore. Your dad was a pig, my dad was a pig.
Good post, thanks. Not being sarcastic

Well whining will get you nowhere. Just keep positive and try looking for a girl who's better.

Otherwise if you're beyond hope maybe dedicate your life to revenge and do shit like hooking up with these sluts and sending pics to they're friends and family, instill insecurities in them, cheat on them, whatever really. Those kinds of girls don't deserve love or compassion so just treat them like the trash they are. I'm sure that could bring some satisfaction and would make the world a better place.

that's retarded, but i have no doubt you believe it fully. humans are monogamous creatures, the behavior of rats and bonobos do not apply to us. there are plenty of examples of purely monogamous creatures such as eagles, wolves, swans, beavers. you have a twisted view probably influenced by the sick state of our species.

You have a point. Before 2019 I actually respected women and didn’t see them as stupid inferior animals. But the western generation has changed, social media has given a new breed of useless women who sell their body and get praised by everyone for doing so. I’m honestly disappointed by everyone this year. There’s no use in complaining about it, I think I’ll just stop using the internet for dumb shit and just use it for valuable information.

it's better to just buckle down and create a nice career for yourself and settle down at 35. if you ever feel yourself losing social skills with women just see a woman psychotherapist, it'll come back in a jiffy
If you've built a nice life by 35, you can fuck a bunch of 18 year olds who need a daddy influence for a bit then find some 27 year old who isn't as hot as the hottest girl you can easily fuck and marry her
that way you can deal with the fact you are marrying a woman who has taken some other man's load and probably thinks about it sometimes
it's about the kids and conversation anyways

>girls are bad
>solution is to also be bad
Also why not just marry the 18yo at that point if you're actually able to get one?

Why are you denying the truth? Look it up. It is a fact. Only idiot virgins from Yas Forums believe that women were less slutty before.

You need therapy.

>Before 2014 I was fine and then it’s like everything changed
>before i was fine

Op, i do fear it's not the women's brain that changed and deterioted and yourself knows it. I'm sorry op.

Why not have sex with them?

>I just looked at a girl Instagram profile randomly and she was showing off her tits
Bro like that never happens lmao

He can't that's the whole point

There are pills for that.

Dipshit, having only one sexual partner throughout your life as a human being isn't natural. Most human civilizations don't even prescribe to strictly monogamous lifestyles. Human tribes that exist today in Africa who haven't been exposed to the West don't do this.
Things like marriage, 'cheating' etc has given (you) a twisted view because societal pressure, religion, politics, laws, cultural influences etc has warped you and many others up into feeling guilty about this.
>by the sick state of our species.
Explains it all. Am I right in saying you're religious, or you prefer to have your principles dictated to you by others over science?

Listen, non slutty women hate sluts too. They have this guy instinct of hatred, but they don't bother to analyse it and instead tell themselves it's irrational, so on the surface they pretend not to be bothered by it.

In reality, the hatred comes from the fact that sluts devalue sex as a currency. They reduce the quality of the genepool by fucking low quality men that don't stick around. They give power to low quality men by offering them validation by sleeping with them.
Sluts increase competition between women, as showing more flesh, getting fake nails, and doing more sexually deviant things becomes the new 'level'. To get male attention, you have to compete with these women posting their buttocks on the internet, and this mentally-internalised competition is one of the root causes of the current mental issues in women. It causes massive insecurity.

The REAL feminism should be to drag sluts down, and realise that all the artificiality is 100% harmful.

you are correct in the case of africans being typically hypergamous, because their societies have grown around their environment and their behavior reflects that. in africa food is abundant but competition is as well, so while they do not need to plan around a phase of scarcity they do need to secure a strong protector and rarely have qualms with changing sides at a whim. africans have no concept of promises, after all. the behavior of africans in africa should not be emulated by people not in africa, because it is not condusive to long-term survival outside of africa. you'll find no evidence of hypergamy of that nature in the histories of europe or asia outside of men of high quality, ancient heroes, who from time to time took multiple mates. in these cases they were not "one and done" like you seem to think. i am not particularly religious, but you sound like a member of the cult of science