This thread is a cute thread!

this thread is a cute thread!
nice people say hello

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This thread is an abomination thread!

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Hello again anons, hope everyone's day is going well. i just had a nice smoke in the woods whilst walking my dog

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hello nice cat!
i hope you had fun. I am super tired today
i dont know what to make to of this

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sounds like it's nap time then b

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nooo i cant
i want to enjoy my online time and i need to wake up early and napping will ruin me sleeping at night

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Hello. It's raining outside so it's officially comfy hours for me.

i'll never be cute :c
gonna talk to my doc about upping my HRT dosage but i'm just being a bdd bitch cause i saw my ugly unpassing discord tranny face in the mirror

You not in Quarantine rn ? sleeping times are meaningless rn for me :^)

make some warm cocoa whilst you look out the window

Being cute isn't centered on looks user. that's just superficial b

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>Being cute isn't centered on looks user. that's just superficial b
i'm a superficial person, also i actually want to know what estrogen feels like

Your A-B cup titties await. i don't know much about what hrt does to a body other than chest growth for mtf

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i love the rain!
i has been raining and hailing a little bit on and off here but mostly today has been sunny
haha good luck i guess
you can only change how you look so much - you have to just accept yourself eventually
not anymore sadly: quarantine ended for me yesterday
although the population at large is still mostly quarantined. I miss being a comfy neet! work is ok i just wish it were either shorter or only 3 days a week or something. I could manage with less money easily too but my hours just arent flexible

ahh phooey i forgot to post an image

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Hello! UwU

Hello, nice user! :3


Hello! Today is a good day to be outside! ^_^

Hello again! \(^w^)

Cute pic, but I don't know how else to describe it! ^_^;
Reminds me of stuff you could see on the Swamp section of Dank Maymays! :3c ( Is that website still alive~? :O )

That's comfy! ^.^

>Being cute isn't centered on looks user. that's just superficial b
This!!! It's the ~personality~ that counts! UwU

I don't have experience in HRT, but I've read it redistributes your fat, makes your skin smooth and soft, may reduce body hair growth but slow down - or maybe even stop - male pattern baldness, and there's probably something I can't remember right now~! *^_^*

>i has been raining and hailing a little bit on and off here but mostly today has been sunny
Same here~! I think it's been even snowing occasionally! :O

oh god titties are like so exciting.
all trannies complain about them but then also say they're nice

i want to push myself to my limits

idk, i'm on a super low dose right now, i'm very new to it and it's very genetic and individual. what works for one person might not work for someone else
i hope my fat redistributes so i can be a cute

hello again~
i dont know what to eat but im hungry. I think im going to be lazy and just have pizza

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Silly billy. that's unfortunate zero hour contracts can be good for low hour weeks but it's too unstable for when you need cash

yeah it's a good pic don't remember where i found it tho. HRT fixes hairlines? makes sense i suppose

Why would trannies complain about em? surely that makes you feel more female no?

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apparently they hurt and feel sore a lot

hello every-nyan!
best thread of the day time!
how are you doing anons?
im feeling good today, i woke up early (12 noon), ate a healthy breakfast, walked my doggo and now im playing some vidya, today is good for some reason

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your day sounds nice! what was your healthy breakfast? i havent had a very healthy day but i have done a lot of exercise

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i dont know what a zero hour contract really is. I dont even know the specific details of mine now
i go to work when im told and money goes into my bank
i just want a comfy nice job or as few hours as possible - i dont really need lots of money

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i had one of those fancy wheat cereal and i didnt put any sugar in, to be honest it wasn't very nice
i should start exercising too, im just a very lazy person

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god I love cute threads

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there are some fancy cereals i like but most of them are kind of yucky. Spelt and bran flakes are the only ones i really like
haha i wasnt exercising willingly - it was a part of work. Its kind of a good thing though because im also too lazy to properly exercise otherwise
thank you!

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it's in the name. Potentially zero hours in a week and they just call you in when they need you

Chilling out relaxing and maxing. gonna study a bit later. glad to hear your day is going well user

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Needs more INCEL COCK

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some things sound appealing about that but i guess you cant really plan around it
i just want a 3 day working week or something like that or a job where i dont dislike being there: i could easily manage with 3/5s the money
i think about trying to change careers a lot but i never have the energy to pursue doing it and i really hated looking for a job plus id feel really rude since theyve trained me and im sort of spitting in their face

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Retail coporu :D

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Nothing wrong with wanting to pursue what you want in life. you're just another worker to them afterall. where you working rn though?

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healthy stuff is generally not very nice to eat unfortunately
what do you work as becky-user to get all that exercise? my exercise is me deciding to take the stairs instead of the elevator in my building

herro friendos have a nice nightt

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Hello! How's life today?

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