
Chilly, hail, rain, clouds, it feels like a comfy day to go on an essential daily exercise mission.

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first for posting original content and having a laugh

Attached: noice.jpg (395x395, 48.66K)

naughty album, this!

sake lads, got turned around in the corridoors of britfeel towers and ended up the wrong thread

I am posting here in the hope that Poleaboo a.k.a. Moni a.k.a. Amer reads my post out on tonight's new and improved /britfeel/ Radio!

I tried a noice with milliband.

Attached: dread milliband.jpg (280x390, 20.87K)

I thought they were all different people

Four in a Bed
Come Dine with Me
Escape to the Chataeu

Daytime Kino

Think I am going to get a payday loan because it's raining and I don't want to go to Sainsburys in the rain. I've only got a couple quid anyway.
I will get 50 quid on a payday loan to pay back next week and get a take away tonight.
Can't wait lads. What should I get as a treat?

I wonder if by chance you liddos have seen this poem?

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fucking exhausted lads

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Pidser tonight lads. Think I'll go for the meatiest one they have. Not that I'm a poof or anything.

another word for the filter list.

Getting a payday loan to pay Mr. Rashid for a shit-tier pizza is peak /britfeel/

nah never seen that lad. the pic has not once been posted here, nope, no one has ever seethed about it.

I'll just change the word lid.

can get plenty of food on two quid if you go around discount time. got 20p stir fry and noodles the other day. did two meals.

Best way to steal a new(ish) van lads????? I know I need the keys

well, if you must know, i am rather partial to ladies with big breasts

filename filtered

making a milky covefe

:^) Thanks for the tip. I'll make sure you can't filter it.

well, if you must know, i am rather partial to ladies with big willies

i've got you dancing to my tune

Says the one who filtered the thing I post and the word I use to describe it.

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>:^) Thanks f0r the tip. I'll make sure you can't filter it.

Attached: seether.jpg (601x508, 93.75K)

well, if you must know, i am rather partial to transvestites with smooth vaginas.

i don't even use a filter lol, just thought i would see if i could bait. it's a boring day

why do you keep posting it lad? you on a wind up?

Have you considered the old suicide?

I think you mean image md5 filtered lad

I have my reasons. I mostly do it because it's funny to me but I also want to see if I can get the wagie user who wrote it to make me stop or make the seether lids hate it so much they take it out on him when he posts, just like when seethers hate on Helper even those he's not the one who posts the majority of the Apus.

But I really fancy a take way now. So I will probably spend 20 quid on dominos.

You still mad about your banning fat man?

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Lid dont, go to Lidl and get like 20 wizzas for 20 quid.

tl;dr you want attention

Dont we all want (you)s?

I'm not him user, I just noticed the pattern, he gets all the hate for the Apus.

Have to admit it lads, I'm not half partial to super hot foods fresh from the gas. Almost unpalatable hot, oh aye. Found of the old capsicum too. It's not hot if it doesn't make ye eyes water

*sniff sniff*
whats that smell? it couldn't be...
stinky seether

If he wasn't the one posting them he wouldn't get banned, simples. Stupid fat cunt he is

My stocks are not doing so well today.
Burberry stock is only up 0.13 percent
DFS stock is down 0.72 percent
The online training company is down 3.94 percent

A loss of 5.49 since the other day. Fuck these online learning stocks. Knew I should have invested into First Group. Old women are always gonna need to take the bus.

Poley was the one who reported HHL, because he refused to come on the radio show
More details shall be shared on the show tonight, 8:05pm

Really don't want to go outside today.

Poley is actually based? I might like him now

Good day, good day lads. Proppa miss Jade Goody like she was the peoples princess. My universal credit betta come soon.

>designer clothing
>shitty sofas
>random ""online training"" company
You have made very bad investments

Sister has just come crying to me again saying that her ugly ex boyfriend just called and told her that she forced him to cheat on her because her best mate lives closer and we're on lockdown. Wouldn't have happened if she let him come live with us.

bus companies ain't getting bailouts like rail firms.
how much did you invest, and why didn't you just go with a tracker fund?

Feel really sorry for Poley's manager. Can you imagine how ban Poley bullied and dominated him?
