How does this picture make you feel, robots...

How does this picture make you feel, robots? I remember going to (((parties))) after high school and sitting there awkwardly while my alpha friend managed to hook up with a girl.

Attached: 1588097229934.png (1205x805, 1.79M)

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When I was at university and when my housemates had a party I just sat there and drank. There were never any girls there. It was nice.

Those are the best kind of parties, just the boys chilling, drinking and doing drugs. As soon as roasties infest them everyones demeanour changes and they try to impress her. Its depressing.

KHV for life

It makes me feel nothing
I feel nothing
I am a fucking Robot.

Attached: 1573999747419666.png (1600x1028, 939.21K)

nothing, nothing at all, have sex incel

This is a photograph of my entire life. It makes me want to get back in bed and ignore phone calls from my boss.

one man with std the other without

He actually gets invited to do things better than me .

I have been in that situation many times.
Also have been sitting/sleeping next to friends having sex, getting blowjobs and one time sat next to a buddy who had a girl give him a handjob under a blanket.
Haven't really been in a situation with other people my age in almost like 10 years so I would gladly be there.

I've been in that position user and its not good. Sure the party is fun, drinking with some alright people. But when the night winds down and all the guys start making out with girls, and you just sit there looking into the abyss thinking why the fuck you came here. It feels bad bro.

guy on the left knows what he's doing, guy on right doesn't. If he knew better he wouldn't turn up single to these parties.

It doesn't, really.
I've just, accepted that I dislike parties and social gatherings in general. People say I'm just afraid, but I really don't like them. A bunch of people I don't know or really care for? Why would I want to hang with them? I've got enough friends
I'd rather work on some projects or chill with my close friends and do something I like

What was THAT party for you guys?

>made me remember this
even thinking about this brings my piss to a boil

Literally all of them ended up with me and my beta friends hanging around after the peak of the party, shit talking while our few alpha friends/everybody else was making out with girls. The worst one was probably where one of my beta friends even managed to make out with a ~6/10 Stacey who has drunk af. Just felt fucking bad man.

Even happened not that long ago for me. A few boys got together and were drinking, some dickhead invited his girlfriend and 2 of her friends. Suddenly my mates were completely disinterested in talking to me and focused all on trying to win the roasties over. shit memories

This. As soon as there's just one woman inside the group she draws all the attention to herself


lmao dont be a faggot

Attached: the chad party.png (2518x1024, 682.74K)

Based as fuck. Honestly have only been on 1 or 2 real pub crawls and my mates were whiney faggots about it. Need to get over to the UK and really get amongst it.

its fucking awesome here the police will only stop you if youre dumb enough to get violent in front of them.

Hahah scenes from green street hooligans lad. I really wanna get pissed in a UK pub, it'll happen soon. Fucking love this video

The picture just makes me laugh because the guy looks like Punished Snake.
>"why are we still here, just to suffer?"
The only parties I ever went to were a couple of open ones in college because I wanted to see what I was missing out, and they were miserable. I mostly just stayed in a corner in an alert state because my autism can't handle loud noises and high concentrations of people. I didn't even have friends and the girls just acted like I didn't exist. Eventually, I just went home.

Sounds about right desu. I feel I missed out on so many developmental social experiences including talking to women, so when it came time for parties and socializing and the like I obviously could never pull any girls. Meanwhile if you have that experience under your belt from >18 its easy af for you.

These types of parties were my fave. But thats because my first time drunk was in one of them. Just stumbling around the rooms, having no idea whats going on, social anxiety completely gone, complete strangers coming up to you and you can have a conversation with them and you both act like you're best friends then you never see them again after 10 minutes.

That level of everyone's fucked up is great.

Good times bro. Those 16-21 parties truly are the best. House parties were great. Now everyone is a 'depressed' adult working full time and that kind of fun just doesn't exist in the same way anymore. Ah well, we'll always have drugs.

What is it with Chads and being comfortable enough to just strip down and fuck in front of you/others?

They're just enjoying the moment as it comes bro, don't kill their vibe, hey bro why aren't you doing the same? No girl huh? Fuck chads.

>be the one sitting awkwardly
>girls coming up to sit and chat with me
>i'm too autistic and they leave

Are you attempting to imply that somehow social gatherings are a Jewish plot?

Just a bunch of guys drinking and playing games is far better than any party or pub crawl. Does anyone else have this thing where they're really interested in seeing what someone else is like when drunk? When you've seen someone drunk before it's ehh unless they get super fucked up but I feel like when someones drunk you really get to know them and see who they are as whatever veil they have on drops.

It's also really fun to get someone drunk for the first time and watch them stumble around and shit, especially if its someone more withdrawn and you watch them come out of their shell.

Kek, thought i'd hit it with the triple parentheses because most people on here don't socialize/get invited to parties ever.

It's been so long I dont remember what parties are like desu.

Definitely based. Had some good beta friends get more confident and speak their heart while drunk af. It gets kinda awkward if you do it with 'work friends' though desu, all those good times happen in the adolescent years.

Yeah drinking with beta friends is far better than drinking with alpha friends (which is usually like casual work drinks). When drinking with beta friends I've had one tell me he's the best friend I've ever had and that I'm the nicest person he's ever met, I've had another admit he's a furry, and had another (the super shy one) talk about his fetishes. Its like all these wild super deep conversations.

With work friends they remain shallow even when drunk. They just want to take lots of pictures, dance to very loud music, pretend to be more drunk than they are (especially the girls), stay on their phones, and just talk about how hot the women are in there.

>tfw I came out of my shell in my 20s and I missed all the teen parties so I really only had a year of drinking and partying before everyone else got too busy due to work and due to roasties stealing all their time.

Fucking kek, love how he quickly reveals that's not that the woman getting attention that's truly the problem, it's that HE gets no attention is what makes him seethe. Frankly, most women should simply terminate their male fetuses. Imagine going through all that pain only to shit out these creatures.