Does a 500 word paper

>does a 500 word paper
>follows guidelines thoroughly
>uses APPROPRIATE sources (not outside sources allowed) and specified based on what was discussed over the span of 3 weeks
>direct quotes!
>gets a 68. "you don't have a well supported argument and you should've used OUTSIDE sources! you need to state more!"
>500 word essay

God, why are liberal professors this dense and retarded? she doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about and I doubt that she even read the paper. it somehow didn't fit her biased narrative because I didn't argue about my feelies when it was supported by concrete facts and used direct quotes.

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never argue from a conservative viewpoint in an academic essay. I learned that in high school and always larped as a lefty in my college essays which resulted in better grades.

>go to college
>go against academia
>"me get bad grade, professor dumb, booo"
Faggot retard

I always got good grades in college because I sucked up to their world view, retard.

I had some classic on indigenous people and all that nonsense, just write a lefty essay and get it over with.


also, always write about "feely" topics like slavery, the holocaust, gender, and other topics that are based on pathos. they will be much more lenient about grading since they see you are "woke" and progressive like they are. easy A

I wonder why the majority of academics is left leaning. Hmmm. Maybe studies and data shows their worldview is the objectively correct one? No, no... Can't be right. It's the jews, for sure.

OK, here's how it goes:
If you want a good grade you write what they want to hear.
As soon as you have your desired academic rank you can write whatever you want. Just don't expecct people to like it if it doesn't refelct their own opinion.

This makes me glad I do math. Also, I was taught not to use direct quotes. That paraphrasing is better.

Yes, paraphrasing is better but it isn't encouraged as making your argument a soulless opinion. let me remind you that I could give less than shit about American studies. I'm a graphic design major and I wish I hadn't been with this class over the past 3 months.

Doesn't seem like leftism has worked out too well irl. It's been an utter failure when put into place in countries with no political opposition.

500 words? taking an entry level course and failing it is pathetic desu. lets see the intro btw

>entry level course

it's a 301 class, which is upper division.

Doesn't mean it works in the real world. Those who can't do, teach.

then it must be an easy A. im assuming youre at least a sophomore if you are taking 300 level classes hwo the fuck do you not know how to pass classes by now

this is a good life lesson, sometimes you work with people and sometimes you work around people.
Its a fucking paper that nobody is going to care about, if you feel you have something to say, evaluate if this is the best place to say it, if you still wana do it, do it following her rules and compliment her hair, you will move on with your life, she will not, this is as much as her life could acomplish

Because those with left wing ideologies are drawn to academics?

>Maybe studies and data
how about the data from all the failed dictatorships?

what was it about? We need more context. Because right now it just seems like your weren't happy with the grading.
(And yes I believe that there are female teachers out there like this so it could be possible in your case.)

>he thinks that it's possible to have a "correct" worldview

you're such a brainlet lmao


>how the fuck do you not know how to pass classes by now

liberal professor that acknowledges piss poor arguments.

>regurgitates information
>tries to convince a compelling argument

you have to become a lefty simp to pass these political correct and woke American history academic classes. being a lefty doesn't do shit in practice.

You're upset about a bad grade on a 500-word essay? Shut the fuck up faggot. Worry about some real scholarship.

I say this with love and care: TAKE YOUR SCHOOLING SERIOUSLY.

There are more retards in the world than ever before. We live in a post-literate culture and society. All you have to do is start reading, start learning, pursuing in-depth cross-cutting knowledge in the aspects of life that get you out of bed.

For the love of God, please don't worry about a bad grade on a paper you don't care about. Don't give in to the emotions that can turn you from the only thing in life which cannot be taken from you by another.

>The unexamined life is not worth living

There's nothing you can say that will change my mind. I'll always think you're the faggot if you haven't read and studied seriously. There will always be

These days intellectualism is shunned. Embrace what others turn away and you're already thinking above 80% of the population.

I wish I didn't have to call you a faggot so much but you're really acting like one.

if your physical school is failing you, take the initiative upon yourself to learn. Things are changing. It is life or death from here on out.

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possibility of the American Dream. literally paraphrased statistics and used direct quotes to support argument. still failed. the problem is that my professor relies on feelings when she bluntly said on paper to write a regurgitation about what I've studied over the past 3 weeks regarding the topic.

- Always left larp in papers.
- Sometimes you can be conservative but it needs to be atheist and appear centrist.
- Mention somehow white people are evil.
- use left-leaning fact checker like snopes to verify your left bias is working
- mention orange man in a negative way
- A+ every time

good, this is how the left simp mind works,
you are ready for A+ now.

If youre a white non-Chad male, feminist bitch English professors will never give you an A for your essays.

>go against academia
You act like that's a bad thing.

>me get bad
Because academia is bad.

>argument from authority: the faggot

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kys stupid porn spammer

>political views are based on facts
low IQ post

But what did you write about. It must have been controversial. I believe in Kaczynski and McVeigh methods and ideals, but I wouldn't write about it in a university paper.

I wrote about the possibility of the American Dream.

ok but who's the chick in the photo

this whole thing sounds like you are blaming the a possible retarded prof for your own retarded self. cant even go 500 words without betraying your lack of brains

Specifically about how likely you're able to achieve economic mobility through wages and signifies an equitable gap between the middle and wealthy classes.

>academia is left leaning
>real world industries are right leaning
Hmm, it's almost as though when you live in a sheltered bubble and nothing you come up with is tested in the real world, you can believe whatever retarded shit you want.