Tfw haven't showered for 4 1/2 weeksu already

>tfw haven't showered for 4 1/2 weeksu already
I thought I would smellu worse but I actually don't smell that bad desu. When was the last time you have showered?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You do smell. Your olfactory system is just fried from your cumstench. I showered a couple hours ago. However, longest I've gone without bathing is 8 weeks.
bigu being btfo threads just for you anons

I smellu ya but I don't smell that bad. Like some people smell worse after just a weeku. 8 weeksu is really long.
Did I really make you that mad yesterday? Pathetic stop trying to get attention from me. Literal obsessed.

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Haha how is not showering real nigga hahaha like just shampoo and soap under a water stream for 5 minutes ahahahahaha

your damage control won't work
people deserve to know what kind of person you are and since you're a literal who im going to post it

I don't have the energy to do that.
>gets called out by me for trying to samefag yesterday
>other people call him out too
>get so mad and obsessed you make a thread about it
>retards who believe everything believe it
Meh. So how did you btfo me again?

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you know how, coper. your samefagging and discord hugboxing has been exposed. as well as being callled out on lies multiple times in this thread
i mean who wants to orbit a beta, kek.

Bigu calls other people samefags to hide the fact that he does it. He's not as smart as he thinks he is.

I can understand how much you crave my attention so I'll give you this last (you) bc I'm a nice person.

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kek you are literally the most retarded namefag of all time

Yall r nasty bitches, taking shower after work + workout is the best feeling for your body and soul



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Last week I didn't shower for 8 days, to be honest everytime I shower I wish I would shower more, but I don't

yeah im same. usually 1-2 showers a week but i know I should do more. It's not even effort idk why I don't do it more often

I usually shower 2 times a week
last shower was probably sunday

I don't work or work out though.
Forced meme which will die soon if no change happens.
Is it difficult for you to shower? I just don't see a reason to shower when I don't go outside anyway.
2 times a week is nice.
Ya that's nice.

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>unironically posting in the hugboxer cope discord thread

Ok i think i will publish the video you sent me here on r9k. Tell a reason I shouldn't do it.

I don't know what video you are talking about desu.

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but i still want to publish it, why the world doesn't deserve to see an 9inch dick?

And what would you get out of publishing it? I have your doxx and it would be a shame if your school finds out you did some things with your skinu.

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You deserve what you get for simping for a retard

hmmm what if i quit? quitting school just for a prank, just imagine that

how can you not shower for that long? I feel disgusting after not showering for a day

it's easy, just don't smell your dick

It's easy desu. Idk why someone would feel disgusting after not showering for 1 day.

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because other people will notice your smell of smegma and will ignore you, antisocial freak

Because the things that disgust you are arbitrary. If you became a NEET and didn't see other people you wouldn't waste your time showering either.

neets are subhuman though their opinion is inherently wrong

Low iq opinion.

high iq opinion

I don't interact with other people irl though bc so why would I care?
No u.

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>No u.
no u x 2