How painful/scary would suicide by hanging be...

How painful/scary would suicide by hanging be? I want to use a shotgun because I'm a massive pussy but leaving this behind for my family seems unbearably cruel.

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If you were really suicidal you wouldn't care about the pain.

shotgun is soooo much more quick and painless because you are dead in an instant and are not just suffocating

Not scary at all as long as you can tie a noose, have a sturdy place to hang, and a good rope.
No reason to be scared.

you clearly have never had suicidal feelings my friend. Dont judge us based on your inexperience.

Get ready to get banned, jannies hate gore here.

There is a difference between having suicidal feelings and actually being suicidal. You haven't crossed that threshold yet.

>itt people with miniscule hardship want to off themselves
Just do it then, fags. Plenty of people have shittier lives than >tfw no gf and dont off themselves.
It doesnt matter how much of a mess you leave, you're still going to be a massive asshole to the people who allowed you to survive to adulthood.

Bro just suicide like medics do it:

Sleeping pills + Insulin, you go to sleep and don't wake up.
0 pain, just prepare yourself to feel what you felt before you were born, a complete Nothingness with no space and time

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Who cares about your family? You're DEAD, bro. You're off shift forever. Let it rip.


your instinct to live will kick in,mid suicide

Now that's what I call a flower.

Hey, use a goddamn spoiler next time. Also, jannies are going to clean this up

Suicidal feelings don't come only from hardships you have experienced you fucking faggot. Most cases they come from the mindset and worldview of an individual. Of course bad experiences can alter their worldview it is all purely subjective.
Judging shit like that proves that you are an absolute moron.

Good lord, that looks painful.

That's a dope picture dude vaporized himself. If you are scared or worried about pain you aren't suicidal just a faggot who probably should be.

There's some lag in your nerves, your brain registers pain about 60 milliseconds after an injury. But that guy had no brain after about 10ms of that injury starting.

i don't think it would be particularly painful, it does leave room for regret though, maybe that would be scary, as well as your consciousness slowly fading away
this isn't true. pain sucks, and it makes sense not to want it, suicidal or not.

Why did he have all those spare shells on the gun? He only needed 1

Mom's spaghetti make the pain go forgetti

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Use non elastic rope, whit a fall of three meters, you will break your neek instantly

>when you realize there is a half-ejected shell which means he was still alive when his head exploded and he reflexively tried to load another shell

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I tried to hang myself some years ago. It was pretty horrible and painful not gonna lie. Also I did some research and it seems it actually takes quite a significant amount of time for your brain to fully die after you lose consciousness.

Imagine hanging yourself to end your miserable existence only to wake up in a hospital with severe brain damage and physical disability, doomed to live like that for the rest of your days. That's something to consider.

I would do it by shotgun if I really had to but I can't get a shotgun due to living in a country with fairly strict gun laws.

Yeah but that doesn't necessarily mean it will KILL you instantly. Not op but personally i'd rather not spend my final seconds in extreme agony.

nigga brain SAID

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I remember seeing an infographic somewhere about how you could painlessly commit suicide by drinking enough potassium cyanide. Can any chemfags back this up? Is it really painless or is it just a troll trying to get me to set fire to my internal organs.

I don't doubt you want to kill yourself, but as long as you are scared of the pain you will alway pussy out last minute

itsss so fekin easy yuo stupid fucjs

you will never amount to anything
>we all hate you

>that pic

Welcome, to Jurassic Park

Depends, sometimes hanging is quick, sometimes it takes a few minutes. It does hurt a bit if you dont die inmediately, your neck isnt meant to support your weight that way.