Creative thread

Not seen 1 for a while.
We want to see: what you've done, what you're working on, what you're proud of and what you're ashamed of.
Good or bad, OC is is a great thing.

Attached: 2smart4U.jpg (1400x974, 184.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Some crappy art I've done

Attached: 01motherhood.jpg (419x579, 11.4K)

>Allegedly my best attempt
>Latest attempt

And das it.

That first one's nice and chill sounding, but I need to read the words more.
I like the 2nd as well.
>Fucking cumstains
Again, I'll have to read the lyrics while I listen to it again.
Real good stuff though, thanks.
Also, what's kurva?

That is a unique style user.
I like your lyrics, how long does it take to write a song

I did a set of 4 like that. I took an image from my family then messed about with it.
This 1 was made using a shitty personality test questionaire type things results though.

Attached: 02life.jpg (556x874, 180.93K)

Might as well do the 3rd I did.
*feels bad bumping his own thread*
I'm going to work on the 4th 1 still though.

Attached: 03child.jpg (1200x1600, 72.38K)

wrote a poem:
I went out for a walk last night,
The air was cold and raw,
And as I strolled along that road
A ancients' sight I saw:

The footprints now were faded
The great men all were dead.
But by my legs I thought me see
A corpse without a head

And cannons were all silent
The battlefield was still
But the General's ghost I thought see standing
There upon the hill

And last I saw his progeny;
All criminals, and whores
They ran around in tattered clothing,
Chasing closing doors

And then the vision fell apart,
And pain soared through my head
But my mind was filled with questions,
As I lay there in my bed

It can be a song as well, i kind of have a melody in my head but no way to write it down and I don't know how to play any instruments. I do a lot of these poems and songs, translations as well

Some quick corrections: "An ancients sight I saw," or "A view of old I saw" both work. "By my legs" should be "By my feet".

If you have any questions about the meaning of this, I can elaborate. It's not just gibberish

I really like it.
I think the view of old I saw, goes better. Also, sorry for being rude but I thought me see doesn't go well. You could change the line to "But in my mind I thought I saw"
Also, "But the generals ghost I thought I see standing" could be "But the generals ghost I see standing"

Glad you like it.

I think your line goes a bit off because it doesn't fit the meter or the meaning. With "thought me see" it's like the narrator thinks he sees a corpse without a head by his feet, then he looks down and sees it's just a treestump or whatever, same with the General on the hill. This is using a much older meaning of the word "think", which means more like "saw"

Good point.
Nearly forgot to save it as well. Have you a title for it?

Thanks user, im glad you enjoyed them. Kinda proud actually haha
>whats kurva
Well...what is fuck? What is whore? What is shit?
Literally it means a whore but it can and is used in all kinds of situations mate
Depends...some i keep revising for weeks, some (like the corona freestyle) i just sit and write in one sitting. Thanks mate

this is the last one I made a while back

I don't make pictures too often though

Attached: Life.png (1080x1920, 1.13M)

Havent drew in 15 days at least, just finished this simple log 5 mins ago

look like a bird embryo to me,sorry kek
is that polish?
nice and edgy user, i liked it
i like the color combination

Attached: log.png (1080x1080, 8.69K)

>is that polish
So close yet so very far. Its Czech mate.
Poles=good boy catholics with sea access
Czechs=landlocked godless heathens

>i like the color combination

ty I love them too. I mostly like playing with colors. Colors allow me to just do things rather plan something out.

Can I post something I made three weeks ago?
I don't need nobody's permission, you're gonna watch and you're gonna make me a lolcow cuz the video sucks

I thought it was. Is it/are you polish?
Just listening to hitla now.
I like it user.
It is a bit weird no need to apologise. It's not meant to look human.
I like the log cabin.

Nah mate, not polish

>Nah mate, not polish
Ah, sorry for the wrong guess, just thought I'd heard somebody say that in polish.
Thanks user, I don't know anything about attack on titan so it was good.

>I like it user.
ty ty

I don't try art often, mostly because I suck at it. I occasionally make simple stuff like pic related but I feel like I don't have the skill, talent, or motivation to improve. Also don't have a drawing tablet.
Do you have any tips or recommended learning resources for someone who wishes they could do pixel art but has absolutely no idea where to even start?

Forgot to add the image, I'm a moron

Attached: 123.png (1920x1080, 176.21K)

No worries mate, you arent wrong Polacks are known for using kurva. Except they spell it kurWa instead of kurVa lol

My stuff sucks as well user, that doesn't matter. I like that somebody puts the effort in to do things.
I like your pic. I like the air conditioning vents on top, nice detail.

I made a shitty website for the final project of my class. Would upload but its a zip file. I haven't checked what grade I got on it.

This is the only tutorial i ever followed:
its very short and has everything u need to know about pixelart
Just practice and try not to get discouraged if it doesent look good at first, there is a really small step from drawing shitty to decent and good.
Trust yourself and always try to finish drawings even if you think they are shit.
Search for pixel art palettes on google and try to use those when you begin.
Here is my 1 year progress.

Attached: unknown (17).png (2160x1300, 79.12K)

I recorded and put out an EP last month. Did everything by myself. Taught myself to play guitar. I even did the cover art. I'd love to make more music in the near future.

Attached: Apu posting.jpg (1000x800, 60.96K)

Thank you!
Thanks, that tutorial looks helpful. Even your 1 year ago picture looks good.

If you're still here, the name is either just the first line, or "The reactionary's dream". If you want I could explain the meaning, unless you have any own guesses you want to give first

I'm torn between giant fighting robots and infared as my favourites.
Good stuff user.