Anyone else notice bigu samefags when he's losing an argument on Yas Forums but on discord he hides and ignores you

anyone else notice bigu samefags when he's losing an argument on Yas Forums but on discord he hides and ignores you

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Literally who are you talking about op

just another wannabe from discord

post an example of him samefagging?

Figured, don't care about nobody discordfags.
check towards the end of this thread and he is hard coping and probably samefagging.
understandable, just figured i'd call him out since he likes to pretend to be smart but clearly isn't.

Yeah, he's a pathetic faggot. Actually laughed out loud when I seen his samefagging damage control. It's because he's a narcissist who thinks he's smart, it literally breaks his programming when he loses an argument aka loses a battle of wit

it looks like he's samefagging but he might not be
he begs people on discord to defend him and tells them what to say

Heloo are you the person who got so madu yesterday? I don't samefag. Ya I ignore many people on discord. Maybe we can chatu desu just message me.

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Proof for that projection? I just asked people to bumpu shill threads.

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You were obviously samefagging you fucking retard.

>he begs people on discord to defend him and tells them what to say
that's also what i thought
that might be even more pathetic than samefagging
and if he's telling them what to say there is no diference than posting it yourself desu
>seething on damage control

>mentally ill self-harming discord tranny wants to be a 'celebrity' on Yas Forums
>backfires as expected
>become so enraged he wants to recruit his entire tranny discord as a personal army
Truly the anti-thesis of old Yas Forums

Typical beta when it comes to instant messaging, but he comes on r9k to cope and pretend like people like him. I was on his server and it was nothing but people making fun of him so he deleted it.

>I was on his server and it was nothing but people making fun of him so he deleted it.

Heloo idc about being e"celeb" and how did it backfire? I'm not feeling anything desu. It wouldn't surprise me if a discord group of kidsu made this thread.
It wasn't my server and it was an experiment.

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i posted this thread alone to let people know you're a pathetic hugboxer and a samefag

>Proof for that projection?
you're literally begging people to white-knight you in this thread retarded pea-brain

If you don't care about being a Yas Forums celebrity then why do you choose to have an identity when you post? Why post so many attention seeking threads? It backfired because you got BTFO and exposed as a pathetic samefagging retard. You're coping by claiming that this thread must have been made by a discord group, by the way.

Eeh do you think anyone cares about these false assumptions? Maybe 5% of people who know me. Few months ago people said I used proxies and replied to my own threads when they got replies. It's always the same. It's pathetic that you powertripu on "btfoing and exposing me" kek.

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he's probably just another puppet of chaotic or blue whale and will leave once they get bored of him

Everyone thinks you're a dumb faggot and boring so they don't bother with you, you hugbox with your discordfriends to cope. You've gotten called out on lies multiple times in this thread, you're an embarrassment and you're BTFO.

Nice projection desu. While almost everything indicates that reiko was a puppet, I'm not one. I don't even know these people.

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you should learn what projection means before ever using it again retard.

I dont see where you called him out

retardedu faggetu thatsu bigu.

Lmao that's not how you use projection

Read the thread and stop making useless posts

One big strawman post. Simple as that. You're seething hard about being exposed as a samefagging retard.

Glad someone else notices it, I definitely do.

>doesn't even know what projection is

Is this really the bigudicku guy telling mentally ill trannies to cut themselves? Why should I hate this guy again? I think he's doing God's work. Please use your epowers to cause more butt hurt and more people to mutilate themselves. (: also good luck in the psych ward and shit it's pretty cash if you're in the right one

I don't typically browse Yas Forums but I already had a vague idea of bigu from various screencaps.
You're probably going to get off to this, but you're literal scum of the earth. Even among all these lonely virgins on Yas Forums, you're far and away one of the worst people I've ever encountered on the internet. The screencaps of you encouraging people to cut themselves made me feel such a visceral disgust that I haven't felt in years.
Call me a moralfag, call me a liar. You're fucking scum.

I want to smell Bigu's feet!

This right here
>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
>You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.

I miss the days of chaotic and ceb before the discordfags and mediascum invaded

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He afraid the egirl he simps for will leave him.
I'm out of ward already desu.
That's oke.

This is a funni picu a nice person made.

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Looks like he's back at it again

It's really not funny anymore, you can stop.

t. white-knight
it's not even trannies it's just random hairy dudes who are already prone to cut
the cuts aren't even deep
go back

It's funny, he doesn't even hide it. There's about a minute and a half between posts either praising bigu or bigu posting as himself.

I-I just want to worship his cutesu feetu....

Are you trying to cope through comedic relief?

Wait how am I the white knight in the situation where one makes mentally ill people cut and the other defends the cutters?

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I think he's just one of those degenerates whose only outlet is by acting out until he gets any form of attention, even negative attention. In other words, he's like a tranny, but worse.

i never defended cutters they should kill themselves too
using newfag children as your hugbox and cope when you're 18 is cringe