Fellow boyanons post your hands pls

fellow boyanons post your hands pls
here's mine

Attached: Snapchat-980085327.jpg (1592x3217, 1023.74K)

Looks feminine, do you really have pp?

Attached: B034D8C1-ACC7-4BDC-B0C2-310D4B6C9B3E.jpg (4032x3024, 1.39M)

yes! idk anything about digit ratios but someone who knows could confirm p:

Attached: 5e29b57.gif (721x263, 98.72K)

Your digit lengths indicate that your a female as your index finger is to long compared to you ring finger.

does that mean is a girl as well then? he has the same.. i doubt

Low test hands

talk shit post hand

There the same length when I close my fingers there just oddly crooked, I think that makes me a hermafrodite.

confirmed for female or small pp

pic related is ew
fuck my hands

Attached: Untitled.png (620x1080, 940.93K)