Fellow boyanons post your hands pls

fellow boyanons post your hands pls
here's mine

Attached: Snapchat-980085327.jpg (1592x3217, 1023.74K)

Looks feminine, do you really have pp?

Attached: B034D8C1-ACC7-4BDC-B0C2-310D4B6C9B3E.jpg (4032x3024, 1.39M)

yes! idk anything about digit ratios but someone who knows could confirm p:

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Your digit lengths indicate that your a female as your index finger is to long compared to you ring finger.

does that mean is a girl as well then? he has the same.. i doubt

Low test hands

talk shit post hand

There the same length when I close my fingers there just oddly crooked, I think that makes me a hermafrodite.

confirmed for female or small pp

pic related is ew
fuck my hands

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i like ur hand :3 it's fine, just keep it a lil cleaner

handposting is for CHADS!

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CHAD hand

tfw finger envy

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does my wrist pass?

Attached: PSX_20200430_150506.jpg (500x889, 75.29K)

as male, yes
small hands/fingers are cute, as long as they're poroportoonste with the rest of you body
yours look good

proportionate* oops

feminine wrists, you just just become a woman and get TOPPED

oke heres my hand

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My pinky is kinda fucked up from using a mouse too much lol

Attached: IMG_20200430_092552485.jpg (735x980, 73.19K)

My hands are fucking terrible

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Fuck you and your thin hands, I'm so jealous

These are attractive

Take care of your nails, please. Your hands will look nice if you do.

>tfw no oxygen
Corona-chan is going to do a number on me if I get infected.

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God I love Pepsi Cola, made with real sugar of course.

Attached: pepsi cola.jpg (3072x4096, 1.68M)

here it is. about to have breakfast now

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thanks everyone for contributing in my datamining thread
I'm anorexic and fairly tall, you should do the same and you'll get thin hands as well

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never gone into a hands thread before, are they always tranny cope?

I'm basically bulimic but I know that's not really the way to go, I'll try harder tho

Carful. This rule is being enforced very selectively.

t. got banned for 24 hours over a picture where my legs were visible,

Attached: 6E52F37B-A8F7-4EF6-B0F7-5F3F3EBE0B04.jpg (325x573, 67.62K)

See a doctor. This is a sign of serious illness, possibly a heart problem.