I had sex with my boyfriend's dad and he ended up finding my bra in his dad's bedroom

I had sex with my boyfriend's dad and he ended up finding my bra in his dad's bedroom.

My bf works in a super market all day and since I live with him and his dad we are both the only ones home. His shift is the entire day and doesn't come home until midnight.
His dad has always been extra nice to me however and went out of his way to cook meals for me during quarantine but I've sort of brushed off his behavior as I assumed it was just out of a nice gesture. Until Monday night when we were sitting on the couch watching a movie and he kept scooting his body close to me to the point where his leg touched mine. I was slightly uncomfortable at first so I crossed my legs to show some distance. Then he commented how pretty my legs were and started caressing my thighs. I told him to stop and how wrong this was, he gently whispered in my ear how I didn't sound sincere and knew I wanted this deep down inside. He then kissed my neck and cheek and told me how soft my skin felt. I was aroused. I basically let him have his way with me and we ended up making out and taking our business to his bedroom. I feel extremely guilty for doing what I had done but if I had to admit it was the best sex I ever had in my life and I almost felt pressured to sleep with him because he kept making these advances on me and I couldn't say a flat no. After we finished I put back my underwear, I forgot to wear my bra and I didn't know where I placed it so I just wore my spaghetti strap and called it a day. (1/2)

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The next morning my bf is freaking out at me. He told me his iPhone charger wasn't working and was looking for a cable in his dad's bedroom. He searched under the bed and he found my pink bra. He told me he felt it and said they smelled and felt used.
I panicked on the inside and the only excuse I could come up with is "that is so odd, I was actually looking for my pink bra yesterday while I was doing laundry. If it was under your dad's bed he must've took it? I don't know why he would. But that sounds oddly strange of him to do that." And then after I subtly accused his dad of being a potential creep/weirdo who might've done something awful with it. Thankfully he believed my terrible acting and didn't doubt for a second in what I said. I was relieved but then I soon realized that excuse will no longer hold up when he confronts his dad about it which he is currently putting off.

I'm not sure what to do. I can't admit to my boyfriend I cheated on him, let alone admit I had sex with his fucking dad? I hate myself and I regret it. I also hate his dad for making unwanted advances on me and me having to take it. (2/2)

have sex with his dad again, maybe that will improve things.

>if I had to admit it was the best sex I ever had in my life
you say you regret it and didn't want it but talk like a mongrel whore, leave your boyfriend you don't deserve him nor anyone

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You gotta let him have sex with your dad. It's only fair.

>it was the best sex I ever had in my life
>I almost felt pressured to sleep with him because he kept making these advances on me and I couldn't say a flat no
So does literally every woman want to be raped?

If only my bfs father took an interest in me.

You get what you deserve. Hope he isn't a cuck and he kicks your dumbass to the curb. You deserve no sympathy. Get fucked and die in a fire.


This isnt reddit. Cuntoid.

Women are scum you should consider suicide.