Why aren't 3rd worlders depressed?

Why aren't 3rd worlders depressed?

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A lot of them are and the only ones that aren't are low IQ niggers

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They fuck a lot. Like, A LOT.

I imagine many of them are. What makes you think they aren't?

Because they have families, who love them. It's a back-up, when you don't have money, insurance, or retirement.

However, South Sudan is the most depressed country in the world. Fun Fact.

this, it takes some brain power to figure out your current situation
so do other humans, i don't see how mindless pleasures fixes anything, it's just like masturbating or watching television

They don't have time to realise their depression

Because they have shit ton of stuff to do to survive. They give their lives meaning by working to live

Compare the fertility rates between high IQ first worlders and low IQ 3rd worlders you abysmal retard

Because they have a family one partner from a young age they work everyday they are physically active and eat non processed food
They also die before they can get depressed but we dont talk about that

i thought you meant that it played a role in their behavior, i see nothing there though, elaborate how sex fixes depression. That's my point faggot.

You dumb cunt, leading countries on depression are all african.

Absolute brainlet

it's momentarily, that's also between reproducing and mindlessly having sex. Make a point nigger, i don't see 5 seconds of pleasure to make a sufficient benefit.

Read the study you fucking retard, holy shit lmao it's literally right there.

Do you really need a study to prove that having regular sex is good for your mental health? How fucking stupid can you be?

Think about it for five fucking seconds retard. Regular sex means

>Functional relationship irl (not online) with one or more members of the opposite sex
>Likely cuddling either happens before or after sex, most likely both
>Having a girl likely means you're more socially fulfilled, and at the very least have someone to do romantic feel good shit with
>Active sex life is going to de-stress you and regularly give you a reward to look forward to at the end of a hard day
>Regular sex stops you from giving off any desperate or creep vibes, making you more likeable to both men and women

And a ton of other advantages that are quite honestly common fucking sense. It's not just about busting a nut you retard, anyone can do that with their hand and five minutes. It's about all the other dressing that comes with it that helps shape you into a more well adjusted individual with a functional social circle and an immediate society around you that you might actually give an inkling of a fuck about since you're not a complete and total unwanted reject.

Why did you reply to me as well? I only posted the study so the retard couldn't say I was making false statements and so he couldn't say it was pseudoscience.

Because I was joining in the conversation that you were both having. Got a problem with it faggot? I was agreeing with you.

because they were never taught they were suppost to have a purpose
and we think we are and since we never find one it makes us miserable

>Why aren't 3rd worlders depressed?
They have jobs

Because the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in "advanced" countries.

Yeah that's fine but you should have just replied to him. It's alright though man, relax. Lol

> implying

Nigger, we have even more reasons to be depressed, the problem is that the ones that will reach your internet spaces require a computer, internet connection and knowing english.
Most of those are upper middle class, and in general they have less problems to feel sad for.

because they dont know anything better?

westerners are tought they should have it all and be the 1%

Brazil killed my dreams, I hate this hellhole. I'm about to be a Hero next months and I want kill people enough to break Cho record. I have nothing to lose, nothing, and I want kill my targets until I kill myself before the cops arrive.

>just turned 18 years old
>live in Ukraine

Attached: virgin eastern european anon.jpg (228x221, 12.16K)

They are, the problem is that there is no time to be depressed when you have to work shitty jobs and do absolutely anything in order to live a normal life.
I've seen such things. In first world countries people get depressed because they have the time to sit down and think about it for a while. Just think about how you realized when you were depressed; you probably thought about it for a while until you started carrying that weight consciously. Now imagine that you think about it often, but while you're at it you're working your 12+ hour shift that doesn't pay shit, which on itself makes you even more depressed, but when you get home you don't get time to relax from that bullshit, but rather worry about the taxes and how you probably won't be able to pay this month, so you have to work more and more. While we sit at home contemplating suicide, they are trying to survive and have no time to even think about suicide.

Some people here just want go full mass murder.

Is a 130 IQ person stupid?

"No," you'll say, "of course not. That's 2 SDs above average!"

Okay. Tomorrow aliens with an average IQ of 200 show up. How are those 130 IQ guys looking now?

There's no such thing as absolute poverty or absolute stupidity or absolute ugliness. They're all relative. Why would you be depressed when your situation is normal to you? Because someone on the other side of the world has it better?

Brazil has more than 10% unemployment rate

They are, they just complain online less