If women have it easy then WHY CAN'T I GET A BOYFRIEND???

If women have it easy then WHY CAN'T I GET A BOYFRIEND???
(NOT a troon before you accuse)

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Are you fat? If not you literally just have to make a dating profile and you'll be swimming in dick.

tits or btfo
small tits always are alone it's law of nature

Tell me where you live, if you're close to where I am I'll go on a date with you at the earliest convenient time.

For scientific purposes.
I would like it if you were my girlfriend.

whats ur face look like

would you play with my butt if i was your boyfirend?

You are probably fat or ugly or both

If you:
-bad hygiene
-are annoying
-dress with shitty dirty clothes
You won't have a boyfriend, you can't be a sloth and a fucking prince to come search for you, also don't wait if you want one are you retarded? Women can make the first move too kek

Please be in Australia I will let you live in my house and be a NEET

i'd want a butterface gf
or if she was like hourglass bimbo kind of fat

Are you

c)Mentally ill?
d)All of the above?

If none of the above then I'm at a complete loss

Assuming you're not larping, I'm petty sure that means one thing: YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO GET ONE.

serves you right you stupid woahjack poster.

>"i have a vagina"
>1000 replies
ebic bread

-are annoying
-dress with shitty dirty clothes
That said it's kind of shit if a woman puts too much effort into her looks.

>makes thread about wanting bf
and thus, the board was baited once more

>-dress with shitty dirty clothes
what tofueating faggot cares about her cloths?

You replied to it as well kek

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this is originally original to the court of the original originals

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Stop being picky, retard.

I'll be your bf oregamo

This one got it right I guess, but tell me WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? I don't wanna get a stupid normie dating app, I don't even wanna post my face anywhere like /soc/ that's FUCKING stupid, what am I supposed to go bars/coffee shops and wait 'till someone approaches? Fuck that! This is some normie-tier shit which I can't handle. Online communication is stressful enough, how am I supposed to cope? Why am I even a woman? I'd rather be a male incel so I could have a community I could stick to and a million reasons why I'm unsuccessful. But no, all it comes down to the fact that I'm a shut-in and should get over myself and "put myself out there" FUCK I can't! Why couldn't I have met someone while I was in school?? Nobody ever noticed me that's why and now I basically don't exist!!!!

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Where do you live? If you're close by we'll talk through discord or whatever the fuck to get to know each other and build trust and then we'll go on a date together.

Because your too picky an wont settle

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People usually meet their partners through their job, through education, through community service, and through familial connections.

It's retarded how hard it is to meet people, since everything needs an excuse that isn't "I'm looking for someone to date" otherwise people get really eager or really put off.
The world is pretty much configured to be anti-relationships, these days. It's not just you, desu, despite me saying this earlier: I'm sad to say that I don't know the answer. You could do what the retards in my MMO community do and try to date the people you play with in video games. It works out roughly never, but it's still a dating pool composed of people you share interests with..

Just by posting this thread you got lots of guys who are willing to date you. All you need to do is say a little bit about yourself like general age and location. The amount of lonely guys far outnumbers lonely women, it's super easy for you to find someone if you just try. Hell, if you're from New England I'd be down to get to know you.

Stop with the bullshit m8

its always a larp but if not, because when you make these threads you will get tens of robots saying begging to contact you
women literally cant be alone

Not OP, but there's a lot of dudes who reply. The thing is, she doesn't know who any of us are.

As a somewhat above average guy, I get this sometimes too. For introverted autists, it's like trying to find a shoe in a ball pit.

I could find a shoe in a ball pit easily