The average woman has been taught from birth how to take care of 90% of men's daily needs...

The average woman has been taught from birth how to take care of 90% of men's daily needs, while men have been taught to take care of almost 0% of ours. Men claim they need less to "make them happy" because most of their needs get met by default. Women have to beg to be met halfway.

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>The average woman has been taught from birth how to take care of 90% of men's daily needs
bullshit you lying whore you don't even know how to cook beef wellington


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Then teach me how to take care of your needs

Your talking about basic life skills and most people(not here) learn those, and in the traditional mindset a man is supposed to provide income which most do.

Read my post again. It's very clear.

It's not my job to teach you how to be a decent human being.

>It's not my job to teach you how to be a decent human being.
Then fuck off whining about vague bullshit

> 'men have never been taught to take care of female needs!'
>'ok teach me'


My post really isn't that "vague". Seems more like you're just playing dumb because of your entitled attitude being challenged.

What needs do women have that are different to men's?

>Read my post again. It's very clear.
If you can't take not having kisses and cuddles every 5 minutes just get a dog. Also your eggs are drying up at an exponential rate. By the time you are 26 you will be pic related.

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All you know is to demand more when you offer very little, and make excuses after excuses.

What needs of a man are you taught to take care of?

>your entitled attitude being challenged.
>Then teach me how to take care of your needs
See the contradiction there, dumbass? I'm quite willing to challenge whatever views or attitudes I might have. But I'm not willing to listen to someone whine and bitch about some imagined problem they're not willing to elaborate on.

I don't know what their needs are. I'd be willing to listen, though.

>created civilization
>invented basically every single one of the great technological advancements
>started the industrial revolution
>died in wars for you to live freely in the country they built
>work all the STEM and trades jobs that are physically demanding and mentally tasking, build and maintain all services and infrastructures
>create and maintain the supply chain so you can have your make up, smart phones and pizza
>invent the internet, invent the computer so you can sit on their invention and talk shit about them
>built your home and it's comforts, installed the plumbing and internet so you can live a happy peaceful life
>run the government, majority of the CEOs and own most businesses. Acquired all the wealth
>have a vagina
>some of them are mediocre nurses that work less effectively than male nurses
>some of them work in retail, some of them work in marketing and HR

Stop dating douchebags and man children you dumb whore

>run the government, majority of the CEOs and own most businesses. Acquired all the wealth
Patriarchy is preventing women from getting these jobs. Sorry to burst you bubble.

>men are great because they made some technological advancements
>women bad because they only have vagina
No wonder you haven't found a girl that loves you. All technological progress has given us is a more efficient means to go backwards. Men are the reason why wars start. Women literally made you.

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What a convenient excuse. Dilate tranny, because last time I checked diversity and equality has infected the workforce and has pushed companies to hire more women and offer them more opportunities

>See the contradiction there, dumbass?

There is no contradiction. You are demanding me to do something for you and acting like you're doing me a favor. 100% entitled.

Go live in Africa if you want to go forward then

>Women have to beg to be met halfway.

See? You get all of your needs covered and you don't even have to get to know the other person. What else do you want?

>50% of trannies kill themselves
>100% of them are mentally ill
No wonder you can't find literally anyone to love you. All transitioning has done is prolong and perpetuate the inevitable. Trannies are the reason people criticize pride parades. Male doctors literally made you.

And you just want to whine like a dumb cunt

>All you know is to demand more when you offer very little, and make excuses after excuses.
You are projecting. This is quite literally the definition of the incel mindset.

>What needs of a man are you taught to take care of?
Typical male entitlement, literally taking women for granted to such a degree that you literally don't even notice any of the things we do for you.

I thought this post was about men in general? All men are incels now? Nice strawman tranny, kek, is that all you dumb faggots know how to do?

What things do women do for men?

Lmao. Didn't take long for you to drop the act once you realized I wasn't going to let you take advantage of me.


And Karen is preventing everyone else from getting in. It's just the whole thing with toxicity, in general.

divorce rape them, making them pay for their stuff, cuck him with chad, the usual stuff.

So the best you can do as a retort is to throw slogans? Proves my point.

Even more projection.

How about you open your eyes and pay attention, instead of being so self-obsessed. It really shouldn't be this difficult for you to figure out.

Wars happen because bad people keep taking from everyone. Until someone tells them to stop. There still has to be people to defend the group, when the bad people retaliate. The only thing worse is captivity and genocide.

>No wonder you haven't found a girl that loves you.
I know. Sometimes you feel hurt. Other times, you feel guilty.

>doesn't answer the question
>just strawmans and deflects
I think you should go to bed, you've been posting a LOT today.

You'll never be a real woman. Here's your (you)

>things we do for you
Not them, but I'm aware of that. Sometimes it's hard to pick-up on the hints.

boiling storebought noodles and pouring a can of tomato sauce on it is not cooking

I'm a woman and I agree that you incels never do anything for ME when all I do is taking care of high-maintenance men that I have no business dating so it's ALL YOUR FAULT YOU UNDERSTAND?

>I think you should go to bed, you've been posting a LOT today.

I woke up a few hours ago. Sounds like you're projecting. Also, all of these incels not even being able to conceptualize what women's needs are or what women do for men is simply proving my point. I'm not going to go along with their passive-aggressive nonsense.

You're not really self-aware, are you?

So you have stressors that you want taken care of too? Fair enough.