hellooo everyone~
how is everyone doing today? I noticed that robots like talking about sex and their pp alot... Is that normal? Do people just talk like this when they converse with a girl? No wonder all of you are still single
hellooo everyone~
how is everyone doing today? I noticed that robots like talking about sex and their pp alot... Is that normal? Do people just talk like this when they converse with a girl? No wonder all of you are still single
i talk to my boyriend berry little recently, and when I have talked to him
he talks about his pp. its very annoying, idc if it smells or its alittle bigger then normal
i wanna talk about acute angles and why this math doesnt make sense
i haven't spoken to a non blood related female in 10 years
i'm 21 btw
Screw sex, I just wanna cuddle, be held and feel someone elses warmth...
Kek this shit made me laugh my ass off. Eh I want season 2 to come out so bad I need to know what happened with rem.
same desu I dont care about pp smell or big pp like why do men think its cool when it isn't
ehhh did you not go to school? or were you homeschooled?
I dont mind cuddling but do you talk about the cool shit your pp does because that is a big turn off
Bigu you are one strange mother fucker.
im not im remposting riko
oh is this that cutu discordie guy?
treat pp well and pp treat you well
Ah my mistake so your riko I have heard some things about you. I do like your taste in rem tho.
Yeah he is an odd one to say the least.
pp is a private matter
I want to cuddle with you, you qt 3.14
but I don't want pp treatment whattttt
ehh what have you heard about me? hmm I dont think I am that popular tho...
why do people keep talking about pp then??? I dont want to hear I don't want to hear ahhhh
you can be a qt3,14 too hehe user
I just want to hug you and give you lots of head pats.
Why don't you just accept the bans already and fuck off. Why do you insist on coming back to a place that does not want you here?
I don't think she was ever banned for posting this stuff. But why would an outcast care about what you think about him/her, especially in a place for outcasts?
This isn't soc and they were banned either yesterday or the day before. Jannies have been banning this person off and on for awhile. Let's take the fake cute bullshit and put it where it belongs on soc. Not here.
>ppl in a male-dominated space talk a certain way
>"Do people just talk like this when they converse with a girl?"
Are you retarded?
im just trying to cuddle and feel wanted
You aren't going to get that from this shitty thread. Might as well buy a weighted blanket.
I love headpats tfw no headpat qt3.14 bf
hmm I was banned a while ago but unbanned now....
but im chatting~ why should I belong on a pp board im doing actual discussion here
I hate pp
I don't understand...do males like to talk about the stories on pp
awww you have every right and deserve to feel wanted ok!! also I have weighted blanket is very comfy I recommend getting silk one is good for summer too
Because you aren't just 'chatting' You already from the start decided to belittle a bunch of people but whatever that's fine. If you don't like pp block it whatever but you clearly don't belong here and all you are doing is hurting anons for your own attention and benefit. So fuck off you disgusting piece of shit.
Yeah but not to women
ya pps are just super cool and fun to talk about. mine can shoot super fast!
I'm not belitting...I'm giving some advice to this board that maybe the reason why they can't find gfs is because they think with their dick too much.
ya they shouldn't...I think its kinda unattractive to chat with someone for 2 days and they go
"What are you wearing" "Want to see my dick"
no I dont want anything from these people.
wowow do u have shooting record and competitions when u talk to your male friends about it?
This but also they're really mean to girls on here so not enough hang around r9k to go around and robots never go anywhere else ;(
no id be too shy to show it to other people
Doing alright I guess. Reading and studying a lot over this quarantine. Imo it's not all about sex, robots want someone who actually loves and cares about them. Unfortunately lots of us have never experienced that. I haven't talked to a woman irl in years.
You clearly don't know much about the people you are talking to. How about you keep your advice to yourself thx.