So are we seriously at the point now where being a slut is socially acceptable or is it just tiwtter warping my view...

So are we seriously at the point now where being a slut is socially acceptable or is it just tiwtter warping my view? Because just 10 years ago being a slut was considered a pretty fucking bad thing. You didn't shame people for calling you a slut, you prayed that no one found out because you would be socially ruined. So how? How did the paradigm shift so quickly? Is memetic ideology spread just that effective?

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depends who the audience is
performative feminism is a social media or liberal woman thing, but the stigma isnt gone

When masculinity is frowned upon in education circles and the concept of patriarchal oppression is fed to students and then the masses, you get that kind of nonsense.

I think its an age thing and culture shift like drugs are sort of more widely acceptable and are sort of more tollable when your older and kids sort of used to use it as an opportunity to bully each other now I don't think kids know how to bully each other as much and drugs etc are more of a mainstream thing. what do you mean twitter is warping your view you follow some good twitter sluts or something ?

>what do you mean twitter is warping your view
Eh, Ive seen some people claim that the consensus on twitter is not in touch with the average person in the world aged 18-30. So basically Im wondering if seeing people defending sluttery on the internet reflects real social normalcy or not.

The sexual revolution was one gigantic mistake

massively the idea of taking away appreciation from your partner or loved one and then giving it to the greater public (who don't actually wont it ) doesn't make sense the only people they aid are pervy men the same people they hate they say its not for other people yet ts a public display and if t was to impress other people that only works up until you for any manner of connection with them its whatever tho idiots

how do you rationalise criticising women for being 'modern', or sluts or whatever but are a neet who spends your time posting on an image board, genuine question?

Genetic fallacy. Being a slut is bad, slut.

Le let he who is without sin throw the first stone meme
Bitch I'm gonna fuckin noscope this stone at you ass

So is being a neet with no prospects and is probably as destructive to traditionalism or nuclear family values or whatever you people value as women being 'sluts'

>traditionalism or nuclear family values or whatever you people value
No I just don't like nasty ass hoes lmao. When the fuck did sluts and whiteknights get so uppity?

do you genuinely thing 'sluts' sit and post on r9k in their spare time?

No but I did specify twitter as their local hangout and I think whiteknight sums up the little faggots defending them here quite nicely.

being a slut is a personal choice made by somebody chasing short term gains with guys with dark triad personality traits (aka chad) to maybe convince him to go for a long term gain. Personally not a NEET but underemployed. being a neet is a symptom from a society that refuses to get a handle on their education system to offer affordable higher education (shouldn't cost a second mortgage to get one degree that may get you a job,). I remember there being a time where people could easily get grants/scholarships or only save half a year of paychecks to pay for their whole higher education. heck they could always offer cheaper ways to get education in jobs where they are needed (like trades). underemployed jobs are usually not worth it as they can make feel anxiety 24/7 while there.

Nothing unusual here.

All civilisations fell to degeneracy and weakness, and so shall this one.

Humans evolved as a simple tribalistic animal, and we just can't handle civilisation in the long run.

>being a slut is a personal choice
So is inceldom. Inceldom and sluts have that in common at least.

How are those two comparable at all?

>So is inceldom
No lmao.Unless you advocate for rape or taking womens rights

>I dont like him calling "being a slut" personal choice, so ill state my an unpopular opinion on something that doesn't pertain to the thread or post-chain
Jeez females do not like personal responsibility, you remind them this and they start arguing with holes. Go cry somewhere on your own anti-incel thread.

>in before, incel (1 of 102 matches)

>females do not like personal responsibility
you keep writing as if you disagree with me, but you keep saying things that tell me incels and females have more and more in common. save for having sex of course.

>waaah I don't like something that's said and disagrees with me! If you argue with me, I'll be just be a disingenuous presumptuous retard spouting opinions from propaganda made by ideologues.
Come on, just post incel 95 more times in a post and be done with it Cathy. didnt know a simple statement would provoke you so badly. Thanks for the chuckle though, its a nice thing before i go to sleep

>in b4 ORIGINAL comments to evade-ban

>doesn't deny it
>i hope nobody noticed i am deflecting!
face it incel. you have more in common with sluts except sluts get something out of it while you do not. incel
think of me calling you incel as doing you a service
the more times i call you incel, the sooner you will be desensitised to the label of incel, and the sooner you will be on the path to self improvement so you won't be an incel anymore, incel.

>Because just 10 years ago being a slut was considered a pretty fucking bad thing.
Lol. You're 15 right? That was absolutely not the case. You don't even know what things were like 10 years ago.

Why did you choose to be an incel if it makes you so angry?

He has convinced himself he has no choice.

It's been a good thing since Sex and the City at least dude.

>is it just tiwtter warping my view?

it's this, leave the house and get asocial circle

>So you're saying
Lol those presumptions, memory dump and feed it into your keyboard, then go to the next unrelated thread. or go seethe and cope on your discord, or schizo post more

Which one came first, men calling women sluts for having had previous partners, or women proclaiming that they are allowed to have sex with who they want.

but why do you want to be an incel if it is so painful?

Im a neet because I don't want to contribute to a slut enabling society

More for me user, thanks.

Depends where you live. I am Slav and I know a girl from university that has a new boyfriend every few months. My (female) friends and their friends still mock her for being promiscuous and unable to maintain anything long term.
But I guess in the USA the same girl would be seen as somewhat conservative.

just stop being an incel if it's so bad