I'm due to have a son, my first child, in less than a week.
Any tips? I come from a long line of fathers who consider themselves failures. My dad cut off contact with his and I got off contact with mine.
Should I put him in public, private, or homeschool?
I'm due to have a son, my first child, in less than a week
Some basic stats
>Wife and I are both 24
>I'm an elementary school teacher, she's a nurse
>I can easily work from home to homeschool him if needed
>All of my family lives 2000+ miles away
Got a name picked out?
I hope he's stillborn and your wife dies in childbirth you fucking normalfaggot
Gabriel Morton for the first and middle, snuck in a reference to my favorite Australian.
>breastfeed no (((formula)))
>make your own baby food
>redpill your son at an early age
>teach him a second language early on
>keep him off the sugar, no masses of sweets in the house
Public obviously, you can help him at home too still. If you should've learned one thing from lurking on 4ch it's that school isnt all about homework
What're your reasons for yes homeschool? Wife is up in the air about it. I teach public and love it, and I personally adored school as a kid for the escapism it provided me.
Also he's going to learn Spanish so he can talk to his grandparents/wife's insistence. I'm Japanese American and I'm slowly learning Japanese, he can join me if he wants.
I personally lean toward public but I grew up in a town so small it legally isn't a town, and now I'm in one of the biggest cities in the US.
Sorry newfriend but this board is for NEETs and social outcasts. If you have a wife and a son, this isn't the place for you
I've been here since 2012, went from mute autistic NEET to where I am now, my only consistency in life has been Yas Forums. I love you all too much to move on
Get involved with your son's hobbies or at least show some interest, just so you have something in common.
Homeschooling is not the best idea. Children need to learn social skills, and the best way to do that is to expose them to others. Also keeping your children at home hinders their developing immune system too. You just need to make sure your kid knows how to handle bullying.
More people the better. Just try to keep updated with your kids life and give him pointers, ie dont be a bitch, maybe go for a jog with him or do pushups worst case scenario if hes a loser idk
Should I introduce him to mine? I'm big into radio, pinball, retro gaming, reading and comics. I'll have stacks on stacks of NES/SNES/N64/GameCube games for him to play through and nearly every Judge Dredd issue to read.
I don't want to force anything on him
Definitely, you'll have something to bond over, if it catches his interest.
Godspeed user, I hope you'll be a great father.
Since everyone else on this board wants to be unhelpful, I'll break a rule and post because I want to help an user out. I'm your age.
The most important thing you can do for your son is be there for him. Note the highest predictor of shitty people is absent fathers. Secondly, your son will do as you do but not as you say, so be sure to try hard to be the best you can be as a person. Lift weights (browse fit, read SS, enjoy), eat well (avoid sugar), and focus on productive hobbies when possible.
Entrust responsibility to the child as early as possible. Have them set the table each night while very young, and eventually have them make whole meals for you and your wife. Remember that children can reason and so you should never say "because I said so", you should use logic but mostly end results to convince your child of things.
Just two cents from someone mildly interested in the subject. Enjoy your life, dude. Best of luck to your son. Ganbatte.
Do not let him develop an addiction to video games or tv or social media or whatever the fashionable brain-frying tech of the future is.
Public school and make sure you read to your child.
homeschool so he doesn't have to deal with being in cliques and bullying and can focus more on studies and other things.
Molte grazie
Is having him due his own laundry in the first grade too early? I had parents highly protective of their stuff so I didn't learn how to use the oven or do a load of clothes until I was 20.
I grew up addicted to video games and I turned out fine, why the stigma? I understand games are different today but I think just letting him play my retro collection/Steam library won't kill him
Everything this user said except:
>redpill your son at an early age
Don't teach them what to think, teach them HOW to think. It's better to learn critical thinking than to 'pick a team' like some brainwashed polfag or for lack of a better term 'libcuck'
>Secondly, your son will do as you do but not as you say, so be sure to try hard to be the best you can be as a person.
absolutely this. I am an absolute failure, but my cousins told me they want to become like me because I always give my best in things I am passionate about like lifting weights. They always want to train with me when they come over
>Don't teach them what to think, teach them HOW to think.
That is basically redpilled
>Falling for a LARP this hard
I hate you all
Anyone who forces their political views on their kids is fucking scum
>t. Faggot how sees no issue in teaching kids that slavery is bad and nazis are bad despite the fact that this is manifestly political, its societal normalisation merely being a result of having become the Majority opinion
Treat him as a human being. always reward hard work. never punish honesty. when you punish him make sure you are clear about why he is being punished. i would go public school unless there is a high rate of crime in your area.
Reward creativity. if your kid is passionate about something (that is healthy. if its a fury crack its head open with a wrench). But the most important thing is to provide structure to their life. a child without structure ends up becoming a failure. having them do chores teaches them to be independent. out of school activities can help them learn how to socialize and build more character.
and the most important thing. you will learn about them and what works as you go. every person is different. and as long as you treat them as a human being and care for their well being (which you do) you will do fine.
Feed him properly and don't let him get fat. I ended up just like my dad, 300+ lbs until I got to live on my own and controlled my diet. I'm pretty sure my mom is a feeder too.
Dude r9k is not the place to ask people lmao most ppl are virgins let alone parents
But I'd say put that kid in public school; most of the people I've met that were homeschooled were so behind regardless of parents' background
He also won't be developing their social skills at nearly the same level as a public school student
Don't homeschool him bro you're setting them him up for NEETdom
Allow him to make his own decisions on drugs at 16.
>Why son did I find these LSD tabs in your room? It's fine here's a doobie. (:
No really what is your stance on his unavoidable contact with drugs as a teacher and a nurse?
Homeschooling is the best option by far. Schools are dens of leftists who will want turn your child into a leftist or tranny abomination.
Good luck man. I'm a father and, like you, I am a flawed human being. The first thing you are going to have to come to terms with after you have survived the first couple of years of sleep deprivation, stress, and all the typical insanity you can't avoid is this: it is its own person and will not turn out how you want no matter how hard you try, but you can steer the course.
Basic advice - don't buy heaps of unnecessary expensive shit, your baby and toddler doesn't give a fuck and there is an entire industry out there ready to bleed you out of cash. Read to it. Teach it fine motor skills. Spend time outdoors. Encourage its interests when they become apparent. Encourage it. Comfort it. Make it laugh. Enjoy the small things and don't get hung up on how it will infuriate you by simply being a baby. Avoid synthetic fabrics. Sleep when you can. Look after the mother. You are the third wheel in the house for the first 6 months at least.
If you can afford it, send it to private school and set it up for a better life. Don't homeschool and pick the best public school you can if private isn't an option.
Instil values and the ability to think and learn and then let it choose its path and make its own mistakes.