What are the fembots here like irl?

i have no idea what your existence might be like

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I dont have a life I just browse Yas Forums play vidya and shitpost

>what are the fembots here like irl?

I'm really really stinky and fat

Checked. Nice digits.

My existence is pretty horrible. I'm not very smart, I'm always a little confused and overwhelmed and scared. If I didn't have constant ongoing support from my parents and big sister, I would not make it. As it is I struggle.

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Where do I sign up?

smelly mommy

-2 bpd neets
-4 regular depressed neets
-1 femdom loving high school girl
-2 girls from abusive homes
-1 rem poster
-1 high school girl who wants to rape and torture me
-3 normal introverts
-1 23 year old coomer
-1 pedophile
-2 regular weebs
-1 stripper

I think that's all the ones I've meet. Pretty good start I'd say.

Oh I forgot groin grinder, shes just an attention seeking 20 year old with anxiety issues..

i want to bathe you
>with my semen

I have Asperger's, I have no friends. I spend my free time by myself on my phone or watching tv with my parents. I have a part time job but not currently working due to covid 19.

are any femanons willing to put their finger in my bum?
i will give you affection and my eretion

I'm a recluse, I don't really talk to anyone except on discord. Sometimes I come out with strange thoughts and people think I'm weird. Have been told something about me can be quite off putting, guess I rub people the wrong way. Have some autism. Neet but hopefully not after coronavirus.
Otherwise I have relatively good manners and am normal looking.

I don't want to be used as a onahole. So probably no where right.

i've got a normal life and friends. i like baking and painting a lot. I'm on here because I have morbid curiosity about all of you people. Irl I'm very "wholesome" and I'd never admit to coming on here.

Obese mutts or bpd white women

Kinda makes me smile but then I realize you use this place as a way to liven up your presumably stale and normal existence. I am not trying to be derisive, it just seems like something a soccer mom would do to feel edgy and free from consequence.

Would you mind telling me where you're located if you're still here? You sound interesting.

They sit on their asses all day and have bad hygiene so they pussies are really stinky, and hairy.

>what are the fembots here like irl?

Very average for the most part, I have one close friend who I share almost all my degeneracies with, and a wider group of friends who you would probably consider "stacys". They're the only reason I go to parties and shit like that.
I play games on my PC, watch streams, bake, etc etc
Don't really know how I've ended up here. I mostly just lurk

Where you at? You sound reasonably well adjusted

UK, and yeah I'd say that I am.

I think maybe I just come here because it's almost like seeing peoples' internal thoughts that they'd never admit to irl
I bet a lot more "normal" people think about a lot of whats mentioned here than they'd like to admit

That's a shame
>I bet a lot more "normal" people think about a lot of whats mentioned here than they'd like to admit
I'd say that's definitely true to an extend but a lot of what's said here is also fueled by mental illness and bitterness

Yeah, besides bait posts and projection it's mostly just a cesspool of mentally ill NEETs who don't actually want to get better and shit on anyone who does

^ woops, mb, this is filler because i keep getting muted

Im fridgeanon (got that nickname on Yas Forums because I posted about my fridge telling me that I'm hopeless)
diagnosed schizo
have yt channel where I educate about mental illness & do podcast with 4ch anons about mental health related issues
I own a discord support server
I set a house on fire when I was 17
I had human skull taken from crypt and I kept it on my shelf for 14 years
I browse Yas Forums since 2012
I witnessed Wojak posting on KC Yas Forums
I am interested in how black holes form and evaporate

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I guess I probably fall into the introverted normie category. I was bullied in high school and spent those four years on the internet and was heavily into anime. At some point I found Yas Forums. I didn't browse Yas Forums until after college though. I felt like college was like a fresh start for me since I went to one that nobody from my hometown went to and I actually managed to make friends and meet someone who I'm still with. If I never went to college I'd probably still be watching anime alone in my bedroom every night and working at my old dead end fast food job without ever having a serious boyfriend. I have a very small handful of friends now, none of which I feel like really "get" me or am particularly close with since they're all more normie or former Stacies but they're nice people. I think I have a lot to be thankful for at this point and wouldn't consider myself a fem"bot" in any way. Sorry for being on this board.

>i have no idea what your existence might be like

pain and suffering

>I am interested in how black holes form and evaporate

Are you just interested in black holes, or does astronomy interest you in general?

why would you not want to get better?
thats unpossible

>why would you not want to get better?

It takes effort and facing one's faults, and that is painful.

There aren't any women here you fucking retard. and if there are, they are even worse than us. For a woman to actually be robot-tier, she needs to be fat and utterly disgusting.

astronomy in general, but Hawking radiation most of all

Fyi no girl, and especially no low self esteem girl appreciates this type of "attention". It's degrading

This desu. Simply existing is physically and mentally tormenting.

>Hawking radiation

That's awfully specific, do you also have OCD or an autism spectrum disorder? Your list of interests and activities sounds pretty cool tho

Are you that pole boomer roastie?