/r9gay/ - #1007

/r9gay/ - #1007

twinkle star edition

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Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder where you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder where you are

"boys" don't exist. stressed out overthinking men who have high standards exist.

You'll never get to experience the joy of love

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That's gross pedo
Go the fuck away

>tfw no bf to stay inside while its raining and listen to grouper and play minecraft

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>ywn never hug someone
>ywn have your bf sleeping on your tummy
>ywn hold hands tightly

you'll all find love one day just chill out man smoke some weeeed man

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I can play this on the piano desu

No, 99% of people here will never be happy, will never fix the issues in their life and will never find love.

We'll see in time who's wrong and who's right.

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csgo is fun
go play it.

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Reminder that if you have a BF, You've ever touched another human being in a romantic or sexual context, have spread your nudes online, or have any boyfriend prospects you are a sLUT AND NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT.

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no it's clearly becoming the new tf2 and we'll ultimately see the community suffer.

Don't think I will, faggot
Can't stop me!

I know were you live slut. I'm comin.

I'm cummin too homo
Come over and ride this dick

Cute user :) I used to know

Gentle reminder that if you're ever interacted with another human being in person, in a manner that allows them to have a chance at getting gifts from you from pulling your arm, then you're a slot.

Reminder if you exist you're a slut and I hate you so fucking much

I don't have high standards, I'm just disgusting looking and pathetic.

Reminder if you've ever had an intake of oxygen you're a whore. Dirty fucking molecules in there.

Reminder if you ever have been on 4ch, you've seen filthy things with your slut whore eyes. Real robots don't have eyes.

reminder if you're alive you're a slut. all the real robots are dead.

reminder to get the fuck if you are any kind of
>normal faggot
or any other CUMBRAIN
r9gay is ONLY for robot men seeking long term monogomous relationships that Iead to marriage

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>r9gay is ONLY for robot men seeking long term monogomous relationships that Iead to marriage

Based normalfag shamers.

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You say that but r9gay is heavily supported by mentally ill sluts and attention whores. I'd worked super hard to find a "wholesome" bf from this board. Tired of not clicking with normalfags.

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Based image based homo :)

I'm bisexual
I have 2 bfs
I have had sex hundreds of times
Feels good man

>tfw no bf to run after the ice cream truck with

im going to break up with my bf of 2 years

I'm going say it and you're not going to like it

>he's a drug abusing bislut
Every time.