Creative thread
What are you working on?
Creative thread
I want her to step on my fucking cock
painting a mannequin head
Yas Forums in a nutshell
Creating music.
Just drawing. Mostly quick schizo sketches where I just express my emotions on a piece of paper.
Waiting for the band to get back together.
eh, I was building shit in Minecraft with friends. I was making a movie before the stay at home order :(
I should be doing more creative stuff with my free time.
Making youtube videos except i delete all my progress halfway trough every time because i don't belive in myself and also don't really have anyone who genuinely belives in me
What are they about originally?
Tomboy cyborg and wageslave shota fight off IRS bounty hunters in a ridiculous cheesy AnCom hellscape
Just your generic youtube video essays about games/anime/whatever. Dumb shit. I already have a channel with some videos and like 200 subscribers but i've been told by a friend that my videos are boring and uninteresting and ever since i've been unable to shake the feeling that it's all meaningless, even though making these stupid videos that barely nobody watches is the only thing that has ever made me feel any recognition and pride in my life, pathetic as that may sound. I just can't get over how mediocre i am, and even though i know deep down that you have to be bad first to get better. I just feel like shit man, i can't get over how me, a 25 year old lame ass dude who has never done anything of note their entire life now decided that they want to make youtube videos. Feels like overstepping my bounds, feels like i'm thinking too highly of myself to even court the possiblity of it ever working out. Sorry for the huge paragraph about personal, barely on-topic stuff i just feel like shit and turns out that Yas Forums is the only place i feel like i can actually let it all out.
I'm in a band with my friends and one of my friends is also working on his own stuff. I'm the drummer for the band and I am kinda the drummer for the one friend's solo stuff. His solo stuff is easier to write so we get that done faster. It's all sounds pretty uhhh, 'un-professional' but I like it. The band has no name yet but it's going to be like heavy, aggressive proggressive metal. And then the other guy's solo stuff is just whatever he feels like making. I just got done re-midi-ing the drums for this Punk-ish song he is working on for the 3rd time. 2nd time cuz i felt like i could do better, 3rd time cuz we got GetGood Drums Modern and Massive VST, and it's a million times better than the free shit.
Also, solo work guy is the 'head honcho' of the actual band we are in so he is diving head first into the music stuff.
I enjoy making audiopoops of vocaroo whores. This one I attempted to emulate DaThings style
At the end of the day it's the autists who end up blowing up with the channel. It's the people who make content daily and have a passion. Might as well upload them. Who cares. There are so many generic content creators it's not like one more will collapse everything.
Almost finished with my Pokemon rom hack
Its a black and white remake but I actually based it off of the 5 boroughs in New York(where the game was originally based off) i dont think Im ever going to release it because Im not fully satisfied with the game its just been a project iv been working on for a long time and just need to push out for my own sake
Did this the other day, anons seemed to like it
Also, I'm starting to work on a harsh/light noise split with my friend, we aim to finish it by july, I'm pretty excited! I guess it's a weird genre choice for a first album, but I'm rolling with it.
ay yo paulie release that seltzer of a romhack huh
making late 00's nightcore inspired music
Well, yesterday I started working on my third album to distract myself from my awful mood
I do paintings
I do paintings. Pic related
thought the previus one didnt post. im retarded
Damn those colours are on point. How did you learn to mix paints like that?
ive been painting since i was 12. Fine arts student actually..
New thing
>space age pop
two WIPs
This is nice
Goddamn that Gilets Jaunes painting is beautiful, would you be able to send us a high quality pic? I'd love to use it as a background
Thanks, I got a lot of backlash from my university for these sorts. Most of my high res paintings on on my desktop I'll see what I can do.
I'm glad u like it frien
Why the backlash?
Because they are all like this. Pic related