The meme about that self improvement is pointless for getting girls is completely true. I used to be a fucking skelly and decided to get In shape. Now I'm In a great shape , but it hasn't changed ANYTHING in my life related to girls .They still hate my guts as much as before .At least now I have 20% more energy for doing productive stuff
It's true
Do cold showers really raise cortisol?
Will they mess me up?
I just take them because they feel nice especially after some labor or in summer generally
or maybe the meme that all girls care about is looks is completely false. Someone being in shape genuinely couldn't matter less to me. Anyway congrats on getting into shape, regardless of girls at least you have more energy now and are probably healthier.
Girls do care about looks, but it's mostly face. Height and natural frame come next. An ugly incel with a ballooned up comedic gymcel body is still ugly. Why do you think women lust after pretty boy Chad's even though they're twinks? Why do women finger themselves to Leonardo DiCaprio in his titanic and romeo and juliet days?
I used to be a nice guy with a future, back in highschool, but I never got laid.
Now I'm a broke alcoholic who sleep with a random girl wvery month, because I walk drunk down the street and ask every girls if they want to kiss me, until eventually one of them want to fuck.
Height is the biggest meme on the internet. Only a retard believe it.
I'm 1m70 and most women are shorter than me anyway. Most of them don't give a shit. Heck I had dates with women taller than me.
I wish you could hear the kinds of people me and all the women I know have crushes on. Sure some women care about looks and people find conventionally attractive people hot but there are soooo many completely unconventionally attractive men who are also attractive.
I'm a woman incase anyone is wondering
No it has the same effect on your brain exercise does, not stress.
Yeah I'm sure you have, buddy.
Got any examples? Genuinely curious. I read somewhere in this study that women can only cum from sex when they're genuinely attracted to the man fucking them. If this is true, then how can you sexually desire a man who you don't find conventionally attractive? Are you attracted to their personality? Does their personality get you off in bed?