The meme about that self improvement is pointless for getting girls is completely true. I used to be a fucking skelly and decided to get In shape. Now I'm In a great shape , but it hasn't changed ANYTHING in my life related to girls .They still hate my guts as much as before .At least now I have 20% more energy for doing productive stuff
It's true
Do cold showers really raise cortisol?
Will they mess me up?
I just take them because they feel nice especially after some labor or in summer generally
or maybe the meme that all girls care about is looks is completely false. Someone being in shape genuinely couldn't matter less to me. Anyway congrats on getting into shape, regardless of girls at least you have more energy now and are probably healthier.
Girls do care about looks, but it's mostly face. Height and natural frame come next. An ugly incel with a ballooned up comedic gymcel body is still ugly. Why do you think women lust after pretty boy Chad's even though they're twinks? Why do women finger themselves to Leonardo DiCaprio in his titanic and romeo and juliet days?
I used to be a nice guy with a future, back in highschool, but I never got laid.
Now I'm a broke alcoholic who sleep with a random girl wvery month, because I walk drunk down the street and ask every girls if they want to kiss me, until eventually one of them want to fuck.
Height is the biggest meme on the internet. Only a retard believe it.
I'm 1m70 and most women are shorter than me anyway. Most of them don't give a shit. Heck I had dates with women taller than me.
I wish you could hear the kinds of people me and all the women I know have crushes on. Sure some women care about looks and people find conventionally attractive people hot but there are soooo many completely unconventionally attractive men who are also attractive.
I'm a woman incase anyone is wondering
No it has the same effect on your brain exercise does, not stress.
Yeah I'm sure you have, buddy.
Got any examples? Genuinely curious. I read somewhere in this study that women can only cum from sex when they're genuinely attracted to the man fucking them. If this is true, then how can you sexually desire a man who you don't find conventionally attractive? Are you attracted to their personality? Does their personality get you off in bed?
You have to work on your personality too, it's a huge part of what makes you an alpha male. Be kind, look people in the eyes, smile, etc.
>You're under 180cm, therefore you never had a date
Are you really that stupid?
>Working out for girls
>Basing improvement on what others think of you
Bye bye kike.
Umm, I want to link you to a thread on a female chan I use but I can't but there are too many examples. Any 'ugly' man you can think of there is a girl genuinely desperate to sleep with him. And it's because we are genuinely attracted to them. There are so many men I've been so attracted to who you would not consider conventionally attractive and would probably be classed as incel types here that I would choose any time over any 'chad' because they are just hot to me, and that's just the kind of guy I find attractive, and even if I could also find Leonardo DiCaprio or other examples like that attractive it doesn't make them any less attractive in my eyes? Idk if that makes sense
Jeez settle down bud, no need to get so triggered over it. Why are you so defensive? Did I say something that struck a nerve?
I'm drunk and had a bit too much cocaine tonight.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, that kind of makes sense I guess. Why no women like me? I am quite and have AvPD and PTSD so I look like a mentally disturbed retard when I go out into public. I don't know how to socialize properly or talk to people. I also am very insecure but hide it fairly well, just have trouble looking people in the eyes, especially pretty girls. I am extra weird and uncomfortable around girls actually, I feel like they're judging me and think I'm a creep and are going to call 911 on me. I'm very physically disgusting too. It's probably both my personality and looks then, isn't it? Do you think theres any hope for me?
It's okay user, I was just trolling because I hate myself and the world. I am also sorry.
I do avoid smiling because my teeth aren't perfect. I don't understand all the other bits though. I work out I certainly don't think I'm Chad. I don't know why they'd take cold showers, or why he'd want to force his tongue on the roof of his mouth.
Natural game pickup got me sexin'. I'm not in shape at all, but I'm calibrated enough to know when a girl is into me, and I've got the joseki to move her from bar to bed. Living two blocks from my local bar helps.
Only really works if your good looking to begin with, have interesting hobbies, and make enough money to live comfortably and support someone else.
They're ok, but saunas are far better in terms of heat shock proteins.
You know you actually have to talk to girls too, right?
No, you don't fucking say?
Yeah I genuinely do. Idk there's so much I want to say but it's too long, but there are a lot of girls who also struggle socially for various reasons the same as men who will empathise with you ( I know AvPD is more than this, have you had any kind of treatment for it to maybe make it slightly easier? I used to not be able to go up to the till in a shop because I would be too anxious but DBT helped me a lot just to function slightly more). I think it's hard for people to meet people in general, do you feel like you meet a lot of girls where they would even have a chance to like you? No decent girl is going to judge you for these things especially if you explain it to them. I also doubt you are 'physically disgusting' and there will be many people who disagree. My advice is never cold approach people as that is always scary as a girl and I mean it it is genuinely scary even if it is the worlds most conventionally attractive guy even though people here seem to think that we only find it scary if the person is unattractive, try and actually get to know someone and get close to them genuinely as a person first (I get this is easier said than done especially with AvPD). Also don't approach people/situations already thinking they find you creepy, you're disgusting etc because I feel like when people do that subconsciously they make it a self fulfilling prophecy, try and approach things with an open mind and try and be yourself (I know people think this is a meme but people can't understand or form a relationship with someone who does not allow others to truly know them), good luck, I hope things work out well for you
Well naturally I just lock myself in my room all day because the outside is agonizing so no, I rarely ever have an opportunity to meet girls. I have been diagnosed but never tried therapy, I don't want any pills because they're more trouble than they're worth and are often a scam to get you to spend even more money, the pharmaceutical industry is an industry after all. I can't do therapy because I feel like I can't open up or trust anyone, I think I also have severe trust issues. I think I am physically disgusting because I am really ugly and fucked up looking and have psoriasis and vitiligo but idk. And yeah, I would never cold approach because I understand how awkward and uncomfortable that could make the girl and i dont want to make anyone feel that way, also it's pretty out of the picture for me considering my mental state. It's hard to not approach situations with that mindset or have that mindset in social situations in general because again my condition kind of makes me that way whether I like it or not and people have treated me like that my whole life anyways so it's kind of implanted in my mind already. Idk, maybe one day it will happen, time will only tell
OP here , my face is very decent I would say I look like a blonde nerdy looking version of young Alex Turner
KYS tranny larper originally
I totally understand what you're saying about pills, I didn't want to take them either. Do you think you may feel differently if you tried a different therapist? Do you feel like you can open up here and do you think you would be able to say the things you said in this conversation with a therapist or would even that be uncomfortable? I really hope you do try therapy again, I think it could help you and if not I don't think you would be any worse off for it. I don't think psoriasis or vitiligo make someone disgusting or unlovable but I'm sorry people have treated you like that and wish no one had those experiences, it probably won't be an overnight thing but hopefully overtime you may be able to stop thinking about yourself this way.
Idk, it's hard for me to trust anyone. The therapist would have to prove to me their not just their to make money and "do their job". Lots of therapists seem patronizing, judgemental and surprisingly lacking in understanding and sympathy so it would have to be a personal who genuinely took that job because they care and want to help people. I think these people are a rare occurence. There's no way I could say this stuff to anyone, let alone a therapist. That's why I like Yas Forums, I'm anonymous so I can say what I really feel and can spill my guts out and no one will ever know who I really am. It's a good outlet, bottled up suppressed emotions need to be released and this is one of my outlets. In a way Yas Forums and anons are my therapists. Anyways, thanks for the sympathy and understanding user, you are nice
you are nice too and I sincerely wish you the best and hope things get better for you
It's almost like self improvement is a continuous process instead of an endpoint huh
Ive been a skelly boy and ive gotten attention from women almost all of my life then my paranoia and self hatred get in the way. moral of my life so far is that your problems in life most likely come from within yourself and getting buff might not solve it
Oh really? Prove your claims with a reliable source to a peer reviewed scientific study. Oh, what's that? You can't? That's what I thought. Don't talk out of your ass stupid idiot.