Why is this controversial?

Why is this controversial?

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ppl just over analyzing stuff and coming up with dumb conclusions lol.

Because this assumes link between IQ and effectiveness in real life. The evidence for this is weak.

There's a definite link between low IQ and a propensity for violence though.

This is just for crime, there are also struggles in getting jobs, getting good grades in school, and mental health issues for low IQ people. Even their life expectancy is shorter on average.

if this were true it would have happened millennia ago. the reality is those in less advanced nations have more children and those in more advanced nations have more, and nations trend toward advancement over time. The birth rate in england 150 years ago was the same as it is in somalia today.

Because only brainlets think iq can be equated to intelligence or real world usefulness.

Because IQ is woo, he might as well be saying that we are doomed because the people with the wrong auras are the ones reproducing.

this is the plot of idiocracy. but i dunno. like in brave new world, everyone can't be smart and alpha. unless we get robots to do all the mindless labor, you'll have the citadel of ricks. i watch too much tv

i have a high iq and i'm pretty fucking useless

IQ is just a bullshit excuse for the real divider, class.

High fertility in England 150 years ago was actually concentrated among the upper class 50 percent of the population.

This. I scored 130+ on a psychologist administrated IQ test but I consider myself a useless, incompetent retard. I can do math pretty good, have philosophical debates on Yas Forums and can learn things quickly, but what's the point if I can't apply it to real life? There are low IQ niggers who work at KFC that are more useful and successful than me.

Are you sure low IQ isnt just another symptom of a shared problem? Even without IQ factored in, crime, poverty, poor health and poor school performance still correlate.

I think the contributing factor here is culture and upbringing.

Are there any peer-reviewed studies that determined this?

Bc of anti-white propaganda

The effect seems more pronounced among blacks.

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Can you understand that the global elite would keep certain areas shitholes through war and food aid (but 0 development aid) so that they could forever increase the human population and steadily bring some of those people to the west in order to chase the goal of infinite economic growth?

We absolutely need to close the borders

Not a direct source to a study but here's an article that mentions studies on upbringing and other factors that effect adult life. These behaviors become a cycle, that's why class exists. I think it's a natural human condition.

but again, wouldn't class be tied to IQ (to a point), I also think that if you don't have nepotism you can't be upper class anyway so

IQ 100% has an effect on how people will parent their children
It also has an effect on what kind of neighbourhood the children will grow up in as IQ is a huge factor in the parents finacial success

A low IQ person is much more likely to be poor
which means his children will grow up in a poor area
Nature and Nurture arent two different factors they're heavily linked together

Yeah, to a point. But you have to recognize that upbringing greatly determines your success as an adult, regardless of IQ. Lots of these low class people had upbringings that formed them into the person that they are, and their parents, who are responsible for this, also had a similar upbringing and so on. On the other side you have the upbringing of a high class, successful person effecting their adult life. Now, this successful persons children will have a similar high class upbringing and will very likely be successful themselves.

Yeah, no one is arguing against this or denying it. IQ definitely plays a part.

Because they're butthurt about eugenics. Hitler ruined that for the rest of us.

Cause it's wrong

Don't worry, Churchill loved eugenics too. It's retarded, suits a drunk like him/this board

Everything wrong with our society now and the end goal of global homoginization has been planned long before Hitler even came to power

the jews believe they cant have their messiah until "the false messiah" jesus's religion and europe have been destroyed

How is it wrong
IQ is hereditary

Best part is that Hitler didn't even believe in IQ.

based and elitepilled

Time = Money = Power. The top doesn't give a shit about these petty red team vs. blue team bickerings, they're just here to pick our pockets while we argue over shit that doesn't matter.

Jeff Bezos and George Soros have very high intelligence.

i took an iq test administered by a neuropsychologist and it was just reshaping blocks in your head, remembering random word, picture and number sequences, and identifying patterns. being good at this has proven pretty useless.

and look what Bezos is using it for

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