Treat others the way you would want to be treated

Treat others the way you would want to be treated.

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I want someone to put me out of my misery so I don't have to do it myself. Should I buy a gun then?

Thanks, Jesus.

Original Christ posting

Think you meant "treat others the way you want to be treated as long as it fits within the narrow local cultural societal framework"
Take the redpill

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>Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
I don't mind really. I just found it patethic jesus.

Yea that is what every good human being should strive to do and everyone should be like that, i has nothing to do with jesus though.

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Why? It's not like I suffer when you suffer.

Checked and enjoy the lake

Mostly Solid

Keep using hell to cope with the fact that karma doesn't exist. Whatever makes you feel good.

Praying for u

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I want to have sex with underage girls. I need to get a sex change and then lick their pussies so I can get my wound pussy licked

>I want to have sex with underage girls. I need to get a sex change and then lick their pussies so I can get my wound pussy licked

anonymity is a privilege. we all get what's coming to us

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So underage girls are coming to me? Yay

if it's what you deserve

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I think I deserve sexy underage girls sitting on my face.

This is why Christianity is for cucks. This line implies that you should be doing charity 24/7 and doing good deeds generally all the time, which is plain stupid. The real, actual good line is;
>Don't treat others the way you wouldn't want to be treated
That way it's denouncing crime and murder but without enforcing an overly generous mindset on people. Christianity is shit, Catholicism is where it's at.

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>implying Catholicism isnt Christianity
>implying the Bible isnt the same
>implying RCC doesnt use the Golden Rule
>implying GR > SR in anyway
>disregarding Jesus
The absolute state... IQ = 80

Treat people how they deserve to be treated.

Would you want to be forgiven and treated well?

Relegion is fucking stupid in general.

I bet you cant even define what it is youre calling stupid


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religion = belief in a god of some sort who created the world. Nigga I was raised Christian I know my shit

Does this mean I need to play with womens penises?

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Fuck your RELIGION that's the fucking Golden rule crap

Treat others how they deserve to be treated.

Fuck off Nigger Catholics. You and your church are an abomination. Repent and leave your sinful institution

Well I want to kill myself

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Read pic related, brother
I think it has some application to your situation and I think (and hope) it'll help you out, like it did for me

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kys without Catholicism we wouldn't have Western Civilization works like Plato, Aristotle hell we wouldn't even know the past.

Shit mate it's going to be rough going around fucking people in the ass, then.

>Plato, born over 400 years before Jesus, was influenced by the Catholic Church
>Also I enjoy child rape
Catholics, gentlemen.