Thread about your week, ima start

quit my job this week, actually I hadnt worked in about 3 weeks cuz there was a lot of paperwork, but the process ended recently, and only now Ive been able to do things that I "didnt had time" before, its amazing how doing one thing at a time really helps with focus. started cooking and it has been going surprisingly well, also doing stocks related options with satisfactory results. its certainly not enough to keep me from killing myself in 5 years or so, being optimistic of course, but its a start. thats all that im willing to share rn, ima try to reply to yours or just talk about whatever, didnt put much thought into this I guess

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I've been stuck in a house for over a month because the chink flu, but this past week has been alright. My big brother finally decided to make the mistake of building a new PC, so I'm helping him out. If I become your friend who stands over you every minute of your day will you not kill yourself?

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I got "furloughed" about a month ago but I'm making more money collecting unemployment than I would working a full 40 hours so I have no motivation to get back to work

hasn't been the best for my mental however, been on Yas Forums way more often recently. days just fade into each other and I've been doing the same routine all the time.

there's a few things keeping me from ending it all. my dog, and I don't want my parents to be sad. I'll keep on going for them, and who knows, maybe one day I'll be normal and stable. time will tell

you got a good relationship with your brother ? I also have one but I hate his guts. this quarantine havent changed anything at all for me, I already lived this lifestyle for about 4-5years but Im not complaining.
>If I become your friend who stands over you every minute of your day will you not kill yourself?
heh thank you for the kind words, I dont see a way out of it so I cant promise anything, wouldnt mind a friend tho

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This whole pandemic has everyone fucked user, I get it. I'm digging your attitude and drive to keep going.

I have a great relationship with all of my siblings and parents. I guess it's what kept me so cheery in the end.
>I dont see a way out of it so I cant promise anything
I see a way out but it will require you to be willing to stick around, which will definitely take time. In the meantime I can be your friend if you can stand a "gamer"

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what does furloughed mean ? never head that before, nice that youre making money without waging, its soul crushing
about your mental and days blurring, I have that often, it helps trying to do something, however small, but different from yday, atleast thats how I do it, and it helps me think that Im moving forward somehow
pets seem like nice friends that dont judge you, but after some happenings I dont think I deserve one, I also think my parents are one of the strongest reasons why I havent offed myself, but I dont think its a good thing longing to be normal and stable, well atleast for me, I think I just gotta make do with what Ive got and it wont ever be close to normal, but that might not be the case for you, Ive heard this nice phrase today about "theres always an answer, but it might not be the same for everyone", isnt it nice ?

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ooh now you got me hooked
this month I finished breath of the wild, this is the police cuz I wanna start the second one, and been doing some dead cells runs, also tried some "no death runs" on darksouls123, but ye I know I havent been gaming as much as I want to, this resignation thing has gotten me in a weird state of mind, but enough about me, what have you been playing ? also tell me your 10 or so favorite games, dont think too much about it, just say 10 that come to mind quickly

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for me, it means that I am still employed technically, and just waiting on a return date (who knows when that is).

you're right, having something to do, even if it's just sweeping your floor or organizing your desk, can really help make shit seem less dull.

as for the answer, well, who knows? ultimately I think it's up to each of us to find our purpose/reason to keep going. what keeps my clock ticking won't be the same as what keeps yours. striving for 'normal' might be a bad thing. I've thought about the fact that perhaps no one is completely 'normal'. I'm sure the people you and I see who enjoy their life have their own internal struggles, or have had them previously and moved past them.

at the end of the day, suicide is irreversible. I said what I said, but at the same time, you never know what comes tomorrow and ending it all just might prevent you from finding your answer.

I wanted to get This Is The Police when it was on the humble bundle, but ultimately didn't because I'm stingy. But about my games I probably would have to say Fallout New Vegas, Halo 3, Halo Reach, Tetris, Rising Storm 2, Fallout, and the whole Metro Series but I haven't finished Exodus. I also have all the souls games on ps4 but haven't play any of them extensively.

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oh I see, furloughed, ima try to remember that, see how I already did something ? it can be just small as learning a new word, ye I do realize how pathetic this sounds
Ive failed suicide a couple of times, dont got the balls for it, and who knows, it might just be the answer Im looking for, as for the normies, Im too far gone to think of them in such a... delicated way

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yeah man being jobless was great. Im glad youre finding good hobbies, thats a great thing to sink time in.
Lol brothers can get annoying. sounds like you need some fresh air
how does that work? my roomates got furloughed with like 1/10th pay. is it similar?

>cooped up all day
>drink lots of coffee cause stressed at work
>get stoned every night
>get brain fog
>stress more at work cause im dumb af
rinse and repeat this last month and a half

Good shit user, whatever keeps you going. I've written out my note and gotten close but couldn't quite do it. I will say I've had some days afterwards that made me glad I didn't, just gotta find meaning in those little things

the state is giving me around ~300 a week for my lost wages, and the feds have added on the 600 extra a week. If you're in the US and on unemployment you should be getting that extra 600 a week, some states are slower than others though. I have friends in other states who had to wait a few weeks then got everything in one lump sum

oooh I forgot I also played metro last light, then I tried exodus but was having some graphical issues so I putted aside. this is the police is really nice, idk about prices cuz for about 2 years now Ive been pirating them, a friend got me into it and actually it feels right, my countrys currency is shit, for example steam trying to make me pay 250 bucks for octopath traveler, kinda nuts right ? for the other games, Im a fan of the fallout games, havent played halo, tetris is great Ive played this tricky tower games when I had friends and was nice, rising storm does sound familiar but it is a generic name so idk, good to hear youre a fellow souls patrician ;D

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>Lol brothers can get annoying. sounds like you need some fresh air
Nah I love my big brother. Me and him have had a tight bond since we were little. I think he's the only family member I haven't fought with in the past 3 years honestly.

I don't play Dark Souls honestly but I should give it a try. Where are you from though? I'm obviously in the US because I have the money for games. Oh and Rising Storm 2 is a vietnam game. Super fun but the community is dead.

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definitely give them a try, awesome games ayy
im not into sharing personal info, thats a no go
let me grab a song
now imagine this fighting an epic entity
hmmmmmm, so good

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It not personal info if you're just telling me your country ditzo. How am I supposed to be your friend without even knowing where ya from? Also dark souls soundtrack is nice, but definitely isn't as atmospheric as the visuals

what do you mean not atmospheric ? like it shouldnt be a thing in this setting or just not as nice as the aesthetic ?
you know, the best friend Ive ever had, I didnt even knew his name, only after he hanged himself that his brother contacted me and revealed some things, it was never necessary, and I still believe it isnt

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Thinking of quitting my job.I work in a tech company and the quarantine came in a good time to raise the sales, the thing is that I am at tech support and management has beeing considering to offer assistance through phone, fuck that, I am short in temper and I am not going to help assholes over phone.

I am 28 and I was kinda fooling around with 21 y.o girl. We were close at work and we kept texting everyday until a few days ago where she stopped talking to me out of the blue.

I can't stand my family but that's something I knew before the qarantine. I wish they would let me work in peace.

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Ive quit a job before cuz it was getting to a point where I was doing work for several people without being compensated for it
family can be a pain, sometimes they act like they just deserve respect without needing to give it back
this thing you said about this girl, idk if its just text failing to pass the point across, or you are as douchy as you sound about that, or maybe Im just dead tired

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I can describe it as it doesn't match the bleakness of ds3 even for a boss encounter. You're fighting the most powerful beings in the area, you should feel outmatched and under threat fighting for your life; not like you are the great threat yourself. If that makes any sense.

Condolences for your friend, that's the wrong kind of update you want on a friend. I'm just a bit more intimate of a person I guess. but it really just stems from the fact that octopath traveler is 250 bucks for you.

>got carried away drinking sunday night
>called in sick monday because hung over
>accomplish nothing that day
>tuesday work
>today work
>tomorrow work
>friday work

interesting, I see it with a whole different perspective, when I get to "them", I have already destroyed many powerful beings, my purpose and blade are tempered by countless battles with great foes, hesitation is meaningless since ash cannot die, what really brings this song to me, is to cross blades with such a stoic and graceful soul, ye I do get too into it I guess, but I think it makes me enjoy it even more, I do play tabletop roleplaying games weekly so its almost instinctively
and about my friend, ye its sad, at the same time its soothing for he was suffering, and I know that agony all too well, as I believe it will also claim me someday

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I'm heading to sleep anons, if this week was shitty I hope next week is better for you. You never know what tomorrow brings.


I am scared of leaving my job though, I don't know if I can find something during these times, I have savings but that is intended for my motorcycle for the purpose of becoming a normalfag and I love bikes.

My family is more complicated than that. I describe it as if I were a renter living with a family of strangers and it has been like that since I was a teen, I don't know nothing about their private life and I don't tell them anything about mine. They actually think I'm gay.

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you dont do anything else on those work days ? like I said in my opening post, I too used to "have no time" when I was working so Im not criticizing you, quitting my job made me realize that, now Im striving to work from home, take no shit from anyone and hopefully have time for myself, never could hold a job for long, waging crushes my soul and I need breaks from them, but not anymore, not ever if things go right

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Before work I browse the internet, after work I browse the internet and eat

who knows user, with so much people dying you could actually score something ayy
funny enough my family also thought I was gay cuz I used to hang out with my cousin who is in fact a faggot, a nice one tho
I hope you dont become a normie sir, I have very sick thoughts about them

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do you cook for yourself ? I made a sandwich the other day that I watched from a jewtube video, it was very good
what have you been browsing on the interwebs sir ? nothing illegal I hope wink wink, why dont you share a nice song, here, I will share one to begin with

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You have a different perception of the game that comes with experience I can't say, I'll give ds3 a full run and see if I still have the same opinion. Though I probably caught you too late tonight I hope you never succumb to that agony. You have nothing but time to find the real method to beating it. Goodnight pal, it was fun.

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Spaghetti, burgers and sometimes mexican style rice. I live alone so It's all simple meals
>what have you been browsing on the interwebs sir ?
Yas Forums Yas Forums and kiwifarms mainly. Try the music videos of Dokken

When I'm drunk I'll study japanese and use google translate on pages to see what the japs think of burgers

yeye goodnight

nite nite.x

what are kiwifarms ?
wait you only study when drunk ? how efficient is that, also why are you studying jap ? Ive heard its a very difficult language for it takes years to absorb thousands of kanji to memory, not saying that I havent tried it before, every weeb prob gave it a shot at some point, wanna compare power levels ?

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I promised myself that I would attempt to improve my life before killing myself and I am close to 30 so sadly I didn't find another way to improve rather than integrate to the society, thus trying to be a normie.

Some normies aren't bad, you need to weed out the assholes which sadly, is the majority.

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