Went through ugly duckling syndrome...

went through ugly duckling syndrome. ama if you want to know whats it like to be treated as an awkward ugly fuck vs a normal person

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Well op, tell us. What is it like to be treated as an awkward ugly fuck compared to a normal person?

Also, is that you in pic related?

no that is not me because that would be breaking the rules. its pretty crazy how different life can be. yea of course girls treat you differently but even guys and strangers do. people smile at you and look you in the eyes more. just people like cashiers and retail workers who see you for a few minutes just do all that shit. and when people treat you better, you feel better and become more confident. its a cycle much like how if youre undesirable and people treat you poorly or neglect you entirely you feel more undesirable

bumping for fun and since im drunk

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thanks for the unnecessary bump lol did i answer your question well enough?

You answered it a bit too well

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how old are you and how bad off are you? i dont want to say everyone has hope but many people do

Turning 19 tomorrow. Virgin, acne on face, back, shoulders, and chest. No self confidence and aspergers, also long hair that goes slightly past my shoulders, but I look even more strange with short hair. Also unusually large nose.

6.5 inch dong though, so at least I'm not a dicklet.

its very hard for me to say this because i know when i was 19 and was a virgin and had acne and moobs i thought my life was over but shit man. you still can change. im sorry about the aspergers but hopefully the acne goes away. 19 is old enough to hate yourself but young enough to turn that hate around user. and good for you and your dick for real. are you in school or working or what?

Yes senior year of highschool. I do landscaping and I am not a poorfag due to my autistic habit of never spending money. I will probably be able to move out soon.

good on you. while i dont think everyone has to go to college to get a good job or fulfilling life i hope you know that itll be hard to meet new people and esp people of your age when going straight to the work force. what kind of hobbies do you have and have you tried to improve any of your physical deficiencies in any way?

>What kind of hobbies do you have
I don't have any specific hobbies, but I do randomly get extremely interested in a particular subject. Recently I have taken a special interest in lego games. I don't even play them but I just like collecting random shit, and this is what I'm doing now. Kinda weird.

>Have you tried to improve your physical deficiencies in any way
Yes, I am on multiple different medications for my acne. They don't make it go away but they prevent it from getting unbearable. I also keep myself from becoming a fat fuck and only eat relatively healthy foods.

what collections do you have? and agagin i hate to be that old fuck wo says old people shit but you still have time for acne to clear up. how active are you? working out can be a great way to get attractive and feel better about yourself

>What collections do you have

I have a collection of puzzles that I find visually pleasing

I have a collection of several different video game series such as halo, call of duty, and my current one- lego games.

I also have a massive 500+ collection of model cars. Some of them are really small and cheap which is why I have so many.

I might start a collection of xbox 360's and customize their exteriors. I think that would be pretty cool.

>How active are you

I weighlifted and tried to get fit before landscaping job, but now that I come home with my back completely fucked every day and my body super sore I will have to wait a bit before weightlifting again.

sounds pretty cool desu. i dont thin kyou should have to change your interest just to get laid but how do you plan to get with girls or becoem more attractive? got any pics of you or your clothes?

>How do you plan to get with girls or become more attractive

I don't have a plan, and I will likely lose virginity to a whore.

>Got any pics of you or your clothes

No bc I don't want to get doxed also I wear pretty basic clothes.

theres nothing wrong with that. just be sure you want to lose it vs losing it with someone special.

nigga. u were never ugly. all you did was grow your hair and ditch the glasses. fuck nigga

fair enough but i also worked out for years to lose weight and maintained a strict diet. not that i am the guy in tha tpic

why do you keep posting your pictures koreanigger youre a 6/10 at best.

i would give myself a 7 but going from 3 to 7 is still a good step

bump. good night anons

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how long did it take you to get from 3 to 7? also what did u do

this is too true and i dont get it. for example all the staff and dining hall employees treat my tall, good-looking friends nicely and serve them with smiles m. meanwhile they always seem to not bother at all with me and are rude even when i act nice to them. i dont get why the world works like this

we're genetically predisposed to like attractive people more. It hurts to know but after a while you just have to accept that thats hows it works. people like you, me and dining hall employees aren't assholes, they just cant change how they work unconsciously.

i want to say it too around 3 years. 3 years of strict dieting and working out and then when i lost some weight i made myself take a retail job to learn how to socialize. again i dont think what i did would work for every robot
its shit but a part of life. desu even when i was un attractiveu i did the same and you may too. im sure you place a higher value on attractive people vs those who are ugly/ its fucked bt its life

oh wow thats a long time actually

how old are you now?

cant relate because ive always looked like chad, people have to know me to hate me because im autistic

im 26 now. and yeah i took the slow route. a lot of fatties tend to overdo it withe the diet and yoyo but i wanted to make sure to learn how to workout proper an just be happy
stop thinking about shit liek chads and betas and alphas and stacys and all that meme shit

>im 26 now. and yeah i took the slow route. a lot of fatties tend to overdo it withe the diet and yoyo but i wanted to make sure to learn how to workout proper an just be happy

ohh wow. im about to turn 20 in a few months so this really gives me hope. thank you