Jews are intelligent and creative

>Jews are intelligent and creative
>Give each other money and aide one another while keeping all other races down in whatever way they can
>Reproduce at all costs because they are murderous, shark-like predators

What ends-up happening is an extremely negative virus. A Jewish virus that replicates and dominates parasitically, owning half of an entire society and pushing down the productive natives of that society while stealing everything of value from their hands. No true positive economic shift either because all of the money is returned to the Jew who hands it off to other Jews. Furthermore, most of their number only manipulate money and cheat the system they are born into through this. They do nothing for industry.

It's pretty obvious to me why Hitler killed these people. They are literal thieves, each one a small mass-shooting.

Attached: 1536616644798.jpg (1024x996, 72.38K)

Hitler didn't kill them. They died of typhus and starvation because the allies took out the supply chains.

No. He killed them.
He saw them for what they really are and launched their genocide.

He was a good, wise man.

>You aren't intelligent, not even a little
>Your parents barely give you enough food to eat
>Masturbate at all costs because you're a weak little faggot

1488ers are so based, u will unshackle your chains of joo oppression soon!!!

hispanic wannabe-Nazi incel is here to redpill you on the best place to store the piss bottles

I'm 154-157 IQ.
I am intelligent. Jews are serpents.

I'm not even a hateful man. I just know they are nothing but bad news.

I mean, there are so many Jewish pedophiles on this earth. I don't know what else to tell you.

Today, this brave user stood up. He took a stand. He stood up to the Goliath, in front of the whole world. What a hero. Now the ultra master Jews will surely take him away and execute them (happens to all anti-semites).

>Jews hate all da goys, that's evil
>I hate all da jews, that's good
Very intelligent high 20-minute internet-IQ-test. You're as smart as the corrupt rabbis you claim are your opposite, but really, are just your mirror image ;(

Kill yourself you worthless unaccomplished faggot.

You know they essentially crucify anyone that speaks out against the Jews. Once you do it, your word is considered invalid. The Jews downplay it, label it lunacy, to downplay their satanic games. But it's all real.

BREAKING: Mossad has decided that this "one who sees the truth" is too "dangerously high IQ" and has "way too many airsoft pistols" to safely attempt an execution on him. You win this round, but the jews will be back!

Nah, user your replying to is right. The plan was to ship them elsewhere.

Don't affirm the propaganda bud. Hitler was a good and wise man, but there objectively was no genocide.

Hey, interestingly enough, did you know that 6 million is a mystic number in jewish esotericism? Did you know that in multiple places in the world, different news presses reported 6 million jews coming to harm in some way or another before the supposed holocaust ever even took place? Who owned these news presses? Why did they report such things?


Oh no, they defend their shit!

Ok Rabbi, go cull the bad-people Jewim, the jewim are cattle! They should work in the field while you eat like an effendi, fucking faggot

>jews score higher on IQ tests than other races, and are clever enough to manipulate and control the entire world
seems like they are the superior race

the jew rats have to go

That's exactly what Jews do to non-Jews. They force them all into a life of labor as best they can.

They are but aren't.
Jews are literally 118.5 IQ, but it's only ran the sickening, backward way. What it ends up making is a liar, a thief, a murderer that stops short of murder.

Jews will never be normal. They are trapped in a permanent state between intelligent and crazy that will just keep running and never collectively correct itself.

How about non-whites have to go? Oh no, then you'd have to go ^_^

Ok Rabbi Juan Gonzalez.

Jews are non-white.

>he knew i was nigger
if the jews stopped human trafficking all the smart africans into western countries, maybe africa wouldnt be such a bad place.

>Give each other money and aide one another while keeping all other races down in whatever way they can

Any proof of this?

You are believing their lies. And no it is not a good idea to kill them when you can simply deport them.
I think the Jewish question is more spiritual than genetic. So I would solve it by forcing everyone to worship Jupiter. If they want to continue with their cult of Saturn then they should leave the country.

They do force people into a life of slave labor.
They lie to people and tell them to not exercise. They make everything that is right look like a joke. They prey on the apex predator brain of the common man (who is capable of running a Jewish business almost as well as the Jew) Whenever Jews are in charge of anything, they only support other Jews and say no to the natives they use to build their own life.

Everything about Jewish people is crooked and evil.

Why complain when what they are doing is what other races should strive to do in the first place as well

Attached: 1586777185292.jpg (707x508, 43.73K)

There was a Webm where I think it was Larry Evans or something,

Apparently the Jewish business magnate donated to the Jewish governor when he was running for office, and then after he won the Jewish governor in turn gave the Jewish business magnate clearance for his business to receive all of the money it was owed in a court.

It was extreme nepotism and characteristic of the Jew race.

If Jews are 118.5 IQ, because of the way bell curves work, it means they will be extremely overrepresented at the highest ranges of IQ.

Here is a calculation I made supposing an Ashkenazi Jewish average of 115. You can see, once you get to IQ 160+, Ashkenazi Jews start to outnumber non-Jewish whites in this IQ range.

Here is a real world example of my calculations being proven likely more or less accurate:
>A 1954 study found that 24 of the 28 (86%) children in the New York public school system who had an IQ of 170 or higher were Jewish.[8]

A small shift forward on the bell curve results in massive disparities at the tail end.

Attached: ashkenazi_distrib.png (918x119, 5.46K)

Because all other races are natural and pure and good. It's not normal for them to steal from other races. They shouldn't be capable of thinking to do this.

The Jew is a backward, satanic breed of man that is murderous and vile.

Jews and Africans have to go. Hispanics make decent serfs, so they can stay. Asians are highly civilized and therefor honorary Aryans. I don't think a pure ethnostate makes any practical sense for America. We just need to finish what Lincoln started and repatriate Africans, and of course counter subversion which happens to be Jewish of nature.

good luck convincing the average guy to give up all his money and his chance at a family because some kike has a high iq

IQ means nothing, it could even be evolutionary disadvantageous.

I'm not arguing for any of that. I'm just saying the biggest factor in explaining Jewish overrepresentation in cognitively demanding fields is IQ. You may see that Jews are 15.1% of American physicians despite only being roughly 2% of the population and assume there is foul play at hand, but they are roughly 17.9% of the white population in the US with an IQ of 130 or higher. The average IQ of doctors is 120-125. Their representation as doctors is almost precisely what their proportion of this IQ range would predict. My position is that multiethnicism and multiracialism are bad ideas. Having groups who are innately biologically different from one another with differing capabilities all living together is going to inevitably result in ethnic disparities in outcomes, resentment, domination of one group over another, and conflict.

They're only 5 IQ points smarter than the White race.

But they're slick and dangerous because they are sentient.

So if you gave a bunch of them an IQ test you get the IQ number 110 when in truth they are only 118.5 IQ.

You have to remember the original Jews are a 92 IQ race of people. Only 104.5 at best for the average Jewish male. 112.5 IQ is the white male bell-curve.

Jews are just a bunch of people that were selected for intelligence and then inter-bred with one another. It's pure evil. Jewish people that have undergone the intelligence selection process aren't any different from Mexicans in how moral they are.

It's never your fault
It's never your fauuuult
Fragile white male
It's never your fault.

It's the fault of the White male 9 times out of 10, but that doesn't mean that Jews are totally innocent of brutalizing the White race.

There's a reason to have the Jews. The jews hate use because we aren't goyim and they feel they can and deserve to exploit us. They consider that their birth right, that is what's natural to them. We hate them because they suppressed and exploited us first.

It depends on the time period. The human brain has shrunk by 10% in size over the last 20,000-40,000 years so it seems high intelligence is not as important for survival and reproduction as it once was and is disadvantageous today when you consider the abysmally low fertility rates of highly intelligent people.

When a jew has a bat mitzvah he can expect one to multiple thousands of dollars in gifts, mainly money. Half of my family are rich as fuck and my aunt literally owns a castle. The ones who aren't rich, doctors, business owners, lawyers etc are middle class blue collar workers. I'm lower middle class but I also don't integrate myself much with family, if I did they could probably set me up with some very good opportunities. I prefer to keep to myself and not rely on other people. There is truth in your post.
>t. Jew