Jews are intelligent and creative

>Jews are intelligent and creative
>Give each other money and aide one another while keeping all other races down in whatever way they can
>Reproduce at all costs because they are murderous, shark-like predators

What ends-up happening is an extremely negative virus. A Jewish virus that replicates and dominates parasitically, owning half of an entire society and pushing down the productive natives of that society while stealing everything of value from their hands. No true positive economic shift either because all of the money is returned to the Jew who hands it off to other Jews. Furthermore, most of their number only manipulate money and cheat the system they are born into through this. They do nothing for industry.

It's pretty obvious to me why Hitler killed these people. They are literal thieves, each one a small mass-shooting.

Attached: 1536616644798.jpg (1024x996, 72.38K)

Hitler didn't kill them. They died of typhus and starvation because the allies took out the supply chains.

No. He killed them.
He saw them for what they really are and launched their genocide.

He was a good, wise man.

>You aren't intelligent, not even a little
>Your parents barely give you enough food to eat
>Masturbate at all costs because you're a weak little faggot

1488ers are so based, u will unshackle your chains of joo oppression soon!!!

hispanic wannabe-Nazi incel is here to redpill you on the best place to store the piss bottles

I'm 154-157 IQ.
I am intelligent. Jews are serpents.

I'm not even a hateful man. I just know they are nothing but bad news.

I mean, there are so many Jewish pedophiles on this earth. I don't know what else to tell you.

Today, this brave user stood up. He took a stand. He stood up to the Goliath, in front of the whole world. What a hero. Now the ultra master Jews will surely take him away and execute them (happens to all anti-semites).

>Jews hate all da goys, that's evil
>I hate all da jews, that's good
Very intelligent high 20-minute internet-IQ-test. You're as smart as the corrupt rabbis you claim are your opposite, but really, are just your mirror image ;(

Kill yourself you worthless unaccomplished faggot.

You know they essentially crucify anyone that speaks out against the Jews. Once you do it, your word is considered invalid. The Jews downplay it, label it lunacy, to downplay their satanic games. But it's all real.

BREAKING: Mossad has decided that this "one who sees the truth" is too "dangerously high IQ" and has "way too many airsoft pistols" to safely attempt an execution on him. You win this round, but the jews will be back!