Why will no fembots be my gf?

Why will no fembots be my gf?

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Your summation of your personality looks like a template. Try to catch the fascination of women. People like anything that is interesting. Love's a game for the young and the foolish, so be fun or be cast aside.

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sorry user, women don't like outcasts like us.

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>sorry user, women don't like outcasts like us.
kill me

You're a neet, no woman is going to want to date someone who does nothing with his life.

depends on the woman
lots of women aren't thinking that hard and are more interested in you for charm or looks
if you're talking a single mother or anybody over 30 probably

not to say having a job isn't a great help with women and just generally makes you less of a loser

A based woman would
why do i need a job? i'm autistic with a bunch of other shit stacked on.
the apocalypse is coming anyway and i would protect her and live pretty well.

>can't draw for shit
>doesn't understand capitalization or apostrophes
>doesn't work and has no hobbies
>will instantly cling to any girl who shows him the slightest hint of affection
>unironically put "I hate society"
>can't hold a job
>thinks he could protect a girl in an apocalypse
Holy fuck, kid, do you read anything you type before you post it? I knew a loser like you who defied the odds and got a based gf. Neet, manlet, highschool dropout with a retard voice. I fucked her in his bed while he was hospitalized for a suicide attempt and I knew in that moment why chads kick the shit out of losers. Because it's fun. And it's gonna happen to you if you get a gf.

because you're not good enough :)

i challenge you to a duel.

>get's attached quickly and is really obsessive

this honestly is a red flag, other than that you seem like a cool person but being obsessive over someone isn't really healthy for either party and I don't think it usually leads to a healthy relationship in the long term, but you may mean it in a way different than how I'm interpreting it so idk

society is shit
and i could defiantly protect a girl in the apocalypse and if i wanted to die i wouldn't fail.
also i challenge you to a fight now post your area code cocksucker. also no i wouldn't have any girl i have reasonable requirements and have rejected nasty girls.
fuck you whore you aren't good enough.

how are you interpenetrating it? i'm not sure how loving someone a lot can be bad.

Are you from the US? this sounds appealing to me

did you just get onto the internet for the first time in 10 years

i think itd be nice having someone obsess over me

Because cisgender fembots don't exist

loving someone a lot and being obsessed with them are really different to me. I view obsession (especially if it develops quickly) as shallow and fleeting, and it makes me feel like the person is going to be codependent. It also makes me feel like it's not sustainable because quick obsession/infatuation is usually based on some kind of idealised version you have of the person - I think I find the idea of obsession just inherently dehumanising (not in a malicious way) because I feel like no one is going to be able to live up to the expectation someone who is 'obsessed' with them has. If you just mean it as loving someone a lot though then I think that's sweet.

>Are you from the US? this sounds appealing to me
yes i am
[email protected]
it comes with the autism i think
and well i'm here if anyone actually wants to talk to me and Yas Forums let's me post this comment

you are a weak and pathetic sack of shit women dont want weak they want to be dominated and controlled

look, kiddo. being INFP is pain but if I was as cucked as that meme boy OP posted I reckon I'd have bigger problems

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>shallow and fleeting
that's a defiant no for me
i just mean i get attached and don't let go.i'm not sure why obsession means that to you
i'm far from weak but i'm not really into treating someone i like like shit. you cannot talk shit you no nothing of me.

i like outcasts like that, id date you nice user

>look, kiddo. being INFP is pain but if I was as cucked as that meme boy OP posted I reckon I'd have bigger problems
the fuck do you mean?

you think personality types from an online test is legitimate i know full well you are aweak spineless boy who probably cant look his own mother in the eyes

I still dont get the 4 letter personality thing. How is it any different than the 50 gender meme? Stop describing yourself as a meaningless stereotype its so fucking cringe, I tried those tests and they give a different result based on how you interpret the questions at the time.

not that dude but were you born yesterday?

That's what a normal person thinks of when they see someone they see the word "obsessed" being used.

>Unironic 'le society'

it's not a prerequisite, but chances are you're better off fixing yourself before pursuing fulfillment in another person.

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you know INFPs are fucked when their sensor version is more based. they were one letter away to being a J type too. sucks honestly.
>t. INFJ

am INFP, can vouch for existing as INFP being a fuck