Do women interact with you differently when you have a woman in your life?

Do women interact with you differently when you have a woman in your life?

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For some reason, if you're already taken, their dipshit brains think, "Oh, because other women like him, he's likable and I should want him even though he's taken."

And yet if you're single, "oh, he's single. I should avoid him since nobody's wanting him."

It's so stupid. Women are the causes of their own problems. Too much fem-worship.

I am 100% convinced that the Female brain is purely autistic.

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ive seen this trope before a lot in media but i havent experienced it.

Autism is many things but so blatantly self-destructive is not one.

Based on limited experience (I had a gf for a few weeks when I was 13), yes. I could have had a harem at that time, but at no other point in my life has a female cared to be close to me.

Unfortunately such temptation was too much for me and I got dumped for flirting with other girls. Perhaps in another life I would have been a turbochad

it may have been that having a gf made you more comfortable and confident and were able to act normal around other girls for the first time. this is a big reason inexperienced people feel like having a gf makes other girls swarm them for some reason

No. It's definitely because women are fucking retarded and pursue what they can't have, but reject what they can have.

ah i see your experience of having a gf for a few weeks as a 13 year old makes you an expert thanks for the revelation

everything with women is realizing its all fucking feedback loops

How the fuck would a woman know if you have a gf or not to make her want you? That's stupid. You're stupid.

Oh, no, I'm not him.
I'm this guy: But, ok, twat. Anyone disagreeing with you needs to just shut up because you're the expert accusing everyone else of not having the proper credentials needed to voice a contradicting opinion.
My fucking bad. Didn't realize I needed to be you to have a correct experience regarding how women behave.

Not really, it's more a tv trope than anything else.
I remember a case when I was a teen but it turned out it was more drama between the girls instead of anything involving the man

Because they always fucking ask, you fucking moron. Asking a dude if he's seeing anyone is pretty much first-time interaction question. Literally never failed. If they don't ask, they already know the answer.

That's probably a factor but we were also children and it is fairly natural to desire something other people have.

I was mainly shitposting (although the experience was real) so don't get too worked up, robros

Yep. Very.

More women actively flirt with me and approach me. Seems like appearing to always be in a relationship or something is important.

my bad, i just assumed you were him which was unfair. that being said i do think a certain amount of experience is necessary to have a stance on topics like this which cant really be quantified. im sure you and i have had very different experiences in dating and meeting women which is why we both answered oppositely but im curious as to what kind of situations you found yourself in where women were all over you just because you had a gf alrady
based. take it easy user hope you can find someone else soon

>they always fucking ask
Only if you're attractive to them. Therefore, go fuck yourself, normie.

>im curious as to what kind of situations you found yourself in where women were all over you just because you had a gf alrady
Oversimplify the point. Fabulous twat work. 10/10.
The point was explained further than that, but by all means keep pretending I didn't explain the psychology.
It's almost like you can't turn "bitch mode" off, just like a snarky-ass, dry-pussy woman.
Except I also said this...
"If they don't ask, they already know the answer."
...but you're too retarded to read longer than 4 words, so my bad for setting unreasonable expectations.

>Do women interact with you differently when you have a woman in your life?
Yes, you become a literal pussy magnet. It's amazing how they don't even notice how flirtatious and down right inappropriate they can get.

lol the psychology? that cookie cutter answer from mediocre sitcoms is why youre so passionate about this topic? take it easy user

They tease you because they know you won't try to fuck them. Or at least be more restrained so you don't get in trouble with your gf.

Women are like jobs.

In the interview process, it's better to have experience and even a current one than it is to come with no experience at all. Like your interviewer, as long as you're loyal to the new job past experience doesn't matter/it's even a bonus. This is why women don't get why guys worry about body count.

>They tease you because they know you won't try to fuck them.
But that is precisely it. Their aim is not to fuck me. Is to date me. It's like I have this huge fucking sign that says BF material hanging from the back of my shirt. Which is what all girls are ultimately looking for.

I don't know if you already know this but
chicks fuck their bfs

ofcs dummy, I mean their initial aim.

Some women have turned on me when they found out i had a girlfriend. they'd be start being shitty, passive aggressive and dismissive towards me and my girlfriend from that moment onward - trying to undermine my relationship
think they get jealous and competitive. gets quite ugly

And like jobs, it's also better to lie to them.

It's a double-whammy of female attraction:

When you have a partner, it's a huge confidence boost. No matter how independently you value yourself, having one of the highest possible praises from an external source ("I want to share my life/body with you") helps to prove your worth to yourself. When you're more confident and forwards/assertive/comfortable (because who cares what some randos think of you when you have a partner who approves?), women see someone more able to stand out from the crowd (in a "good" way), take them by the hand, and lead them through a passionate and fulfilling life together (provided mostly by him, of course). They look for this, expect this, and feel entitled to this in a partner, because they've reliably been able to acquire it, regardless of station, and passively too.

Women are both socially-oriented AND submissive creatures. They have no desire for independent strength or self-worth (it's scary but they literally don't believe it exists, they think individual male success or acquisition-of-power comes from station/authority/society-say-so alone), they only seek the easier, more assured, strength and validation from the tribe. Even when it comes to the thought "what do I like?" they instead look to 'authorities' and ask:
>what am I supposed to like?

In short - Women like one thing: Whatever's the most popular.
It doesn't matter what it looks like or what it is, as long as the majority values it. If you're dating in the 1800s, they only desire racist partners, if you're dating in the 2010s, they only desire anti-racist partners.
If you have, as I mentioned, one of the highest possible praises from an external source not only present, but also totally relateable to other women (since women strive so hard to "similarmax" for mass approval that they are practically interchangeable parts of a hive-mind), then women will find you far more attractive.

>This is why women don't get why guys worry about body count
>This is why
>Implying women try to use concrete logic like this
Either way, you know what's a really big red flag in an interview?
Too much experience.
As in: You've been bouncing around between different jobs for the last 10 years and haven't held one down for longer than a couple months.
Why can't you keep a job? If the number is that high, the odds would imply that the problem must be you, and the only way to prove they might not be is to look into your past job experience. Employers require references so they can even make some calls to previous employers and ask what the deal was, and why the employee left or was let go so early.

The only difference is that guys don't fucking get the opportunity to call any number of a girl's unusually-numerous ex-boyfriends and ask why things didn't work out with her so quickly. In lieu of any metric of risk, the best way to reduce risk is to avoid it wholesale, thus, just don't date girls who have had "too many" relationships and you're more likely to find one worth investing your time/efforts/emotions in.

it's not just women. it's men too. and employers and co-workers. if i guy's married, you make certain assumptions about him. for instance, you know that he's stable and sane enough to have a wife.

Remember the golden rule:

>Women are mentally children.
>All of them, no matter how old.
>Teenagers at best.

And everything will make sense. What you describe is a classic case of:
>No, that belongs to her, it's not yours.
>Okay, fine... (Actually, it's not fine, I want it, and I get what I want, so I'll plan a secret scheme to get/steal it anyways, with a convenient excuse to act innocent if anyone ever tries to expose me...)
If you've ever known a woman since she was a girl, you'll note that quite early on, she just stopped maturing. Stopped learning. Stopped growing deeper as a person. She found a way to get everything she wanted without having to put any more effort into life, because the people in her life enabled it. She was never forced to grow or learn or change to adapt for success. She had success since she was a child, and it just never stopped. She never believed it could ever stop. It was her normal. It was all day, every day, whenever she wanted it, until she hit the wall, and then suddenly, for the first time in her life, it stopped, and she was left to her own devices, with the same society that enabled her infantile lifestyle and mind now expecting her to have somehow developed into an independent adult. So, obviously, they have nothing left but what they know, so they just keep childing it up and trying to "regain their youth".

gosh i hope i dont have more than 1 female child

>be blackbot
>get asian gf
>suddenly more asian girls happen to find their way in front of me
>a few of them flirt with me in front of gf

i'm not even "attractive" and kind of a sperg