ITT: We post a pic that describes our life
ITT: We post a pic that describes our life
This is the epitome of me
>post pic that describes your life
Here you go OP
There's ton of different images i could use so i just picked a random one from my folder.
Something like this minus the words that dont start with u
Here's my gondola for you guys
half a syzygy
it's 18 degrees in here
This feels about right to me
Fuck this gay earth. Image familiar
This desu. Makes sense if you think about it
skiddadle skadigger
fucking kill me
I don't organize my images so I won't bother looking for it, but the pic where it's some high school party or something with some girls front and center being all cheerful and happy and hugging and all, and then the exact same group some years later. I'm the guy that barely shows up in the background, by his lonesome leaning against the wall.
me and my hubby
mere yearning
I don't like being around people3
It's getting harder and harder to stay positive these days
>tfw I kind of look like that child except hes got a better defined jawline than me
Maybe I should just end it all.
hm ok then
They're just waitin' on him to bust a move
Doesn't matter how hard I'm hit, I'm getting back up.
In and out of school.
waking up being angry
This image always have rustled my jimmies, I need to know what happened to him.
Some say he shat himself but I don't feel it.
idk how to be a person
want to be loved, losing my mind
i think this one is about right
hopelessness, sadness and envy.
I am so fucking jaded like you wouldnt believe
Dont say nigga, its bad
image says everything you need to know, but originally
i'm always on edge bros, i don't know how to act
got out and use tinder. just be a chad for nudes then go further. use other shit if you wanna get serious. life isnt handed to you, you gotta make it yourself
what does "be chad" even mean?
where do you find this confidence
Not him, but I tried exactly this. Every date went nowhere. Normies really don't seem to comprehend how fucked up and unappealing to women the mind of an autist is.
I'm endlessly miffed about how easy a life boomers got to live comparatively. I'm way too Tedpilled at this point to bother with trying to "succeed" in the rat race. I wait for collapse. If it doesn't come, at least I have 4 different flavours of 12ga to blow my head off with.