I have a testicle exam tomorrow and my doctor has a female name, how do I make the best of this?

I have a testicle exam tomorrow and my doctor has a female name, how do I make the best of this?

If it ends up being a tranny I'm running away.

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>how do I make the best of this
what does that even mean? do you want a prize for the most supreme testicles she's ever fondled?

Are you black?

If not your dick isnt big enough for any girl on the planet.

It's not going to be anything like your pic and you should try not to act like a retard, also why pp smol?

Why would anyone be a urologist.

Been there, she made me nut in my pants. To this day I'm not sure how in purpose it was. I was way younger though.

If it is my same exam she won't touch much herself, mostly use a rolling tool and lotion. Don't worry about boners. Also how old are you? I was 16 back then but older than that I doubt you would get a female doctor.

I met a girl with a dream of being a proctologist once. Who knows.

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I'm 20, and yeah I can barely believe it, but the name is there.

That happened to me once. It was nice that she touched your balls and dick but I was like his patient number ten that day so I didn't show her anything that she hadn't seen a million times.

Don't get your hopes up. If it's a female urologist, it's more than likely a wrinkly Indian woman with a thick accent in her late 50s.

Killed any worry of getting wood as soon as she walked in the exam room and I realized I couldn't understand half of what she was saying anyway.

Also, the ball exam isn't pleasurable -- it fucking hurts. They roll your balls around in their clammy fingers like fucking marbles on concrete.

Make sure you are excited with a boner. There is a slight chance she might "accidently" give you a handjob

>how do I make the best of this?
youll probably be the 7th set of dick and balls they see that day. just chill and enjoy knowing someone is being paid to briefly touch your genitals and jerk off to it later.

they are unfortunately trying to portray a pre teen in that pic user.

Good pay and it's interesting
Only brainlets seriously think uro is just about fondling balls all day

Why do you have an exam though?

youre super lucky mine was an old fat man and the window was open so people outside could see me naked

shinji is a simp.

Who's shinji?

Incredibly based early saigado poster

this is a cropped hentai pic of characters from the anime Neon Genesis Evangellion.

It shows Dr. Ritsuko Akagi milking Shinji Ikari (the main character)

that doesnt happen in the series obviously, but Shinji is a faggot for the entire series and the main character. He does jerk off into his hand when he visits his hot redheaded comatose bitch of a friend Asuka, and that IS shown in the series sooo....anyway

this is fake, but explain the story anyways

Bump for greentext too

Wait, wait, what did you do to your testicle to warrant an exam?

I have told this story so many times, it's not really exciting anymore. I'll sum it up a lot.

>16, get pain on testicles
>embarrassed to tell my family so I make an appointment myself on a place near my school
>come in, doctor is a 20-30 year old woman, asks me whats the problem is, I say its hurting
>she says she is going to perform an exam, makes me take off my pants and briefs and sit
>tells me to open my legs and lie, uses some kind of lotion and rubs it on my balls
>my heart is racing but nothing else, she gets my dick out of the way and is quickly done with it
>brings a sort of rolling tool and starts rubbing it on my balls
>i look at the ceiling or close my eyes to not focus on it, feels awkward and I dont want a boner
>eventually the constant stimulation makes my dick awaken
>start getting incredibly hard, she keeps using the tool on my balls and my dick is throbbing and pointing up, she ignores it
>tells me its almost done, keeps pressing the tool on me
>pressure makes my hood retract and my dick get as hard as it can
>i'm bucking my hips slowly with her rythm, she presses on my stomach to make me settle down, erect dick "accidentally" rubs on her wrist/hand
>continues for a mortifying while more, I feel I'm just about to cum
>stops and tells me to get dressed
>starts telling me about how now I have to wait and blah blah while im putting my pants my dick just starts spurting in there as I put on my briefs
>not sure if she noticed, I put on my pants to quickly cover up

later get the results and she says there is nothing and Its just normal pain from my testicles growing

looks like she is used to boners.

>and the window was open so people outside could see me naked
uh you could have asked him to close it lol

has no one else had a female pediatrician and loved the yearly testicle check? as early as i can remember i always had my dick rock hard ready for the part where she would touch it. then again, the doctor was always a bit old and not really hot but it was at least great to get your dick touched by a female. now that i think about it, those doctors are the only people other than myself that have touched my dick.

Just don't be embaressed.

I've had plenty of female doctors look at and touch my balls and dick even had a prostate exam from a qt before.

They see this type of stuff everyday so don't worry and as for making the best of it i'm not sure hentai fantasies don't play out like in real life. Even though there were plenty of doctors I've had touch my junk I wish could do me like your pic related it just doesn't happen.

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I had a nurse administer an enema on me once and she was more uncomortable with it than I was.

Doctors are bound by a set of rigorous ethics. Violating that can get their license suspended and their career destroyed. But by god, did I ever want a smoking MILF to examine me thoroughly behind a curtain. . .

Fun fact, doctors are not allowed to hook up with their patients while in the context of a medical visit. Same penalties as above. But if you just happened to bump into them outside of work at a bar. . . it's fair game

Imagine being so retarded and braindead from internet usage that you think "trannies" are everywhere in the real world. Imagine being so retarded to think it's okay for a man to touch your testicles, but a man pretending to be a woman isn't.

I came just from looking at this

>posts on Yas Forums
>hasn't heard of evangelion
Really? Half the weirdos here don't shut up about it because they identify with Shinji and also want to fuck Asuka's underage pussy (with good reason)

She loves him user (but he only thinks she's hot and doesn't love her in any real sense romantically like she does) and says during the mindmeld inside the EVA01 that she doesn't really mind it (at least consciously) because she is lonely and has no real connection to anyone around her, Shinji masturbating to her is the only real affection she's gotten in a long time and the closest she at that point believes she's going to get to human connection, that's why her saying "How disgusting" is actually a triumphant moment, it symbolizes her overcoming her self-hatred and finally being able to form an actual human relationship beyond superficial hedonistic pleasure

Based and epic, all of the female doctors who have examined my peepee have been really old so I wasn't able to get off

what if he gets hard