Female NEET and Hikikomori General Thread

How are female NEETs handling CODVID 19?


>The acronym for (Not In Education Employment Or Training)


>Hikikomori is a Japanese term when translated into English it means pulling inward being confined (Acute social withdrawal) Hikikomori is a distinct social condition that refers to the phenomenon of reclusive adolescents and young adults who have withdrawn from society seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement due to various personal social cultural and psychological issues in their lives. (A shut-in who stays at home in their parents house does not work go to school or socialize with others and lives in isolation in their bedroom for 6 months or more)

>Contrary to popular belief most hikikomori go outdoors but are just isolated socially and still spend most of the day and nearly every single day confined at home in their rooms

>The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents house, do not work or go to school and isolate themselves away from society and their family in a single room for a period exceeding six months

>The Hikikomori Criteria and Diagnosis

>1. Subject spends most of the day confined at home, nearly every single day.

>2. Subject purposefully avoids social situations and social relationships

>3. Subject shows clear significant functional impairment,

>4. Subject shows social withdrawal symptoms for .a duration of 6 months or more

>5. Subject has no physical condition nor other severe psychological problem that is the cause of the social withdrawal (Mainly excluding those with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia)

>While hikikomori is mostly only a Japanese phenomenon cases of the condition have been found in other countries

People who work go to school or have a social life are not hikikomori.

People who work are receiving an education or are in vocational training are NOT a NEET

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What about femcels? Is this a thread for femcels?

It's a thread for anyone who wants to post, retard. You think OP is going to hold a gun to your head and say you can't post unless your'e a female NEET/hikki? You don't have to follow any thread's rules, nobody does, I'm a male hikki. There's virtually no female hikkis, the ones that are true hikkis are usually really fucked in the head and very ugly.

>What about femcels? Is this a thread for femcels?

No female NEETs.

why won't a fembot be my gf?

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>There's virtually no female hikkis, the ones that are true hikkis are usually really fucked in the head and very ugly.

OP pic would disagree also watch some hikikomori documentaries for once you will see some women yes most are men but some are women.

>why won't a fembot be my gf?

If only Tomoko was real.

>If only Tomoko was real.
*if only tomoko was in this dimension


can't have thread about something that doesn't exist

Why did you even bother writing this out, I said virtually no female hikkis, yes there's a few but the overwhelming majority are men. Statistics show this with around 80% of hikkis in Japan being male, with this stat only going up the older they get, I'm sure this stat is only skewed even more heavily towards males in Western countries for obvious societal reasons.


Please stop spelling it like this romaji is cancer.

Hell no faggot, I'll spell hikki how I want to spell hikki, you think I give a shit about your moonrune bullshit? Go cry about ching chang chong somewhere else retard

>Hell no faggot, I'll spell hikki how I want to spell hikki, you think I give a shit about your moonrune bullshit? Go cry about ching chang chong somewhere else retard

Shut the fuck up weeaboo if you spent anytime on 5ch.net you would know its hikky not hikk.i

>Why did you even bother writing this out, I said virtually no female hikkis, yes there's a few but the overwhelming majority are men. Statistics show this with around 80% of hikkis in Japan being male, with this stat only going up the older they get, I'm sure this stat is only skewed even more heavily towards males in Western countries for obvious societal reasons.

How about linking a source instead of talking out of your ass i dont think you're a hikikomori i think you're just a stupid incel who hates women.

>tfw probably the only actual girl shut in here

If only that accomplished any thing..

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anyone who feels their life has changed significantly is a goddamn normie. The only thing that has really changed for me is that I now cant do my food shopping at 3am. I did have a job driving coaches before for about a month (got to work to survive sometimes) but its such a relief to go back to the hiki life.

You should just go outside then, then you won't be shut in.

Right. You first.

Don't you mean most females throughout all time?
amirite fellas?

Google yourself fag I'm not spoonfeeding you shit, I've been a hikki for 7 years and I'm on neetbux

hey bb got contact ;)

>If only that accomplished any thing..
why won't you be my gf?

You can be my girlfriend, that can be an accomplishment in a way, though I'm not very accomplished myself

>You should just go outside then, then you won't be shut in.
no fuck you shutins are based

I've been hikki for about 5 months now, because of anxiety. Ironically, this time away hasn't really helped with that. I haven't lost weight, caught up on sleep, or worked through any of my problems. I always think about what will happen to me next. I did get back into religion, and that's the only good thing that's come out of this break. I'm so bored, and in a way I'm mostly bored with being depressed and anxious all the time.

I have to go find a job young lady so obviously I'm doing that. You should to.

You shouldn't encourage people to be unhealthy.

I wish I could be a total shut in. But I dont have family to stay with, or rather the family I do have are horribly abusive. I spend months coasting on benefits and only leaving the house early in the morning to do a food shop. And honestly this suits me fine. Its just the times I actually manage to land job and have to suffer it out until they inevitably fire me and I go back on bennies, I hate having to go in and pretend to not be a ragin autist, panic attacks every day before I go there. constant anxiety that everyone is talking about me. Corona is a godamn blessing honestly. im so happy right now

>You shouldn't encourage people to be unhealthy.
how is that anything but healthy? i want her to be my gf

You need to get sunlight and exercise, as well as getting proper social interaction and motivation in life.

>open window
>get a home gym
>socialize with friends online
>get motivated by video games and anime
Well, looks like we've cracked the code. Back to waging you go, slave!

Get a home gym as a shut in neet?
Either way most people who live like that really aren't happy.

>Google yourself fag I'm not spoonfeeding you shit, I've been a hikki for 7 years and I'm on neetbux

You're not a hikikomori you're just an incel hikikomori is mostly only a Japanese culture problem they isolate themselves because of social and cultural reasons related to Japanese society not because of women or mental illness you fucking loser. Also on a side note hikis are also literally on the most extreme levels of the social isolation and NEET spectrum. The most desperate social loners on the face of the earth. And they are also very emotionally sensitive people and they prefer to be by themselvesi I have had interacted with Japanese NEETs before and they are very polite and well mannered they are not bitter and angry all the time like you western NEETs can really learn some manners and respect from their Japanese counterparts just saying.

sunlight is bad for you
you can exercise fine in the house
social interaction is garbage unless with it's someone you actually like

I'm a doctor, I will support you lain-chan

>Implying I would or am even capable of dating a normalfag

I know it's stupid to even attempt threads like these on Yas Forums, but monitoring nonetheless.

>Corona is a godamn blessing honestly.

It hasn't really effected me, but there is some sadistic pleasure in knowing a good chunk of the world has had to dip their toes in this lifestyle/condition. It was kind of a relief to see a lot of people unable to cope or handle it as well.

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lol what's your definition of a normalfag if you assume that includes randos begging for a girlfriend on r9k?