What is a worse fate than having a small penis...

What is a worse fate than having a small penis? I'm 4 inches long and it sucks knowing that no matter what I do I will never compare to a 7 inch penis even to gay men.

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>What is a worse fate than having a small penis?
Being a biological woman.

I hate looking at my dick. It's 6 inches long but my pubes and balls make it look tiny

is that bone pressed? i know one guy who thought he had a micropenis but he was just fat and didnt press into it when measuring.

So am I in the zone where it's free or am I getting paid?

shave the pubes then you idiot
>what reply were you expecting from this post?

Yeah you get laid just by going on tinder and writing jack shit on your profile. Fuck right off

I'm skinny and short as fuck and yes it's bone pressed. I'm not fat so there's no fat to make it seem smaller than it actually is

all these penises look funny
i think having a funny penis like that would be worse than a small one

ive never really measured my dick but it doesnt matter because im still insecure af about it. fucking porn man gotta quit that shit :/

Having a big penis but cant get a gf