ITT your edgy opinions
>sex is gross and I don't want it
>if you are friends with a girl then you are a massive homo
>Indiana Jones is mediocre and overrated by 80s nostalgia fags
>most 80s stuff is shit
>Harry Potter is fag shit
>The Beatles are ok but not that great
>Led Zeppelin is ok but not that great
>Nirvana is ok but not that great
>most hip hop is fucking crap especially that gay shit like Kendrick Lamar and 2pac
>Boards of Canada and bland and boring
>Christopher Nolan is a hack
ITT your edgy opinions
>>Boards of Canada and bland and boring
I meant are bland and boring.
my edgy opinion is that you must be at least 18 to post on this board
>most hip hop is fucking crap
Have you tried A Tribe Called Quest? They're quite good.
I think everyone over 6 feet tall need to die.
Yeah I've tried them. They're shit.
Cry more manlet bitch lol
>White people aren't that bad
>Western civilization is the peak of civilization
>The traditional family is the cornerstone of western civilization and should be saved at all costs
>Christianity is a good religion
>Capitalism has been good for the human race
>Socialism has killed more people than Nazism so it is objectively worse
>i dont give a fuck about animals or animal abuse and its beyond me how anyone can
>suicide attempts mostly dont exist. you either want to kill yourself and then you do or you're an attention whore, subconsciously or otherwise
>its not that hard to get a gf and you have to be royally socially fucked, very isolated or a literal mutant to not have one (if you want it)
user, you were so closed to being based. All of these are right except you went full retard faggot and supported capitalism.
Anything that is not procreative is a perversion/corruption of sex and out of wedlock instances are destroying society.
bumperino originalo 99
Fuck off commie tard lol
have you heard of viper?
shits fire
op asked for edgy opinions not cringe ones lol
>the only options are capitalism or communism
Fuck off and die shill
The only good hip hop is Death Grips.
my edgy opinion is that black people cant conceive complex emotion
inch resting. elaborate user?
>>Harry Potter is fag shit
>>The Beatles are ok but not that great
>>Led Zeppelin is ok but not that great
>>Nirvana is ok but not that great
>>most hip hop is fucking crap especially that gay shit like Kendrick Lamar and 2pac
>>Boards of Canada and bland and boring
>>most 80s stuff is shit
terribly wrong.
these opinions aren't edgy in the slightest.
>star wars
>girls are gross i hate them
>i have no qualms with ethnic minorities most are okay
>God exists
Also believe this. Now the question is where I find a qt who does. Church is not an option, not because I'm not Christian (I am), but because it's all either subverted and leftist here, or is filled with nonwhites.
The world would be a lot better if you needed a license proving your competence before you are allowed to have children.
>The world would be a lot better if you needed a license proving your competence before you are allowed to have children.
what makes you think this
>national bolshevism is the answer to many problems
>everyone should be issued one free gun
>stalin for the most part did nothing wrong
>life has no inherent value, just the value we all give it
>protestantism should be purged, especially in the US where it is a glorified cult filled with obese morons praising israel
>the only reason why china is even a thing is because they sucked neoliberal dick for easy shekels, and that stalin did not kill enough
>boards of canada is pretty good
Its obvious that a lot of people are fuckups as a direct result of bad parenting, raising a child is an important job on the same level as being a doctor or a lawyer, yet requires no type of training or qualifications to get into it. I admit it would be a nightmare to enforce these type of rules, but if having your shit together was the bare minimum needed to have kids we'd have a lot less losers and degenerates around.
Power is the tool that is effectively castrated from modern man.
When we leave Africans to their own devices, they overrun streets by living in them. When migrant populations are rising, they are not living as legitimately as the natives.
>People who use MBTI as a crutch for their personalities are pretty homo desune.
Boards of Canada are mediocre. Aphex Twin and Autechre are much better.
>the N word is extremely hilarious and everyone should be able to use it in a non-racist manner without backlash
>If you cry about balance in a video game you're pussy who can't git gud
>Developers who frequently balance their video game with more nerfs than buffs are fucking retarded
>Hip hop, especially conscious rap is god tier and OP is gay
>Words like anxiety and depression are obnoxiously overused and everyone who uses it unironically is a gay pussy who spends too much time on the internet
>people who compare themselves with other people to feel better about themselves have an ego problem and are in denial of being unsatisfied with themselves
>people who think you have to reach society's definition of success to have a satisfying life are brainwashed idiots
>Billie eilish is bad and shouldn't be a role model for young girls
>mbti is for people who have no personality
>traps are gay
>Humanity would arguably be better off if rape, murder and theft where left unpunished save for retribution by the victims relatives .
Humanity would be better off with planet earth covered in large deadly forests and swamps.
>TV and movies have always been shit.
>leftists, kikes and niggers are right about western civilisation needing to die.
>Listening to Metal, Hiphop or rap makes you a faggot and a retard.
>Star wars was never good.
>as long as there are no predators culling humanities humans will remain humanities foremost predator.
>there are 2 types of people. predators and prey.
>everyone is bisexual if you fuck them good and hard enough.
>this is still no excuse to be a flamming fucking faggot.
>Child abuse and traumatizing children builds character.
OP is hitting my boner way too hard. Also, OP keep in mind that your opinion is just as shit as anyone else's
>Child abuse and traumatizing children builds character
Life is not a fucking novel that has to have well written characters to be good you delusional nigger