This is what your average fembot looks like

this is what your average fembot looks like

prove me wrong

Attached: doomer.png (500x485, 50.33K)

wrong. the average fembot looks like this, sunshine and rainbows

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>prove me wrong
fembots don't exist

Don't care I'd still fuck it

None of the woman I've seen from here were over weight, nor did they seem to have any acne. Mos were at least average looking.

Not fat, I cleared my acne up and don't dress like that but my complexion is still shit and yeah my under eyes look like I just broke my nose or got punched in the face. I can't bring myself to care enough to cover them up with makeup anymore and so people always say "you look tired" or ask me if I'm sick.

i like dark circles under a girls eyes, it makes you look miserable in the cutest possible way

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Just needs a little love

nothing proper sleep, a shower, and walking with me in the park every evening can't fix over time

Lmao that's pretty accurate for me, honestly.

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wanna be my fembot gf? just for a moment....

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I unironically look like this, you're right OP

I prefer having a bob type of cut in some or another unnatural color, and I still do skin care and makeup stuff as it is some of the few things that still bring me a bit of joy

would it be creepy if i wanted to watch you put makeup on and jerk off with your panties wrapped around my face?
asking for a friend btw

only if I saw you or knew what you're up to

but thats what i look like and im a guy

I love you groin grinder plz marry me.

>what you're up to
what do you mean i just explained what im up to

I know, which would make it creepy either way

If any of you are in Germany you're my gf now

can i smell your toilet after you take a pee too

I'd rather just take a piss on you so you can smell yourself

what kind of sick freak are you what the hell

The only thing right about is that I have acne. I'm small-chested and I have a short black hair. People mistook me for being 13-15 years old even though I'm 20. Wish I looked more like a woman, fuck.
cute desu

>I'm small-chested
extremely cute

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i look basically completely opposite from this picture

It's nice to know but your a man.

Be my wife you stink hole

>Wish I looked more like a woman, fuck.
Let me make you pregnant

I look identical to this picture minus the hat.

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No man, don't waste your time with people here, haven't you learnt anything?

no, actually i'm stunningly beautiful. but you all will never know.

Prove it to me, you know you have to.

I've been here for many years, i've nothing better to do!

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nah. i get a weird satisfaction out of being the hot girl that laughs at all your posts about small dicks and tfw no gf that you don't even realize is here.

iktf too well. was asked if I was underaged by girl younger than me ;___;

a fembot is:
>fucks animals
>no self-awareness
>an invasive species
check, check, and check
>threatened by cartoons
>dubs on this post

H-holy shit. That's way too perfect to be real

No, you will prove it to me. It sounds more like your just insecure.

I'd fall madly in love with her forever. Shame she's already in a relationship

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believe or don't. i don't really care either way.

it's crazy that you think you're in control here

Now I want you to prove it, come on have a little fun.