What will happen to all these onlyfans girls when they become old and the betabux stop flowing in?

What will happen to all these onlyfans girls when they become old and the betabux stop flowing in?

Attached: eeeveee.megan.samantha.samsel.jpg (1536x2048, 512.59K)

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i wouldn't be surprised if in the future there is some massive facial recognition database filled with women like this who have nude pics on the internet and corporations screen women to make sure they don't have nudes out there

They'll find some beta to take care of them. Or they'll find some nonjudgmental Chad to start a life with.

They'll have saved enough to retire.

I doubt corporations in the future will give a fuck

reputation matters a lot, they don't want some porn whore working in their building

they will find a fucking beta simp who will provide for them while they are fucking other guys.

>18 year olds are signing up to Onlyfans and similar platforms literally on their birthdays
>they're normalised to send nudes through snapchat tiktok and other trendy apps
>there are tinder like apps aimed for 13 year olds which normalised how 'dating' works
>Over time LGBT+ will have more and more perks when compared to straight people
>Children are brainwashed to transition to another gender
>young males are having their penis's removed
>schools teach there's more than 2 genders
>Anyone stating otherwise to the above is removed from popular social media
>Abortions are celebrated

they will live off the investment they made with the easy cash they got, buy crypto and stock

Attached: l7TnCGo.png (1002x1265, 454.43K)

They'll marry a pathetic betabux and divorcerape him afterwards
Truth is, most men are beta simps so they don't mind that their wife is a slut or prostitute

then the new, younger ones will replaces them. just as how it has always been for hundreds of years

What's your point? You sound like an old man complaining about "them kids these days".

You never know. Corporations get more and more relaxed with every passing decade. It may not even be legal to discriminate based on shit like that in the future. It should be. I always thought it was stupid that a corporation would stalk your social media accounts and use a picture of you eating a stripper's ass to turn you down fr a job.

>there are tinder like apps aimed for 13 year olds which normalised how 'dating' works
It's 2020. Online dating is reality now, get over it.

What kind of shit monitor is that that cuts off the border of the screen?

just observations

'dating' aka meeting strangers for sex through online apps

Is it any worse than meeting strangers for sex at a bar? That's been going on since alcohol was discovered.

>investing in crypto after the big crash
lmao have you learned nothing?

Yeah both are fine as long as you admit to what you're doing.

>Jessica Khater
>Head of Institutional Lending at Chainlink
>Jessica Khater manages a book of $300 million in bitcoin assets that have resulted in $2.2 billion in loans

yea i saw that. i wouldn't be surprised if she gets fired sooner or later

I don't think people who go to bars or online to fuck are pretending to do anything else but that, user.

biz and reddit already seethed about her. Nothing happened.
What a world we live in.

they will still be millionaires. all women have the biggest bank accounts you have ever seen.

I'm using my onlyfans money to go university when schools open back up. Probably engineering degree but haven't picked which one

They become nurses.

nice but how the fuck do you manage with the thought that a load of seething simps have your nudes and can share them around to anyone anywhere at any time

Well if you make apps for 13 year olds which are used to facilitate strangers meeting for sex then you should be aware of what's happening.

It's like when that facebook developer admited they've totally warped peoples brains and totally change how society will work going forward and he believed it was a negative.

So, if people are going to use tinder or other 'dating' apps they should be aware of what they're doing.

why would I give a shit? virtually all men are obsessed with porn, how does that reflect on me?

crypto will go up, you are a fool if you believe economy won't recover, traditional money will stop being used and all banks will move into crypto

So the logic is to justify ones actions due to men being 'obsessed with porn', which then in the process produces more porn to obsess men with.

Sounds a bit like a drug dealer. Get someone hooked on the goods and then you're the one who supplies their addiction.