Why are men my age so lazy? I don't want a boy who sits at home all day playing video games...

Why are men my age so lazy? I don't want a boy who sits at home all day playing video games. Where are my lumberjack men? Men who can fix my car?

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One question ma'a'a'm. Who are you?

Have you tried Canada? Also I think lots of people are slowly realizing they don't want to slave their lives away so shekelberg can buy his new pedo yacht every year.

Men have nothing to live for, thanks to you women.
In addition ask yourself what man wants to settle with a used up women who spread her legs for hundreds of other men. What man would consider such a whore wife or mother material.

>Where are my lumberjack men?
in a forest but that job has been automated away hard and doesn't pay well so if you actually met one you wouldn't want him because he'd be poor.
>Men who can fix my car?
at any car repair shop, really common.

Where the fuck do you think you are? You get what you deserve.

replace hundreds with double digits. double digits means slut and single digits doesn't necessarily exclude slut as a possibility. actual quality women have sex with fewer than 5 men in their entire life-time. in her 20s a woman should have one ex-boyfriend or be married to her first serious boyfriend, the only man she ever had sex with. that's the real standard and anything beyond is just COPE from both sides. women coping with their bad decisions and men coping with the fact that 90% of women make terrible decisions so there are no women worth courting left.

How about you get off of my board tranny

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>strong independent woman
>fix your own car

pick one roastie

I don't call myself strong and independent. I want a REAL man but they don't exist. Most men play video games and other childish things.

They still exist but they definitely arent on this site. Also I noticed really outdoorsy men usually want a wife who is outdoorsy too, not a little princess.

Bait/8 but I'll play.
Why would a man work his life away when he can press buttons and receive dopamine? Women feel as if men not trading their life for material goods is money being taken out of their pocket and for the most part they are right; men are getting hip to just how pointless it is to attempt to play house in the modern world.

I'm not bitter with regard to the state of gender relations these days. Personally it is no skin of my back that a woman wants the attention and adoration of many men instead of just one, honestly I get it. But if you're going to belittle me for not enthusiastically playing into your paradigm then I'll tell you that you are either delusional or a manipulative, bad faith actor. Women can continue to rile against the state of modern men all they want but it won't change anything, a lot of men, not all men, have stopped caring about what women have to say about them and that is because it's clear to those men that they're not interested in buying what those women are selling.

>other childish things
you mean like post on Yas Forums

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If I was gonna fix your car, first I'd see whether I could turn you on---if you know what I mean!

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>we want equality!
>gender roles are bad!
>is extremely sexist
Maybe if you stopped being obsessed with shit that doesn't matter you'd be happier. Maybe.

Gotta be a real woman to get a real man

Not on this board

I'm not outdoorsy or a mechanic, but I can fix your computer, balance a budget, run a small business, and cook meals. That's what a modern man needs to survive, but women aren't attracted to stable men.

Women don't actually appreciate this shit.

t. man who can do all that stuff

>but I can fix your computer, balance a budget, run a small business, and cook meals.

right here m'lady. I'm a supreme gentleman

>be me
>ENTP Chad
>do all of my car maintenance by hand
>muscular frame, have previously worked landscaping jobs
>deep voice, big cock
I'm already taken, of course; but what would you theoretically provide for me in return, OP?

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they all got married to their highschool sweethearts by 22. you were excluded because you're probably a filthy whore roastie

What makes you think you deserve a real man?

What do I get out of it? Men are created over time, they aren't born. The "men" you see are putting on a facade to trick your dumb ass into sleeping with them.

I'm a soft cute academic boy, I need a manly girl to fix my car and give me massages to calm my nerves before lectures and big experiments.

>when you fall for the sissy hypno so hard you start unironically thinking as a foid

>I want a REAL man but they don't exist.

Have you tried the black ones?

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>Why are men my age so lazy?
Idk, why are you taking up all the jobs they'd have, pushing them out of education, not calling out the female-centric culture, and pretending any dude not paying attention to you 24/7 and worshipping the ground you walk on while being your personal problem solver is a "boy?"
>Where are my lumberjack men?
Fucking someone worth their time, or smart enough not to let your entitled ass take advantage of him.
>Men who can fix my car?
Why can't you fix your own car? Drum up that female empowerment and independence and learn how to change your oil and change a tire, cunt.

>Why are men my age so lazy?
They are not lazy, the knowledge economy is what paid best back then. Who knows if as society reshapes with this thing we will start valuing more the things that actually matter

They worked their ass off so they could get the wealth to pay someone to fix their car.

where are my lumberjack women and women who can fix my car

Because ur not nice

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I don't play video games at all but can't fix a car either.

>Where are my lumberjack men? Men who can fix my car?
Here, on Yas Forums. Isolated from the rest of the world living their lives in solitude.