>do these bad boys
>mood and personality do a complete 180 in 10 minutes
Do these bad boys
What did you feel user, what happend?
>he does the alcohol pill for trannies and soi boy wiggers
loser finishes the stack
I just feel sleepy and tired on them.
>do these bad boys
>lose all memories for a week, go on a shoplifting spree, fall down multiple times resulting in various scars across my body, somehow manage to not get arrested and feel foggy for an entire month
hoooooly fuck bud
why do people like them so much
they kinda suck just make me feel tired and sleepy just smoke some weed
muscle relaxant, sleep aid, anxiety dissapears, weed just isn't strong enough for me anymore as far as falling asleep. feelsbadman
Why abuse xanies? I don't get it. The only reason I even like them is because I have a legitimate disorder they help me with. Why would you abuse them?
>>he does the alcohol pill for trannies and soi boy wiggers
how many of those do you fucking take?
i take a ton of valium and i'm fine
>do these bad boi's
>ruin my life entirely in less than a year
this basically. I'm suprised I havent wound up in jail because of these fucking things. Yeah they seem great at first because your autism disappears but then you start building up tolerance and dependence. you start blacking out and doing stupid shit. Then you try to get off and you have a psychotic breakdown. the withdrawals are worse than heroin. they can kill you.
10 mg valium isnt as powerful as a 2mg xanax. I think 10mg is equivalent to like .5 mg of xanax I could be wrong.
retard posting og
God help anyone who does these bad boys too much and gets addicted. It's more suffering than you can possibly imagine for months on end. Literally hell on earth.
good thing i usually take 20-30mg
Just quit now bro youll regret the foggy times you really arent yourself and Youll look back on the Xanax version of yourself and cringe
Ive been there its just an escape from reality but your days mush into one and soon youll hit the point where youre a zombie
Worst part is you cant quit cold turkey cause youll have a seizure just cut your dose a in half each day and stop
Bro trust me
T. Had seizure etc been clean over a year now was taking it maybe 3 years lol cant remember cause brain fog
Just do it mayn
Nice. You prescribed? Mister doctor wouldnt be happy. I like valium better than xanax. a 10 mg valium and a seltzer oooooooooooh.
no i take them from my grandmother since she doesn't take them at all and tries to sell them for nothing
what's seltzer do? and fuck kikes i have to drink almost and entire filth of liquor to get drunk i have high tolerance for stuff
I want to try mushrooms
where the fuck can i find someone that sells them?
An alcoholic seltzer is I think vodka and carbonated water. Theres different flavors. It's a good summer afternoon drink. Id take a valium and sip a few and have a real nice nap. Benzos and alcohol are a fun combo lmao.
I want a fucking prescription for this shit
but no, all the doctors i went to gave me depression meds
i want shit against anxiety for fucks sake
have you considered dark web? A lot of doctors these days are hesitant to prescribe shit like xanax. Unless youre literally fainting in the grocery store they wont prescribe benzos. Shit like prozac is considered effective treatment for panic disorder (it really isnt).
aren't benzos plus alcohol a really dangerous combo?
a guy on google reviews said one doctor gives out xnax but i'm not sure about how to go about getting him to give me some.
also if that helps with my anxiety i'm not sure what my exuse for not being able to work will be for the goverment
That's a problem with the Sopranos for me
why the fuck didn't he just take benzos?
your mood and personality dont change anxiety is just holding you back
work on lowering your inhbitions and anxiety, but without benzos cus WD is hell
chad shit
its amazing how even though you can barely walk and speak blacked out xans you can still rack up multiple felonies and misdemeanors
have u ever had anxiety?
tho desu weed knocks me tf out and i cant even try to stay awake, benzos dont really make me sleepy
i'm not used in doing shady shit, i just want meds against anxiety, I got prescribed prozac effexor and escitalopram, they all did fucking nothing AT ALL, now i'm out of money and can't go to any doctor
He was prescribed xanax and prozac kek. Yeah alcohol and benzos is true black out shit. I Threatened to kill a bunch of people at a new years party because of that combo. The one time I actually tried to commit suicde was because of xanax and alcohol. My friend told me I tried to jump in front of a car. One valium and a beer is comfy tho.
fuck talkling about this garbage drug is giving me a craving.
people abuse them because they are self medicating for a disorder
i firmly believe that xanax should never be used outside of pysch wards, the risks from WD and dependence and how they really just make any problem 1000x worse with a long ass WD makes them something that shouldnt just be handed out like candy or even be used often by the general pop.
>work on lowering your inhbitions and anxiety
how so?
and don't tell me to start doing things i can't do because that doesn't fucking work
I literally can't think of thinking of doing stuff without feeling bad, no matter what
and even stuff i can do, once i do it i don't want to do it anymore, the more i do the worse i feel
dont use benzos for anxiety user, dont get sucked into that nightmare
it will make any anxiety or disorder you have 1000x worse and give you seizures
it has some of the worst withdrawal imaginable (worst then opioids) and last months and months, and you can still not feel right years later
avoid benzos
try cognitive behavioral therapy and SSRI's, theres actual scientific evidence behind them making anxiety better/curing it better then placebo and better then just SSRI's/CBT alone
tho CBT is the most effective shit out there for anxiety
i tried therapy and ssri for years
i feel worse than ever
i know user, anxiety is hell and i dont mean meme evidence like "just dont be anxious lolololol"
CBT and SSRI's are the most effective shit out there, but therapy is expensive so for the self help option what you need to do is:
rename your anxiety and your symptoms of anxiety, by calling it excitement
fix your automatic negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts
try some supplements or something like magnesium or L theanine, they have scientific evidence behind them and wont worsen your anxiety during the WD like benzos
exercise is extremely important and is almost as effective or better then SSRI's but without any of the side effects + a ton of other healthy benefits
and you just need to face your fears, slowly, any avoidant behaviors you have you need to get rid of and just get out there, it wont be easy and its gonna be slow but its gonna get better
i listen to music almost 24/7 too since that usually drowns out the automatic negative thoughts
anxiety is hell this shit sucks
maybe you just had a bad therapist/pyschologist?
did you specifically go towards a cognitive behavioral therapist?
>don't tell me to start doing things i can't do
>face your fears, slowly, any avoidant behaviors you have you need to get rid of and just get out there
i changed like 7 therapists
i'm not even sure what cbt is, might be what i did
you can face your avoidant behaviors tho, i dont mean go up and start having the most charismatic conversation with a total 10 at some random bar i mean just going outside in public places, or maybe stuff like excercising in public or eating alone, stuff that you dont do because your too anxious too but theres no real consequence for
you gotta give up the self defeatist attitude bro
once quarantine ends that is
how long did you stick with a therapist/longest time? it takes time for it to work you wont see immediate results
cbt is cognitive behavior therapy, its one of the most effective treatments for anxiety and depression there is and it just focuses on fixing your thinking/changing your perspective
no dude, that doesn't work, there are literally 0 consequences for anything that makes me anxious
but i can't do it
i can't think of doing it
i can't think of thinking of doing it
and so on
I somewhat agree. I'm pretty scared to take mine too regularly. Even as rare as I take them, I think I've started to build a resistance. I only have them for debilitating panic attacks. /sigh
2 years
also i meant that i'm not sure what you do in cbt to say i did it or not, i know what the acronym means
I was a le depressed sadboy for a minute, the next i was charismatic and euphoric
you need to fix your automatic negative thoughts and defeatist attitude, anxiety convinces you that the worst outcome is whats gonna happen but the worst outcome never really happens
those thoughts telling yourself that you cant, you need to tell yourself that you can even if it feels like your lying to yourself
just keep telling yourself that you can, your strong enough to do it, etc and eventually you wont feel like your lying, youll trust urself and ur abilities
exercise is super important too, exercise kills learned helplessness
and its not about the length of exercise or how much exercise you do you just gotta do some exercise
its been working for me slowly
>tfw doctors put me on benzos for severe anxiety and panic attacks
>those first few weeks when I'd take them for a panic attack and end up high watching family guy clips and autistic gta rp videos on youtube
It's been a little over a year since I started. Only had one small taste of withdrawal when I ran out and didn't get them until late in the day but it made me realize how fucked up of a situation I'm in. I float by on a usual dose unless I get a panic attack and my doctor says that's a good thing but I really regret ever taking them.