Give me one fucking reason to not kill myself tonight

Give me one fucking reason to not kill myself tonight.

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no. kill yourself user. no one wants you here anymore.

it really ain't that bad.

death's the ultimate trip man.
always remember: the world, nay, the universe, it ends when you do ;^)

Good. This trip isn't fucking worth it. It's just a never ending uphill war with no perks besides momentary distractions and bursts of hedonism.

Cuz that will mean your enemies will win.
And if the biggest enemy out there is your own self then make sure you will outlive your own self.Take all and leave nothing but death and rot behind.Become one with you're self.

>Cuz that will mean your enemies will win.

My enemies already won. Their lives are fucking awesome right now, and I'm in fucking shambles.

Says who?
You are still breathing son,make them motherfuckers how wronged you suffer.Take that anger and make it your fuel,overcome this shit become rich,Get rich or die tryin'

You won't be able to listen to steppe music anymore.


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>Says who?

I know what you're doing This is a trick question. I'll say what's wrong with my life, and then you'll sort of play this "bro, just turn it around" game with me. I've dealt with suicidal people in the past. Trust me, I know this trick.

My life is a giant mass of embarrassing cringey mistakes, autistic screeching, and horrible mental disorders that rendered me a social autist. You know that screeching autistic kid in school that was obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog and ran with his arms backwards like Naruto? That was me. I was that fucking kid. My entire life is one giant stain of spergery and embarrassment, and turning my life around will never fucking change that.

Life is not worth living if you aren't normal. You will be stripped, beaten, and dragged through the mud until you step in line, and I'm just not capable of that. My brain doesn't fucking work that way. I am so socially stunted and my maturity is so stunted that I can't talk with people. My life is nothing more than being abused and being the abuser.

>Suicidal Thoughts
>Panic Attacks
>Life crisis
>Never spoken to a girl or being hugged by one
>21y NEET
>I am happy about 5 seconds when I wake up
Are all the things I have been dealing with.You have a choose stay down rot and die or get up against fate and life.

And how has "fighting" turned out for you?

You haven't done mdma yet, it's even fun to do by yourself and listen to trance playlists, just keep some Xanax for the comedown

The fact that you're asking us to give you a reason means that you still have hope that there is one, if you have hope, you still want to live.

Well shit,There is a part of me who wants to get better and live but it is fading away as we speak.I am at a point where I don't even want to kill myself,I just exist I am trying to get rid of all the feelings I have become a living npc.

I don't want to die, but it's literally the only option left. The world is so fucking horrible right now, and my entire life has been rapidly collapsing. I feel like nobody ever truly WANTS to die, but we feel like it's the only option left after being bombarded with sadness.
Well what's so special about MDMA?
That sounds like you're already dead at that point.

I just exist,like a leech as consume all I can to make me feel good leaving broken pieces behind.
I know the pieces fit because i watched them fall away.

If you kill yourself you might miss the next big thing like Thanos or GoT.

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There are none. Post livestream faggot

Because God made you, and hes got some use for you at least. World is horrible user, but that dosent mean you don't fight the good fight. God has given me higher meaning in this life, and every time I thought of suicide or fading into nothing, I think of the greater purpose, to save others from sin and to keep fighting, even if theirs no hope. I pray you will find Jesus Christ one day and repent of your sins. Godspeed.

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awww thats so poetic
plz write a book

I can't give you a reason, but I can give you a suggestion assuming it'll turn into a reason.

If you continue to try, it'll get better. There's no guarantee that it'll happen overnight, in a month or in a year, but it will happen. Things can and will get better, they change with the world. Things get better, and you'll only be able to experience the changes that could positively affect your life if you don't give in now.

If your job here is done, then the universe will take you, whether you like it or not. Because you're still here it means that your job is not done yet. Your time will come when it has to come. There is no point in rushing it.

ill miss you frend
and your life needs to revolve around my emotional well-being how DARE you do something that might make me sad youre fucking selfish what about ME ME ME

the worlds always gonna suck man
the sad thing is that if youre miserable theres probably people out there that want you dead or would benefit from it
id suggest continuing to live just to spite those faggots

besides life offers a lot of unique opportunities for one whos willing to die for them
imagine this guy thought "the bad guys won, my lifes not worth living" and just ended it
you dont even need to assassinate a japanese political leader either, theres plenty of ways to have impact and significance without murder
how incredibly lame and pointless to die without considering what impact you could have on the world, how valuable life and the circumstances available to you are
you have more freedom than you think you do, it just takes some effort on your part

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Nah don't suicide. That shits scary. Just become a shell and give into any guilty pleasures as much as you want. Give up trying to be what they wanted and just live how you want, even if thats just watching cheesy shonen and eating ice cream for breakfast.

You really need to think about the view from halfway down.

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>the steppe


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It's your choice user. If you need reasons not to you are just scared and dont want to do it. I dont know how to overcome the fear of it myself...

Because all of us here at Yas Forums won't be able to enjoy spending time with you. You're one of the good ones, I can tell. Make some tea or something and have a good long think about everything, so that things get put into perspective better. You WILL get through this, and you will be so grateful that you did.

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you'll miss the rest of the coronavirus happening, which is arguably the only real happening since 9/11

specifically normies committing suicide because they can't handle isolation (note: if you KYS now you'll be confused for one of them)
and also whores catching the virus because they just HAVE to go out and fuck traybon