
You want peepee?
We got yellow peepee
orange peepee
stiiinky peepee
woman peepee

Attached: corona night.jpg (2618x1906, 1.8M)

I know poopoo is last bread but I have bad shits rn lads

Another crap thread, oh well.

barely eaten anything today, just don't have the appetite. maybe i've got the 'rona

SCEA and Mark were really good pals.

Attached: EINxKgDWkAAYWnX-min-1.jpg (2048x1904, 296.31K)

making myself a cup of tea, lads. i'm not british btw. just want a full british experience while lurking this thread.

Timothy James is a nice mong child wa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Barbour coat SPASTIC CHILD

Attached: D3-1UmJW0AAkvho.jpg (1520x2047, 712.64K)

at least the right image was used this time

PS4 and minecraft windows 10 edition can cross play because they're both the bedrock edition of the game, which runs on C++, I believe this applies for all windows ten, appleOS, android, xbox, switch etc versions of the game too.
This is why I prefer bedrock to java.
Will be booting the realm again on the 15th of May and all will be free to join from Britfeel.

I can be a demonic seether but something about minecraft is salve to the soul.

Attached: minefren.png (1264x688, 683.32K)

Polish builders

Attached: EINtMakW1sAEvBPM.jpg (676x697, 85.42K)

Shippy the nonce

SCEA the nonce

Both blathering about the same tired old meme of consistently reposting the face of a severely mentally ill man for laughs.

paki builders

Attached: EINtMakW2sAEvBPM.jpg (676x697, 85.86K)

romanian builders

Attached: EINtMakW3sAEvBPM.jpg (676x697, 85.87K)

There will be justice for the abused kitten. It is coming and shall not be stopped.

REFUGEE builders

Attached: EINtMakW4sAEvBPM.jpg (676x697, 85.88K)

Girls und Panzer has got me wanting to play World of Tanks again, I was never any good at it though.

posters l hope get the virus
>Samberg poster

My depression is beginning to manifest as anger which I experience almost out of nowhere and which makes me feel almost hostile towards existence, as though it's some kind of enemy which is oppressing me. I think either I am close to overcoming the worst of it and somehow turning my life around, or that I'm approaching the end. I saw my mum briefly today when she came over to see a robin's nest in my back garden, but I felt so distanced from her (not only due to social distancing). I genuinely can't muster enough conviction or self-approval to bother trying to improve my life in any way.

Its SCEA who takes issue with polish builders etc

local english builders from amersham hill high wycombe

Attached: EINxKgDW1kAAYWnX3 -.jpg (680x700, 135.48K)

Friendly reminder that all these dire posts are avatarfagging by a man who literally wants to rape kids and has been permabanned not once, but thrice but janitors for expressing these views here.
Help aforementioned janitors out.

My ass is on fire lads fuckkkk

These tim posts are SCEA

You've all been good today so I cooked you a lovely supper de lads.

Attached: cooking.webm (270x480, 1.97M)

On my esxi server haproxy'd through aws but like I said it's not up at the moment because no one was playing it

Same shit, same criminal sexual paraphilia, same gimmicks. Might as well be the same poster for how unerringly repulsive they both are.

I was going to use, pic related but thought I won't chimp out. I didn't handle the criticism well last time. For me that otyher image I used is like the start of lockdown with all curtains shut with everybody holed up and scared indoors, then as the days went on people started to get used to it and attempt to get life going as normalish as they could, then the rubbish piled up and so on.
Weird way of reasoning for keeping the unfinished image but I liked it.

>Will be booting the realm again on the 15th of May and all will be free to join from Britfeel.

Cool. I might get it and come join in the fun. You ever played Garden Warfare 2? Such a womfy game.

Attached: Apu 508.jpg (640x443, 47.82K)

what even was that? A baking tray full of gravy?

Did you know the UK government is studying incels and has labelled them as terrorists?

>local English builder

Attached: download-4.jpg (185x272, 7.46K)

>Friendly reminder that all these dire posts are avatarfagging by a man who literally wants to rape kids


>and has been permabanned not once, but thrice but janitors for expressing these views here.
>Help aforementioned janitors out.

You know jannies, yeah? They're on the ROPES. Those them jannies yeah? They're only on the bloody ropes!!!!

Attached: EINxKgDWk3AAYWnX3-.jpg (680x700, 136.02K)

Steak in onion gravy
He'd been looking forward to it all week

I wonder why you never see Timmy drink alcohol. Maybe he's not allowed it on his mental health meds.

>Steak in onion gravy
>He'd been looking forward to it all week


Attached: 5r46434.jpg (342x456, 34.13K)

oh look, you waited until right at the end of the thread after everybody's left to respond with another non-argument after you got proven wrong.

oh I think I can see the steak still in the tray actually. Who the fuck cooks steak in an oven anyway

Bet you're the cunt that was going on about not having a 3 thread argument earlier.

everyone is on a list lad

Attached: ctp.jpg (571x760, 85.82K)

>carrying on this pathetic back and forth from over two hours ago into the next thread

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Banged me ex's friend when her whole friend group is supposed to hate me, asked her why she did it and she said because she thought i was fit and the taboo turned her on. Idc either way I just wanted to fuck wahey

Ran 3.5 miles after seeing a lad here say he was giving up on fitness
Average pace was 9 mins which is shit but the last 1.5 was smooth, ran straight in front of a car though lel
>tfw looked at my phone during my first mile, saw I was close to a 7 min mile so I sprinted and gassed myself out for the rest of the run

Attached: Screenshot_20200429-211635_Nike Run Club.jpg (720x1480, 129.72K)

>left wing

>fanny schmellor

It's drinking time here in Norfshire and Minefren was invited rather joyously to their prominent local pub - Big Bazza's Working Mens Club - by a local farmer known only as Hmmler. After several pints one too many, several of the local patrons begin eyeing up Minefren for a scuffle; visibly emboldened by his diminutive size.

Attached: Big Bazza's Working Mens Club.png (1300x686, 323.28K)

I'm busy, but don't worry you'll get your replies. Haven't had enough of me metaphorically fucking you? I've done a right number on you.

No one in this thread will ever have a friendship like SCEA and Mark .

oh look, more excuses and still no argument after getting proven wrong.

That you bog?

Mark was a good lad.

>big sad waaa

Started smoking rollies again lads, god help me

Faggot waaaa waaaa

Attached: fackin ate crimnols.jpg (1200x1200, 201.32K)

l hope everyone SCEA cares about dies

don't really want to do anything right now lads

He really did sound like a good lad

>tfw no loyal Mark fren to write to you in the nonce wing and be waiting with a chess board and tinnies of stella upon release

Leave Shippy out of this.

>l hope everyone SCEA cares about dies
That's a bit harsh lad. I don't like the constant spam but I wouldn't wish his loved ones harm.

Aye lad. I've acquired a new and far superior laptop after me old one clapped out on me. Norfshire is coming back.

>He really did sound like a good lad

Mark was based my mate, alpha too. Probably the bestest fren I had my whole life. Like you said he even wrote me on the nonce wing.

riveting stuff lads, I almost don't want to close the tab and find something else to do!

Still laugh sometimes at the thought of Tim getting dragged out of his comfy house in only his pants and thrown in a cold cell then forcefully medicated.