I will redpill you on women, because I have spent all of my life with many types of women of all races and backgrounds...

I will redpill you on women, because I have spent all of my life with many types of women of all races and backgrounds, and I am a woman myself.
It will be honest NEUTRAL information, but I'm not arguing with anyone.
Men are a bit notorious for trying to logic their way into the path of least resistance, but interpersonal relationships aren't about logic. I'm just here to explain the why's, not how it should be. But I digress.
> your age
> girls age
> two or more sentences about her personality traits
> your question(s)

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Me: 21
Girl: 21
She is very introverted and mousey. Had a selfish ex. She has the ability to say no.

Has rejected me twice when asking her out

Do I still have a chance of raw dogging her?

Shes 24
Have a tradwife core but secretly aspires to be an empowered slut. Also is BPD and keeps going on and off on me. Wants to be serious with me but I have been telling her thats not gonna happen, specially after I found out that she talks to orbiters, then her BPD acts up even more.

How likely is that she already cheated on me?

Forgot to mention: been exclusive with her for 4 years. but we aren't really boyfriend/girlfriend.

It depends on how you asked her out and how she feels about casual sex. Likely if she's turning you down for dates without giving you a rain check, she's probably not interested in you sexually. Unless you asked her to go some place overly formal, which can be intimidating for introverted women.

BPD women can be fiercely loyal if they know they have a loyal partner who is constantly reaffirming their commitment to them. But you'd have to be reaffirming quite often. You won't give her a title, and BPD girls are black and white. No title = no commitment = I'm free to do what I want just like him.

She might not be fucking those orbiters, but she is talking to them because she likely feels rejected by you. If you give her a title first, she will stop talking to them instantly. You're the only thing that makes to her, the others are just filler who piss her off because they aren't you.

Not into the frame of questions you mention, but: how would you recommend robots to meet girls (bonus point if they are shy misfits like us).

I dont know how to meet woman besides dating apps (not attractive enough to even have a chance there) or from my social circle, but most of them are males, and the females were already taken years ago.

>She might not be fucking those orbiters, but she is talking to them because she likely feels rejected by you. If you give her a title first, she will stop talking to them instantly. You're the only thing that makes to her, the others are just filler who piss her off because they aren't you.
Will she ever give up on me or will I be forever on her mind? Right now its been 2 weeks that she doesn't text me(I never text first), she does shit like this sometimes then comes back crying that she can't feel anything for other men.

I could give her a chance just for the sheer love that she apparently feels, maybe I will never find another woman that really care for me like her. But all the lying, overall emotional imaturity and shady stuff like orbiters and stuff confirms to me that it would be a huge mistake.

Very cheerful and always in a good mood. Can be a bit goofy.
Not sure if she's flirting or being friendly. She touches me a lot (punches on the arm, pads on the back, bumping into me) and we hold strong eye contact. Always when I walk past we lock eyes, example she just stands in front of me and we stood there for 4 seconds, both didn't say a word but smiled.

Basically just wondering how I could figure out if she's interested. The big problem is that we work together. Also don't have a clue how I could flirt back, I never really touch her for example.

sucking dick is better. incels can meet and suck eachothers dicks all fucking day I don't see why they aren't doing this

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Dating apps is honestly the number one best bet, followed by friends. I met my bf through my friend. Although as someone who remembers life before dating apps, it was NOT easier trying to get in a relationship. My friends back then also never wanted to hook me up with guys I liked, sometimes attempting to embarrass me in front of the guy so he wouldn't be interested. The last thing you can do is just do the things you like at a group meetup and hope a cute girl is there. But the dating profile is your best bet, sadly. Most people are looking for sex these days, so maybe work on your profile, and learn how to chill with a "practice" girl.

Oh no, user-kun. BPD girls will fuck your life up in a way that could turn you off from dating for a long time. You're not wrong for not dating her, but it's not because she has orbiters. Most women hate their orbiters but they ORBIT. You don't want to date her because she will do ANYTHING for love or to spite you, depending on what day it is.

Young love lol. It's hard to tell, she could be a natural flirt. However, women as a rule don't like touching or being touched by people they don't like. So her touching you is a good sign. She likes something about you.

I'd keep this little thing you have going, it's playful and it builds tension. However, I'd start asking her offhandedly about what she does for fun, or if she's gone to *comfy social establishment in your hometown* and see how she replies. Don't ask her to go, just see if she says if that sounds fun.

If she does ask "Are you asking me to go with you" admit it you do casually, but only because it would be cool to there and she would like it.

>will redpill you on women
>I am woman and I am important I serve as woman translator
>the avatar to man and woman worlds
I am a female and this is cancer. This is why everyone hates fembots. Kill yourself.

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I'm afraid it is time to be my gf now.

I have a question for the delegate of the females: How come women claim to value communication in a romantic relationship even though they're phobic with regard to unminced words? Would communicating taking a more indirect, emotionally driven approach to communication yield better results when talking to my partner? Also, besides material goods, what is the best way to manipulate a woman? What prize would you work hard for in your own life?

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Always happy and friendly, into stuff like science and astronomy

Well, I suppose there are two questions, how can I go deeper with her if, because of this quarantine, we are not in the same city, I have thought about making a video call with her, but I do not know how to bring up the topic in conversation?

and how can I know if she really wants to be with me or what can I do to make her more interested in me, we went out before this started but currently we only have short talks

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i am a man and i do not care what you think

Alright, good to know. So I suppose I will start being a bit touchy, see how she responds. It definitely builds tension, it's kinda fun in a way. Thanks for the tip, though corona kinda makes going out impossible now. If she asks me I'll admit it, i kinda got close when she asked if i had a Valentine's.

No female would call herself a female unless she was gay. Nice try larper.

We like things said to us the perfect way. This is really annoying because we tend to take considerable offense if something isn't said "correctly." I don't know why we're like this. But your delivery is probably offending girls, so you might need to take your objectively true statement, soften it up, and then soften that up because what men think is soft, isn't soft enough to us. Also, brevity helps. This paragraph is quite flowery. I'd say universally, girls need to be talked to in their own language, so you'd have to pay attention to her as the individual to see how she likes communicating difficult situations. A girl who hates fights will probably hate unminced words, a fiery girl from a big family probably won't be as upset, but will push back harder to make her point.

If you want to manipulate a woman for better, she has to feel safe around you, as though you are the thing that protects her from other men. This can't be remedied through putting on a display. It's your body language, if you look like you're going to pee your pants when a homeless guy talks to you or a guy is dismissive to you in front of her, she will never respect you.

A prize in my own life? I honestly just want to buy a nice house, and work a part-time with a pet project to supplement my income. So, I guess my prize would be homeownership.

OP has a big dongus gtfo larpfag

>I am a woman
Stopped reading there, not that the types of handsome lads on YouTube that try to "Redpill" You on women are any better

how the fuck can you tell if a woman is interested in you?

If you can't tell, one never has been

maybe but i'm not the only one that can't decrypt your weird signs

Me 23
Her 21
Deceitful as fuck, jealous, ex bf was a simp, likes to provoke males.
Was 370 (200 now) when we met, why did she even admit to liking me in the first place if she never had real intentions except from provoking me. If I were straight Id feel like my time was wasted and felt like a total creep. I am bi luckily.

>has BPD
>"""aspires""" to be an empowered slut
user, I regret to tell you that, if she has BPD, she already is an empowered slut.

not him but people have said girls have been interested, but i've never seen it myself

only 3 times though so that gives you an indicator of things

>manipulative stacy. likes to mess with me for example rubbing against me or touching my hair she also added me on instagram and a friend said shes interested in me.
>is she interested in me?
>how should i respond? im not interested in her but i enjoy the treatment

curious, social, smart, introverted, materialistic.
Girl from studies, she flirted a lot prior to inviting me over to her place, when bf left she asked if I have a gf. Said I did tinder for a while, and she just said tinder is bad and only did it for ons. Don't know her intentions, but get the image that she's an ex caurosel rider who had slight interest in me. But I can't make sense of her question and the meaning behind. Felt like a shit test I just shit tested back

Me 23
Girl 22

>typically reserved and quiet but has been opening up recently, likes to poke fun at me and make me angry
>not much of a personality yet, went originally from fwb idea to joking about being wifed she's pretty young

should I invest my time in her, become chad, i.e lose weight get more money blah blah and see where it goes? she used to be a one word reply kind of girl now she's talking a bit more, hasn't asked me to buy anything for her, hasn't asked for shit surprisingly

>OP abandons us
OP come back we're retards and need you

If she's into you, then she'll be into you after quarantine. For now, you'll just have to text her here and there to stay on her mind. If you find something cool to share with her, I'd skip right into the facetime, tell her it won't be long, but you had to show her xyz.

Your post sounds very angry. Is she intentionally getting a reaction out of you, or are you assuming she's trying to hurt you?

You also sound defensive. And you are interested. There's nothing wrong with that, but it seems like liking a girl who is a Stacy seems like some sort of betrayal to your own character. I don't know how you'd go about asking her out, because I think you're too nervous about choking next a woman who is "beneath" you. If she is a Stacy, tell her to come over for a little bit, you have *liquor or drug of choice* and a disney+ subscription.