How do people actually end up friendless?

How do people actually end up friendless?

Even the worlds most vile, retarded, rude, and retarded typically have a small handful of friends or contacts.

So what the hell went wrong with the robots who claim >tfw no friends?

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As I grew older more of my friend went on with their adult life or were too toxic to remain friends. The only closet friend I had moved away a few years ago.

my friends were all shitty people who turned into criminal drug addicts so i had to remove myself from their life. i haven't had a friend in like 7 years. i don't really care too much about having friends at this point, most people honestly just get on my nerves

So you never tried to you know...make new friends?

I honestly saw no point. I don't drink. I don't smoke. I don't want to travel places. I don't want to go to some shitty crowded bar every weekend. I don't want to have to care about things going on in other peoples lives. So whats the point. A friend would add nothing to my life except more responsibility.

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i'm in my 30s, people my age don't "make new friends" like we're in elementary school.

I guess you never made friends during the critical phase from age 6 to age 15? Usually the people you spend most of your time with during that time are going to stick around after you leave school. That's why kids whose parents moved often during their childhood are often so fucked, because they constantly were changing schools and never had the time to develop strong and lasting bonds.
I think the most important thing for a lasting friendship is simply the amount of time spent together and what also creates a strong bond is the mutual overcoming of a crisis.

It's hard to make real friends at some point the best you can do is make some associates.

Every time I go into a new environment I make friends that want to hang out with me and go to bars and shit.

I just can't develop personal relationships. Like after we no longer go to the same school and same parties, there's nothing left. Why would I call them up? I have nothing to say, no feelings to talk about. Only thing I know how to do with people is just hang out, and once you move or get a new job, you're far away and can't do it anymore.

Become NEET and delete your social media accounts

I wanna make top left girl my permanent sex slave

>I guess you never made friends during the critical phase from age 6 to age 15?
huh? i just said i had friends... and yes i had plenty of friends at that age. people you meet at that age don't always stick around i dont know what you're talking about

>Become neet
>delete social media
>Develop depression anxiety
>Fuck yourself

I'm tired of seeing robots complain about the world when they literally do every thing they can to make themselves miserable

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I don't know how to be likeable. I seem to push everyone away. I try to act genuine, and that freaks people ou. I try to play a role and people pick up on it (and have no interest in something take). I try doing everything for people, and they leave me for others. I try acting above them instead and they reasonably hate me. None of this has worked. So I face the truth: how I am gets in the way of having real connections with people. It's not a choice.

if robots like that did not exist then you would have nothing to bitch and complain about, and you love bitching and complaining about bitching and complaining.

I moved across the country for uni right after high school, lost all of my existing friends through lack of contact. Made friends with my dorm roommates at uni, but I moved out of the dorm after freshman year. Never really saw them again. Have talked to people in classes but never really did anything outside of class.
I think my main issue is that I'm completely incapable of asking people to "hang out" or whatever friends are supposed to do. Just feels awkward to me and I never know when it's a good time to ask. Not sure what I'd do anyways, don't really have any hobbies that involve multiple people.

Purposeful self-isolation out of a sense of shame. It becomes more and more awkward to hang out with former old friends and the like. That becomes more pronounced as people you know start getting married, becoming doctors, having kids, etc. You can't help compare yourself to others wondering where you fucked up. You wonder why they have succeeded and you are working the same shitty job from college and still have never held a girl's hand. You might have a biased view from the outside, but you can easily rationalize that away.

You quickly lose all sense of familiarity with the other parties as well. You are left wondering why you are a failure compared to them. This self-criticism and rumination makes it awkward to even be around you. You self-isolate and it is reciprocated in kind. It's a feedback mechanism that reinforces itself. As you isolate more and more, it becomes more and more difficult for others to even relate to you. Eventually they stop trying, whether on purpose or whether they've become involved in their own busy lives. That causes further feelings of shame/rumination and further isolation. Additionally, you really aren't exposed to circumstances to meet new people after college. Friend groups are pretty much established. New people don't want to deal with some depressed, cynical asshole that does nothing but goes to work and stays home regardless.

Realization of just how shitty people are
Got severely let down or outright back stabbed by every person in my last friend group
Tried to make new friends and saw similar traits in them, as well as far more annoying ones
Everybody appears to be on some kind of high horse and always has to be right about something. And holy fuck I used to think the "mansplaining" shit was a feminist propaganda meme but so many guys will "correct" you on every little thing. Even if you agree with them. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "It's like this" or "Actually it's" or some derivative of those while trying to make friends with other guys, I could afford to live innacabininnawoods like a proper shutin

social anxiety tee hee

weird it seems he's staring at the ass of bottom right, when the girl above her is bending over in shorts and probably has some very decent cheek hanging out ('^' )

A lot of men "mansplain" to other men. It's not misogynistic, it's autistic (low social) shit. Men are just dumb in general. So are women, in different ways.

Until I tried making friends irl I'd never experienced it though
And I didnt say its misogynistic, that would be dumb seeing as I'm also a guy
Did I just never notice it? It's usually the high social ones that do it, previously I'd only hung out with autists of my own caliber

I had a best buddy in elementary school. Then we went to different high-schools and stopped seeing each-other. Developed some semi-friendly relationships with several guys there. Then went to different universities. Same with job buddies.

I grew bored or my acquaintances and decide I was better off without them

I was always the weird kid and never learned the necessary social skills to make friends.
Now that I'm in uni, you don't just "make friends".
I've accepted it. All I can hope for is conversational AI in my lifetime.

Idk, never really learned how to interact with people or make friends. And now that I'm an adult it feels kinda hard to start. Also now that I'm not in any school I don't really even see other people.
Like idk, do people actually like talk to each other and stuff?

I had a whole group of friends who I flat out paid and tried to organize everything with. When someone had a grievance I was the one who would find a solution to it. Then slowly over time I kept getting aniexty about always trying to be mutual for everyone. That's when I realized I was being gas lit by one of my friends. I called her out on it in private, she dragged it out in public, and then suddenly the whole group turned on each other.

I feel like shit. Like if I kept my mouth shut and towed the line like I always have then everyone would still be friends. But my sense of justice became my isolating factor. The good news is I am no longer spending half my paycheck on them anymore.

Sorry for assuming you were a woman. Maybe we are all just too up our own asses to think before we speak, giving thought not just to our sad little stories, but to how our words will be received by who we are talking to. "People suck", etc. Maybe there are good ones out there, but I'm certainly not high quality enough to earn their friendship.

People change. I dropped out of high school and became a recluse. In those years, everyone changed and moved on with their lives. They made new friends in college, in their new towns, in their new fields, etc. I just sat at home, playing games and talking to people online.

I went to chat rooms for 6 years, played an MMO for 5 years, then played on a dedicated TF2 server for 2 years, and all the while I was active on forums all over the Internet -- and all of this was even before coming here. I did all that and have no friends to show for it. It's my fault. I never let anyone know the real me and people need something more to move your friendship beyond that one place.

Since then, I only come here, and no one has ever asked me for contact info, and I work, but I'm surrounded by people I have nothing in common with.

>It's my fault
get a load of this determinist

>no friends? like how does this happen? literally how? I cannot comprehend it oh my god its so crazy like how?
>how do you end up a virgin past 16? wtf? how does this even happen? literally what? are you deliberately trying to remain a virgin or something? i wanna know how?
Why are you normalcunts so fucking braindead seriously. It's like you're utterly incapable of even conceiving of anything other than your own experience. Do you know what an abusive upbrining is, or bullying, trauma, autism, mental illness, bad luck in life....etc. Like fuck sake use your brain you thoughtless vapid cunt. God damn you're retarded.

Everyone I know who stayed friends through online stuff did so by getting to know each other for real. I've always been anonymous because I was afraid they'd like me even less if they saw me. I still feel that way.

Other than a girl who straight-up wanted to live with me, the person who tried their hardest to get to know me was also the cutest, but I kept her away because I thought the me in her head was way better than the real me could ever be.