Fapped to Lolita again

ITT: we confess

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>mom found the cum burrito

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>live with grandma
>got drunk and washed my Tenga Spinners out in the kitchen sink after she went to bed
>fucked up and left the red one (Spinner #2, Hexa) on the kitchen counter
>it sat there for like 20 hours while until I came home from work the next evening.
>my dad had come over that day
>his brother, my uncle, had come over that day
>even if grandma doesn't recognize a cumsleeve when she sees one, they both would
>they both know
I put some very earnest consideration into suicide. I mean I have the gun right here. But nobody's said anything, we've apparently all agreed to just never speak of this matter, so I haven't blown my head off yet. It's been like 4 months now, I don't think anyone is every going to bring it up.

im ignoring the only girl who has ever loved me because i have become fed up with her constant whining during this lockdown and i know its driving her insane but i ust dont care anymore

dad found the cum eating cockroaches
it's over

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accidentally downloaded 10gb of cp again, lord forgive me

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stopped giving a shit months ago
i visit EX nightly

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>fapped to cbt joi feet pegging
should i feel bad?

I've beaten my meat in the restroom of a christian university while being high and on a date at the same time

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Dude suicide would be so obvious that you admitted. If you killed yourself, it would sadly be hilarious to them. Think about it, man kills himself because they found his cumsock. Don't give in, and just accept it. Its terrible I know but you could have far worser fates. Besides people don't bring up these events really. Besides killing yourself will send you to hell, so don't do it. Repent and trust in the lord Jesus Christ.

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>try to make homeade onahole as a kid
>with the 2 sponge glove and cup
>it's shit and i don't even cum but get a little on it
>throw sponges under sink figure i'll maybe try something else
>grandmother finds sponges
>uses them for dishes
nobody noticed but it was kinda her fault for digging everywhere in every inch of the house.

keep fantasising about possessive shotas.. tried doing a drawing/sketch to get it out of me but that didn't work

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Based theoloriginally.

>fapped to Lolita again

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>narc dad found the girlfriend
She was raped and found dead at her place of residence

I coomed to some yaoi again today, 2D means it's not really gay though so I think I'm safe.

>sexted with that qt girl again even tho i have a gf

>Dad found the cumquat

flirted with a woman more than twice my age over disc*rd and called her mommy
i loved it

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that image tho

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what the fuck is a cum burrito

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> I digitally stalked an ex-best-friend via discord history searches
> telling myself I wanted to make sure they were ok
> really was to see if they were talking about me

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Coomed again yesterday, managed to hold off exactly seven days. It was very underwhelming and I just felt disappointed and ashamed.
Got bored and started to watch pron again, and it gave me an irresistible rush of adrenaline and good feelings. I have to kick my porn addiction, it's become clear to me that it is pornography rather than actually masturbating that is my issue.

Wrath. Just wrath.

>I digitally stalked via discord history searches

Can you elaborate on this method of stalking please

I don't want to give you a way to stalk someone. That shit isn't cool.

share? sauce?

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I just want to see she's ok, I mean that sincerely.

tfw blocking ex's on discord is pointless because it just gives you an avenue to find them again. just delete em and move on with your life

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I agree. Blocking someone you cared about is pointless and childish. Either remove them from your life in all significant ways to let them move on too... or communicate your real issues because clearly you both aren't committing to leaving.

>Go on omegle
>enter in a thousand super faggy gay interests
>dress up in cute clothes knowing that im just gonna take them off later anyways
>be a gay slut to like 10 hairy ugly dudes on snapchat
>block them after making them cum
>literally not even one single regret
It's not like I get emotional with these people or lead them on in any way. Maybe it's a little bit of a dick move to block them but I never do it under the pretense that anything will come from talking to them.

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>>dress up in cute clothes knowing that im just gonna take them off later anyways
post pics