When did CWC cross the line that he could never recover from?
When did CWC cross the line that he could never recover from?
>When did CWC cross the line that he could never recover from?
at birth
this thread came to an end very fast
Winning that sonic contest.
Unironically getting published in nintendo power is probably what really set him down this path
JULAY and pickle man.
We're he a normal human being, he could turn it all around and live a respectable existence but he's not such a person.
winning the sonic give away as a child
At birth. Shit, old, boomer, narcissistic, hoarder parents would fuck anyone up, doesn't help he's autistic with all of those traits too.
The problem was that his parents didn't care about him. They placated him with toys instead of getting him the help he needed. They were too tired from raising their kids from their prior marriages to put any effort in, and too old and set in their ways to learn how to deal with an autistic child. They cared more about their wants than his needs, they didn't want to put him in special education because they were worried having a kid on the short bus would make them look like bad parents. They cared more about looking like good parents than actually BEING good parents. And they paid the price for it, because now there's an entire wiki full of proof of their shitty parenting.
>The problem was that his parents didn't care about him
That's true. Low tier autism can be reigned in after childhood, but it takes effort.
His parents just let him cruise along on his asperger-fueled corvette until he crashed into a tree in loony town.
Now he at least knows he's a high-functioning autist, but he's doing nothing to curb his behaviors and just indulging himself in toys, imagined alternate realities, and his terrible comic at middle age. (is he like 41 now?)
pretty much poor guy never stood a chance.
February 24th, 1982
They were too old to understand autism and thought getting him help meant locking him up in a loony bin for life. They thought they could force him to be normal by keeping him in normal education. After he left school they gave up on trying to make Chris normal, and resigned themselves to reining him in and bailing him out when he got himself into trouble. And after Bob died, Barb even gave up on that, all she cares about now is acquiring more hoard, Chris and his bank account is just a means to that end. She doesn't give a fuck what happens to him after finally dies and her corpse is swallowed up by her hoard.
Way way before people started following him
The only reason he got noticed in the first place is because of how fucked up he already was. The trolls didn't start the fire, they just fanned the flames.
he crossed the line at birth but his retarded ass somehow managed to cross that line a thousand times over since he got the idea of the dimensional merge
The day the bear at the Regency Square Shipping Center bestowed upon him the name Christian
probably sometime around puberty when critical skills werent developed to be a normie. if you dont get guidance between 15-20 to learn your way out of sperg behaviors then theyll never go away
Around May or June 1981, when Bob Chandler decided to stick his peen inside of Barb.
*walks in your general direction*
Uh when he was born.
hey shut up the dimensional merge actually makes sense
this.. his parents and upbringing are what fucked him up. he always had high potential to become what hes become
he looks like a caricature. he looks like hes gotten his entire fashion sense from only the most autistic trannies
Whenever his brain decided he was going to have Sonic the Hedgehog Autism instead of the Autism that makes you a doctor or something useful.
Say what you want about CWC, but I bet he's cozy in his own head. Plenty of dissonance maybe, but I'm sure he finds ways to ignore it.
If we discount "at birth" then when he got on the internet. Dude could've been just fine if he was raised in the middle of nowhere like in a monestary in some far flung corner of the globe.
Damn Christine looks like THAT?
He was doomed from the start with his shit parents. they denied him every attempt at treatment offered and let him live in a fantasy land. They pushed him through college without a care and didnt' push him to find work with his degree.
He was a laughable oaf up until he posted those drawings of him and Megan.
Chris will either have a stroke from not even attempting to maintain a healthy diet, or he will commit suicide after Barb's demise
The tranny thing imo
>but I'm sure he finds ways to ignore it.
Ignoring reality is the one thing he excels at. He's so far up his up ass he can see out his mouth, and yes, I know that doesn't make any sense.
The whole dimensional merge thing is really disturbing.
When he was going to go to a comicon and spend the night away from his parents and didnt end up going because his senile father and insane bitch mother talked him out of it.his mom said that she might as well leave the famioy and said she wanted to die. Chris freaked the fuck out and promised he wouldnt go.They all had a good cry together that night and he lost the last shred of any hope