You want poopoo?
We got sloppy poopoo
Firm poopoo
Rabbit pellet poopoo
Stinky poopoo
*throws poopoo at you*
Other urls found in this thread:
want to kiss andrew samberg
l want to punch Samberg poster in the throat
weII wicked
why have all the memes been removed from the OP image? You took all the comfy away
because i like looking at him and i thought others might like it too
what do you want me to do, open up the pictures folder and say yeah thats nice
t. sp angry because his manfaced waifu isn't there
SP, I've sorted out your viewing list for the next week pal.
Shut up. Make your own instead of sitting there spamming shite like the rest of the thread.
this original comment filter fucking sucks
i want to shit up the thread BUT I CANT
This is news
steve i dont know why youre telling me this
or why youre singing it
haley: did principal lewis murder his secretary?
*eats a poo poo*
fuck off back to /brit/ romanian cunt
yeah neither of these posts actually answer my question fucktards
>what do you want me to do, open up the pictures folder and say yeah thats nice
Yes, that's exactly what i want you to do. We dont all need to look at pictures of him. Its very annoying, at least other avatarfags engage in conversation, you just spam shite.
here's some info about Japanese imageboard posters (2chan)
>they also say normalfag
>beta and alpha is carnivore and herbivore
So I think randy spamsperg poster is the plump spammer as well.
i've left all my deadlines to the last minute again, thanks a lot britfeel you fucking idiots.
Loads of work drama going on atm, might just revel in it and escalate a load of shite
you know thats an opening thread no reply wanted or encouraged
i post other stuff you dick
Spamming specific images is a sure-fire way to gather attention/ruin threads with very little effort, hence why they do it.
It's why avatarfagging is against the rules, they otherwise don't give a fuck about personalities forcing gimmicks.
>yeah neither of these posts actually answer my question fucktards
I want to kiss adam sandberg poster xo
aren't they both supposedly from Albania as well?
nothing, I mainly just wanted to call you a fucktard, fucktard
>you know thats an opening thread no reply wanted or encouraged
You do it all the time. We dont need to see the same picture hundreds of times, you weird cumbrain mong. I'm seething now, prick. Well done
>found lots of family guy episodes on youtube
oh nonononononono I'm now going to sit here for fucking hours, every time I get pulled into this loop
maybe you should take a break from Yas Forums
because i do not post it all the time, i post it irregularly at weird times
i can answer your question
when i was making the corona image i posted a work-in-progress before i finished it, which is the image that op user saved for some reason
pls share frend
it's easy to get out of it lad, you just need to remember that Family Guy is shit
>I'm seething now
Welcome, my newest brother. We have such wonderful things to show you that will stoke that infernal hatred of yours, young Seether.
Why don't Brits make animated shows like Family Guy, The Simpsons or South Park?!
nice shower there. feels good mayn
one I'm watching now
thanks lad, I guess the moron just saved the wrong one accidentally
Plump Algeria
Samberg Romania
because they are shite but I cannot pull myself away from it
no need to call people names user that's not womfy at all
Answer me one question, are you British?
>Make any joke
>Get pilloried
It's why all British comedy is now dogshit now. I dislike Ricky Gervais but he has a good point on it.
Is he fuck.
Same with a lot of the shitty posters in here these days.
remember THIS classic lads?
youre in the wrong when trying to mix with brits, youre in the wrong otherwise
what do you want
Not him but, I already said fuck off. There's multiple images. You really have no idea do you?
i would give her a nibble
also just put fresh sheets on the bed. feels good mayn x2
love small perky tits
wtf is that?
Bet spamberg poster is the same fag that was posting about britain being 3rd world. Sure that fag pretended to be slovenian or something.
Must get cold out with that on tbqh
>what do you want
I want you to fuck off. You keep spamming shit in a general not meant for you.
I just hope that us womfylid wumpaposters and the seethers can make peace and unite against the forrin Samberg menace.
seen Monkey Dust la?
also anyone remember 2DTV?
Monkey Dust should be /britfeel/'s nominated series. that or Brass Eye or Jam
Fuck that lad the seethers must go
greatest british animated show was Monkey Dust, simple as
old greybeard
and do you want me to hand you over the keys to orthanc and make you master over the place?
agree there lid, could start doing monkeydustposting. I have all three series on my HDD, cba to sit through screencapping stuff though
>cba to sit through screencapping stuff though
I feel ya
Was 2dtv the one that took the piss out if George Bush and David beckam? I remember liking it especially the George Bush segments
If HHL were half as good as you lot fellate him to be then he'd be bullying that Romanian spammer until he left
God knows he's the only poster capable of boring someone into leaving
im from britpol you spastic and im wessex not romanian
agree la,
having some cottage pie tonight lads
Chunky dumb slag qt on the chase lads
Yea think so lid, I was a bit too young to properly remember it though, just remember it being an 'adult' cartoon that was on tv
>reverse image
>darth vader
heh, who is this though?