Do you ever get used to how we talk to each other on Yas Forums and accidentally talk like that around normalfags?

Do you ever get used to how we talk to each other on Yas Forums and accidentally talk like that around normalfags?
>jokingly told a black acquaintance who was drinking from a water fountain that this water fountain is for whites only
>made fun of Jews and mass shootings to a bunch of normies
>made jokes about Mexicans to actual Mexicans
>made jokes about suicide around normies
>posting picture of vomit on a normie forum thinking there was nothing wrong with that and a mod deleted it

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user, if you keep revealing your power level to everyone then you risk lots of bad things coming your way

No. I'm old and I come here to talk like that. Its not a problem unless your entire personality revolves around this site.

I do not talk like that on Yas Forums, but conversely, I do talk in real life in a similar fashion to the way I speak on Yas Forums.

to a lesser extent, met up IRL with friends I made on here, we accidentally said nigger aloud a few times in a big american city we met up in and we tried to stop ourselves but like... yeah....

Oh yeah I said nigger to my friend one time and a black guy overheard me. He didn't say anything but he looked at me.
I used to tell girls that they were fat.

Normalfags sometimes made edgy jokes too, and I think my problem is I don't always see where they draw the line.

i also said the word faggot near some obvious tranny faggot on the metro

Yeah I have said faggot and queer around normies many times.

>made jokes about Mexicans to actual Mexicans
I do this at work all the time, my coworkers are pretty chill about it. And they make jokes about me being white. It's a good time, chill Mexicans are the best.

Pff i do that ALL the time ,
Now all my friends and classmates call me second hitler tho not in a bad way but just as a nickname

I called one Mexican friend a beaner and maybe a spic. I also said to another Mexican friend something like "I thought you people were all good at soccer."

I once made a joke about rape, at a bar, and one of the girls was a former rapevictim.

No, because I have a semblance of social awareness

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Gotta a green of that story? Sounds like it could be an interesting situation. Though if it was actual rape, she probably didn't say anything but a friend did?

Oh and another time I was making fun of his eye color (being Mexican he has brown eyes of course) and I said something like "It must suck having shit colored eyes."

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RVA, fuck off.

I can type it out.

>In a bar with friends
>have been talking to qt most of the night.
>Plebian friend mentioned gangrape is common among ducks
>I say: "Gangrape isn't that bad, 9/10 people enjoy it."
>qt looks mortified.
>Slaps me, calls me an asshole, and storms out.
>Sit there dumdfounded.
>Her friend said she got raped at her old boarding school, by a few lads.

Still hit it, after she came back though, and she actually apologized for overreacting. She did have cuts and scars allover, so the event probably traumatized her.


On the plus side it had a happy ending.

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Normie joke, normie ending, I guess

I used to go drink regularly with a few guys, they stopped inviting me because I made them uncomfortable with incest jokes

It sounds fun though. I'd drink with you

No, I usually cutepost/nicepost but in real life I am an antisocial angry person.

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How come a lot of Mexicans are ok with jokes, but if you make jokes around black people 9 times out of 10 they will freak out?

My close friends, who don't come on Yas Forums, make edgy jokes anyway, so it's not a problem. Although we're not 16 anymore so we don't run around saying "Niggers!!!! Jews!!!" because it's just not funny. I sometimes make dark jokes around normies at parties or at bars but I'm not autistic so I can usually pull it off, I've never been given weird looks. Gotta reign it in though, know your audience.

The thing is it used to be ok to joke about rape. That changed during the past few years.

you're a normie then
one lightsaber swing and you're dead like these younglings

Its too much effort to live a double life as a Yas Forums poster and a normie. I know some of my cousins post here and its a fun time referencing memes as subtly as we can. Overall, I wouldn't advertise that you post on Yas Forums just keep your cool and don't overdo it.

I have a based Chad friend who I'm not sure if he really posts on Yas Forums or not but he is totally ok with edgy humor and it's fun having someone IRL to be a massive edgelord with.

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Edgy Chads are the best.

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