Female dating pool

Which one of these boxes do you guys tick?

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none, like none for real and that's the case for many many men, this Twitter thread is just a way for mediocre women to explain their abysmal choices in partners

Unironically twitter is awful because it empowers women, which is why Yas Forums is so good

>tfw no emotionally distant manipulator bf

The porn addict thing is real though, most guys struggle with no nut November

I'm an "Emotionally distant manipulator" because if I'm actually myself, then women ghost me.

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Dating pool for men
>10+ body count sluts
>single moms
>absurdly picky women who want a rich chad but are mediocre themselves
>obese cows
>blue haired feminists with multiple mental illnesses

None of them. But I think people like me (in general) are somewhat uncommon.

There was a fembot who rated users here once. I got a B-

I oscillate between "sensitive" guy and emotionally distant manipulator.

>emotional labor
avoid anyone that says this shit like the plague bros

"sensitive" guys

Emotional labor describes being paid for an actual job with an emotional element, like receptionists being expected to be all cheery. What she's referring to is being supportive. What she wants is a relationship with a man sensitive to her emotional needs who has no emotional needs of his own.

None, but I'm largely outside the dating pool due to neetdom and autism

You could say the reverse for men

Come to think of it the majority of men fall under the category of sensitive or emotionally distant for women like this, the truth is that there is no way to make those women happy

When men support their women, that's just an expectation of the relationship, but if you DARE to make a woman support you in any way, then she'll bitch about having to do """"emotional labor"""" for you

None: Im the emotionally dead cynic. Also ugly to boot.

what's wrong the sensitive guy again? "constant emotional labour" is a literal description of a relationship
t. wahmen

It's funny she complains about some men requiring constant emotional labour when this is literally what every single heterosexual male has to deal with

Ironic because "smol traumatised gf" sounds like a sensitive girl who you have to perform constant emotional labour for

HAHA ON THE MONEY god I hate people who make those pages

Aspiring to be Narcissistic/sociopathic gym bro

>Porn addicts
Please, spare me. I know plenty of women that flick their bean as much as some dudes jerk their gherkin. And of course, I personally fall into "performative woke men who still treat women like shit", because I hate women, and though I hate women, I still use them solely for sex.

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>narcissistic (if not sociopathic)
i didnt know sociopathic was the comparative form of narcissistic

some women think they shouldn't *have* to do literally anything in a relationship and a man should not expect anything from them.
Like if a guy comes home from a really shitty day at work it is forcing 'emotional labor' on the women if they are *expected* to do something to improve his day.
They don't see relationships as a mutual set of obligations to another person, they see it as purely transactional.

1,2, & 4 reporting for duty.

Totes me.

back to r*bbit with you

>Abstaining from anything sexual for an entire month because of an Internet meme.
>Before that, abstaining from shaving and looking like a caveman because of an Internet meme.
Girls don't like followers.

before porn men would just rape women, be grateful you retards; if porn addiction is his only unredeeming quality then at least he isn't gay

>tfw sensitive, emotionally distant, "woke" narcissist

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The emotionally distant manipulator.
But I'm not a manipulator, I just don't care.

its been so long since ive been in a real relationship i could be all of these for all i know

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It was natural for men to feel the growing pains of the evolution of human society first; but it's really great to see women finally feel so isolated and hopeless too

None of those but I am a deadbeat NEET piece of shit so jokes on me I guess.