About to start this. What will I face in my journey?

About to start this. What will I face in my journey?

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Nothing worse than what you've done to others.

I didnt enjoy ds2 so much...
Few parts are nice, few bosses are iconic
Just jump to the 3 if u can

>Just jump to the 3 if u can
trips of bs
das 2 > das 3

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I literally can't play that one, even on a good run I just get bored and stop playing. You're better off on DS3 or Bloodborne

a lot of artificial difficulty compared to others in the series, but the atmosphere is incredible IMO.

I play soul calibur on a serious level, getting decent at literally any fighting game is more >hardcore than this shit

Ive tried playing darksouls 2, couldnt get into it, then tried bloodborne and couldnt get into it again

I just really cant stand people saying these games are the be all of hardcore when i got pleb filtered by them, while im really good at the actual most hardcore genre of game

fun for the first few hours, then impatience with poorly designed areas, lots of ganks, then just repetitive bosses

Don't waste your time on that shit man, there is so many fun games out there. It's an overrated piece of shit. Dark Soul's fans are just shit eaters. Some people will keep eating shit as long as it has a "dark souls" or "hardcore" label on it

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A lot of people will hate on dark souls 2 but I enjoyed it. Sadly I have been playing so much sekrio that when I go back to the other soulsborn games they just feel too clunky to me. I really like sekrio.

I really liked Dark souls 2 perhaps because I started with it but I think it's worth to play it

A good ride that's memed to be worse than it really is

a clunky mess i always tell people to skip it and play ds3 you won't really miss anything most of the lore in ds2 was retconned anyway

its a clunky mess i always tell people to skip it and just play ds3 most of the lore in d2 was retconned anyway thats why you see ds2 fags hating on ds3 so much

Take it slow, your i-frames and the speed you use items (Estus/Life gems) are tied to a stat called agility, level up adaptability early to increase it (or attunement if you're going to play as a caster.

Don't listen to the niggers that tell you to skip this game for the aids that is DS3, it's style over substance.

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Never been one for "hardcore" games or whatever. I play Vidya to escape my shitty life, not be challenged. I like my games challenging enough to be worthwhile, but not hard enough that I actually might lose. I used to play online a lot back in the days of Halo 3 and Reach, but stopped because I'm autistic with a temper. Got tired of raging and breaking my shit. So I haven't played against another human since. I play on easy or normal against AI and such. Again want the challenge of it being a worthwhile experience, but not hard enough to actually lose. Escapism is all I live for.

best pvp in the series

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Best pvp
Best fashion
Best variety to playstyles / weapons / spells
Best girl
Best DLC

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What I have found makes the game easier is to get the serpent ring +1 and then the great lance at the first area. Also, pick up the great club when you get to it.

absolute shit it's the worst of the series

This user is correct, Scholar of the First Sin is peak Souls albeit it feels quite different from the rest. A black sheep, perhaps an acquired taste, but in my opinion the pick of the bunch.

You'll face unprecedented viability of a range of builds and strategies meaning any style of play is viable, however maces and dark magic are objectively the most powerful. You'll also fight some walruses who are the game's first casual filter.

wondering this as well. About to beat Gwyn on DS1

>About to start this. What will I face in my journey?


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>About to start this. What will I face in my journey?
pure kino

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>absolute shit it's the worst of the series

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It would be a great game if hitboxes were on point and it werent a part of dark souls franchise.
But, play it for the DLCs. They are fucking great, maybe as good as ds3 dlcs

skyrims pretty good for that i think

that guy ffucks

>that guy ffucks
i really doubt that

>But, play it for the DLCs.
I think the bosses in these dlcs were harder than any boss from Dark Souls 1 and 3 and from Bloodborne.

Best PvP (thanks to great mechanics/tech and the best netcode in the souls series)