>be a communist and a faggot
>all my friends are through my political activity. spend all my time reading theory. cant leave communist group bc then would have no friends and 100% kill myself
>begin to lose hope in communism, think my friends are deluding themselves.
>in love with one of my closer friends, she is dating another annoying cunt. she cries all the time. had a million chances to get with her, didnt take them
>failing university, want to drop out, hate my course
>impulse to go full walden and live in the woods. have now deleted everything off my phone and and not responding to anyone.
any words of wisdom anons
Be a communist and a faggot
are you still a socialist or what? where do you fall on the political spectrum? personally i had the same issue myself, i got too embroiled in theory and realised that that isn't how the world works. i'm not a conservative, probably more of a socdem now but all my friends are commies who don't know anything about theory
>cant leave communist group bc then would have no friends
They weren't friends to begin with.
If my friends develop a political conscience different than mine, I wouldn't mind it as long as they don't change and don't talk about it 24h/24.
Better be alone than mindlessly following a group.
Realize that Karl Marx was right in his analysis of the capitalist system, but his solutions were wrong. Read Kaczynski's Industrial Revolution and It's Future, and then Anti-Tech Revolution. Also read Siege by James Mason.
You dont follow an ideology for the community that it gives you, but because you actually belive in it.
You sound like a middle class white kid thinking that being a communist is larping in twitter and taking selfies with marxism literature.
You were never a communist to begin with, you are just another petite bourgeois larping as a leftist.
You arent even a worker to beguin with, what the hell do you know even know about the reality of the working class? Hell, a big part of your post is crying because you didnt get laid with a thot you know.
You are a disgusting and soulless individual
yes im still a socialist. but the manufactured optimism of these people is off putting. I want to believe in god or something or else just go full blackpill commie
ty user this kind of thing is interesting to me rn but idk if its just a reaction to being too online as of late
very true user. not really MC tho & if i had to guess, from your post i would say you are also larping and deluding yourself. anyway, i decide what is true might as well pick one where I can havr community. god might as well be true if i want it to be, makes as little sense as the other options
The modern world is built around maximizing production, for the benefit of a few wealthy industrialists. Everything you've been taught is part of a large propaganda machine to keep you subservient to the system, and all conventional morality pushed by the mainstream media is based around on what is good or bad for the system.
Nations, cultures, religions and races and even FAMILIES must all be eliminated, because they lead people to have bonds stronger than their bonds of loyalty to the system. Through this lense it all makes sense.
sounds like marx, if you switch out modern for capitalist. you think socialism would be oppressive due to industrialisation?
What do you think about ethnonationalism?
despise it user
I work, study and live in a third world country. Belive me when I say I know why I fight for.
Im also a looser with few friends and I never saw a vagina in my whole life, but thats nothing compared with the true injustice thats its happening in this world.
Even if Im miserable my whole life, if my effort helps to make the world a bit more easier to live for everyone, it will be worth it.
No, the problem is that marxism tries to forge a united movement on too shallow ground. Cultures, races and religions will always be different, and hence there will always be conflict among them, and so to unite the workers of the world, their differences must be eliminated. All religions, all cultures and all races must be mixed together to form the grey mass which is the workers. Now, since this is already happening, marxists don't need to do it themselves, but it is a prerequisite for the global marxist utopia. Marxism therefore builds upon a system set up by capitalists, the system where difference is eliminated, and in this way, marxism can be said to be REACTIONARY.
The goal is to totally break this paradigm, and that is why I am a national socialist. I do not hate any other peoples, cultures, religions or races, but I do realize that in order for us all to coexist in perfect harmony and unite ourselves under one flag, all of our individual differences must be eliminated, so that a worker in Sweden and one in Nigeria act, look and speak exactly the same. This is impossible for me to support.
Therefore I stand both against the capitalist exploitation of the workers, AND against the marxist elimination of differences in the working class, and instead embrace a position of resistance against the system of destroying history and culture which underlies them both.
I respect that user. are you in a particular party?
Why? Bringing in other populations into countries turn them against each other and just makes the working class harder to exploit
Based and true.
For this reason I am NS. The most reasonable and based political position.
user you misunderstand marxism. marx says nothing on mixing races being essential for socialism. the idea is that national and racial conflicts are continued and exacerbated by capitalism. big monopolists want to dominate so carry put imperialism. white britons are oppressed by capital, but capital encourages their racism to distract from class. you sit across from the capitalist, you have 1 cookie and he has 9. the immigrant beside you has none, but the capitalist tells you he is trying to steal your cookie. when communism is achieved there is no material need for racism so it will wither away
The biggest communist party in my country is a shadow of its former self, mostly an old bad joke that belives in nothing more than worshiping old idols.
So Im part of a small local socialist movement.
Its also mostly wealthy uni students trying to find something to belive in, but at least we also help poor people and those having a bad time, not only arguing about theory and chasing elections that we will never win without selling our ideals.
the issue is not the immigrants coming in but the capitalists encouraging racism and a lack of leadership of the WC to point out it is capital and not immigrants causing our suffering
based user. keep up the good work comrade. I envy your determination and tenacity
I have more in common with a worker from another country than with a millionaire from my own.
Race obsession and nationalism are inventions of the elite, to form a sense of identity with the mass (when in reality, theres almost none).
The tension between different peoples is inevitable without ethnostates. If the peoples live separately in their own country, racism can't be used to divide the workers
>Race obsession and nationalism are inventions of the elite
They use those things as tools but it's not like you can just wish those things out of existence. In a diverse country, those things can divide countries but in ethnostates it will just help strengthen the sense of community in the country. The idea of having ethnostates for every people is in no way bad for the working class.
Marx doesn't no, but it is necessary. And; you have missed my argument. I believe the capitalist should be struck down, and then we should sort out how we split 9 cookies among ourselves.
But let us ignore this theory and look at the reality. Capitalists today are clearly and obviously against discrimination. Just look at what the mainstream media says; are these huge multi-billion dollar megaphones of capitalists and industrialists, praising discrimination and racism? No, they are denouncing these modern carnal sins, because division between the members of society causes economic damage.
Also, do you believe that workers will rise up as soon as all difference is eliminated? The bourgouise works hard every day to promote racemixing and abandoning traditional morality, culture and religion. Why would they attempt to remove differences and individual identities of the workers if this would make revolution more likely? Please answer my questions and do not dodge them, I'm interested in your viewpoints.
Maybe you're just autistic and cannot imagine living among people that look different?
join the alt right, they'll be your friends
Where people look, speak and act differently, and do so in clearly defined groups, there will be conflict.
There are two solutions to this: The first one is to forcefully eliminate all differences by using propaganda (racemixing advertisments, childrens cartoons and articles about how wrong racism is) and force (discrimination laws, hate speech). This is the one capitalists today are using, and it is not a good one. It erases and already has erased thousands of years of culture; what happened to Germanic culture, to Bantu culture, to (south) Korean culture, or to Roman culture? They are all gone and replaced, or at the most mixed up with global consumerism. Is this a good thing, marxists? The destruction of thousands of years of heritage?
The second solution is to establish ethnostates.
There is no third option; groups can not "coexist" peacefully for an eternity. Eventually cracks will form; and then comes bloody civil war which puts the Yugoslavia conflict to shame.
Culture is a human construction. All of us are different for one reason or another, education will always be the tool that builds society, so that we can respect that differences, while at the same time making others respect yours (as long as all of them arent antagonistic to the whole of course, because those must be fought).
In equal social conditions, a white, a brown and a purple kid will develop in similar ways. Giving each of them a good and fair chance to build a life will always be the aim.
Communism is international, we will never defeat big capital as long theres as a majority of the world allows its explotation. Stalinism failed, it only works in dystopian 1984-wanna be states (and if someones want some of that, please go see China to see that ends up).
Its not user.
Im a greatly flawed individual, theres days Im barely able to get out of the bed, I already tried to kill myself multiple times. By any kind of measure Im a failure.
But society is not changed by super humans, but with the small effort of lots.
Life sucks, Im the first to say it, but we have to fight to make it better, even when all is dark and our influence is small.
Have heart, fight for what you truly belive, even if against odds (and when this wasnt the case?)
And this is why I can't stand you. The only way those kids can grow up in equal conditions is if they grow up in ethnostates as majorities. If one of them belongs to the majority race and culture, and the other one the minority, their social conditions will be different.
Read my posts about the two solutions to this problem, which one do you choose?
Do you want to destroy all cultures on this earth for one monolithic culture based in degeneracy, or do you want to preserve them as unique?
>be a communist and a faggot
Nothing else to see here boys
This was me few years back except I was Fascist. I kind of just slowly faded out of the group, but unlike you from the sounds of it, I had a core group of friends before and after. So though my friend group got much smaller still have few people to speak to. Like you I became disillusioned. Facistism relies on great men, and those are few, even if there is one, when he dies it'd all go to shit. All systems are garbage, just comes down to your personal preference. So really none of it matters, I gave up and have mostly entirely removed myself from poltics altogether. It's all bullshit and none of it matters.
yea you're definitely autistic if you reply with 3 paragraphs worth of text to someone calling you autistic.
Also yugoslavia experienced the most peaceful period during Tito's rule. After that the imperialist powers all began to finance and organise the old nationalist/fascist movements in order to undermine the success of a pan-slavic state.
By your stupid black and white of seeing humanity, only one, but based in degeneracy my ass.
You can think whatever you want, but if this goes against the will of the whole or against the rights of others, then its societies duty to correct it (like being a racist piece of shit).
And there will always be difference between people (a short and a tall guy will have their own different problems because of their height) but you work through them, not build stupid lines just to strengthen this differences.
-capitalists dont promote social liberalism because it benefits capitalism to have a united population. in fact that is what they want least, if they are intelligent. the reason you see woke adverts like gillet dove etc is bc idpol is popular and libs feel like they are doing activism by buying something. this is a contradiction arising today (dialectics, baby). ultimately though when it comes down to it this idpol is meaningless and does nothing to advance liberation of oppressed peoples
-i believe that racism will end after capitalism does
-you are correct that captalism seeks to destroy tradition and religion. in fact marx makes this rxact point in the communist manifesto. for better or worse, thats whats happening.
-they are not seeking to eliminate differences. these differences are inextricably linked to dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. only with class solidarity can we fight racism and nationalism, not with impotent divisive idpol