Licking the feet of a girl must feel like heaven

licking the feet of a girl must feel like heaven

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Sucking a girl's tongue must be better

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>imagine being a foot fetishist and not immediately kys
why? WHY?

Because its the best fetish possible
girls love it once they've tried it

Yeah, its pretty cool. usually when shes jerking u off at the same time, but it gets boring maybe i do with my horrible ADHD it does.

I dunno user, this is not doing it for me

She's beautiful, anymore? Name? Source? I'd lick anything on her she wanted to have licked...

I have done it a few times, ask me anything

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is it as good as i think it is?

Honestly, probably not. But it's still enjoyable and you should try it.
The first time you get her feet infront of your face and you're free to touch them and lick them, my heart was jackhammering and my dick was getting diamonds.

After about 10 minutes though you'll calm down alot and realise there's just not a whole lot to it.

That being said, girls are absolutely into it.
The girl i was seeing taught me how to do foot rubs properly and now she'll call me atleast once a month asking for a foot massage while we talk about work and stuff in our lives.

I hate seeing qt girls doing feet shit.
This webm could be a qt girl having vanilla sex, but its all about a dude licking the qt girls feet.

You ruin everything.

unless she doesn't jerk your cock off while you do it you are a big fucking simp mate. a wimpy white little bitch.

Well.. Yeah, we are on Yas Forums after all..

It really isn't. Girlfeet taste and smell disgusting. Doing foot stuff irl for the first time after fantasizing about it for many years was the biggest letdown of my life.

>girls love it once they've tried it

Really? I've always been terrified to bring it up, how do they normally react and how should it be brought up?

ok feet are nice to look at and play with but there's this rest of the girl right RIGHT OVER THERE attached to it

Start with foot rubs they're socially acceptable
once you've done that let her know you like her feet
should be good from there

alot of girls are self concious about their feet so be sure to give her lots of compliments about them

>once you've done that let her know you like her feet

How exactly? This is the real worry for me

How sexual is it though?

When you're giving her a massage just tell her she has cute feet

dont permafuck yourselves like i did anons, read on below 2 find out why

it's hard not to

this is rlly scary. have only ever jacked to feet shit ever. 10+ years since discovering porn at 12, am otherwise KHHHV and have only glancing interest in any other female body part. if feet turn out to be bad irl then there is nothing left for me, let alone the hypothetical girl

the only hope i have is one user said he had the same experience as me but then irl everything was different and it functioned normally. kind of can't believe this tho

if you are reading this stop dwelling on sexually impure thoughts and STOP watching porn RIGHT NOW

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when you finally get a gf, she will condition you to like her other parts dont worry

I didnt fap to tits until I was 22
got a girlfriend and she liked having me suck her nipples so she sort of fixed me

It depends on the girl in question, but just own it if it comes up "Yeah girls feet really turn me on too" or something like that.
She'll probably say something like "Oh.. really user? I didn't know that" Then she'll probably ask you what you like about them because they are genuinely curious.
Then later on you'll probably get the "Hey user, you know how you said you like feet.." speech and the rest is history.

Well for me im getting to rub and kiss a qt's feet so im rock hard the whole time and cum buckets afterwards.
For her she gets to lay back getting a free foot massage and someone to listen to her rant about different stuff for an hour. That's a very attractive deal for most women.

That isn't really clear enough though. How do I go from rubbing her feet to kissing them & sucking her toes?

>Then later on you'll probably get the "Hey user, you know how you said you like feet.." speech and the rest is history.

What do you mean?

Also how would I proactively bring it up? I can't just rely on the topic of foot fetishes randomly coming up on her end...

by letting her know you like them after she realises she likes getting her feet rubbed, which means she will then ask you to do it more often

once you've done it afew times ask to smell/kiss them when you're doing it

just let yourself go, get way more into it than a normal nofeet person would, get them really close to your face etc, make it obvious

girls are really intuitive w this sort of thing so u shouldnt have to beat her over the head

how do people this autistic have a gf while the rest of us dont

Feet aren't bad at all, you'll still have a fetish after you do it.
What i meant by was, when you're watching porn and horny as hell you probably are imagining licking girl feet to be an intoxicating bliss of which you cannot imagine.

And while you'll certainly have a great time licking real feet there's certain reality that sets in after 10-20 minutes like "Is this really all there is?" your expectations drop a little thats all.
And then there's the girlfeet aftertaste which stays with your for a week.

I don't know what your relationship is with said girl but for example shes reading a magazine or watching a commercial and a barefoot woman is in it you could say "Oh that girl has nice feet" nonchalantly, she might turn around and say "Really? You like feet? What do you think of mine?"

>What do you mean?
Basically once she knows you're into feet shes going test you by teasing you because she wants you to play with hers.

>the girlfeet aftertaste which stays with your for a week.
explain this

next hes sucking on her penis